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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. I think that you may have been right after us, as I saw the people playing hockey on PS2 in the tent behind us.
  2. Another ESPN statistic... Everytime the celestial moon is in the southeast sky in a chinese year when the animal is a farm animal, Hockey East sucks
  3. We were in a green tent...During the night I actually was up towards the front hanging out with some friends of mine that were up there. I think we were about 75 feet or so from the West entrance to the parking lot. Were you ahead of us or behind us?
  4. 1. Minnesota 2. NorthDakota 3. Minnesota-Duluth 4. Colorado College 5. Denver 6. St. Cloud 7. Mankato 8. Wisconsin 9. Michigan Tech 10. Anchorage Final Five CC over Denver UND over UMD (No, it won't happen again ) UM over CC UM over UND (We'll let them have it...we get the NC)
  5. I'm surprised to see that Berkhoel and McElhinney have the same number of votes. I need to see how he responds to the losses of the several All-Americans and two Hobey finalists (including the winner) in front of him. He really didn't impress me when I saw him play, but maybe they were jsut bad games.
  6. Note to early people, REA did realize that printing the tickets delayed the process. They changed it rather quickly and allowed us to just drop off our slip and let them print them out later and come and pick them up in a week or so. All in all, it was a lot of fun and I wish I had gotten there on Thursday, not only to get my seats sooner, but to party another night as well. Baker did a great job organizing the whole thing (if he did). I still like GA better, but this doesn't seem so bad in hindsight.
  7. Yeah, they need to stop that...why can't we get more of the Minnesota hotties??
  8. I remember that my freshman year, there were people calling pet stores to see if they had any gophers for sale. The pet stores refused to sell to anyone with Sioux stuff on, because of what they just knew would happen to them...TFF.
  9. Isaac Reichmuth. Everytime I saw him play last year, I was impressed by his play. Teams would let loose great shots, and out of nowhere comes Reichmuth to make an incedible save. An argument can be made for Berkhoel as well. I've noted that some people have been quick to discount Cam Ellsworth. Ellsworth is as good a goaltender as I've seen, and definately played a huge part in Tech beating us 5-2 last year. He has the ablility to steal a couple of goals a game from you. HKNTSMN...I'd love to see Ranfranz back this year, as well. He had some impressive outings last year, and I hope he can bring something else to the table.
  10. It wasn't REA that did this...it was the Athletic Department. I agree in that I wish there were some sort of priority system for people that have had season tickets the past two years, etc... Oh, well...the hockey gods smiled on me and my friends...250th in line for tix(not including those buying seats for friends)...Section 108, Row C, Seats 18-20 (exactly where we wanted) It was being dubbed Hockeyfest '03 at Englestad. Last night was one big party. Even the team came out to show their support and appreciation for the fans lining up so early . 50 1/2 hours after I got there, my tickets were in my hand (well sort of)...well worth it. Where's everyone else at?
  11. Just checking real quick before I go to work...we're about 75 ft. from the west entrance to the parking lot. I have a feeling we won't get our seats. Forecheck, you said you were with a huge group...does it by chance include Ryan Ellison. If it does we're the ones that sat in front of you guys last year...care to help us out ??
  12. Walsh...I think they put a small fire depatrmemnt next door. So they'd only have to walk across the street. That said...you all know that The Nation (West) is where it's at now (especially when I lived there). Good ole' suites 311 and 113...ya heard.
  13. He's baaaack. Missed ya bud. Might be interesting. I like the green ones the best though. BTW...congrats on your CFIA ride!!, let the job hunting begin (just don't forget me when you're flying right seat for your pop )
  14. Shouldn't this go in the "Random Thoughts of Happiness" thread
  15. I think this was how it was last year. I hope I get my seats too, there are people camping right now as we speak...I'll be there tomorrow.
  16. Thank you. Don't worry, my friends and I will be getting prime seats, the "sit there and watch" pansies around us will have to deal with us real Sioux fans.
  17. Damn...I'm gonna miss the little guy. I hope there are a few more people than what's listed, but how many do we really need to beat the Gophers, it's not like they're good or anything
  18. Damn straight, I didn't freeze my ass off every game last year just to lose my seats because REA didn't give me enough notice to get the weekend off of work. I've earned it. Plus a friend can pick up the ticket for me anyways, so it's not like someone else would get the seat.
  19. Not for us...but we shall have them soon enough
  20. Some of my friends are going to be there late saturday, then I'll meet them there after I get off work at 11:30 or so. It's almost time........I can hear the intro music now
  21. I agree with getting rid of the shiny ones. I don't know what kind of material it is, but my high school JV team had pretty good fabric that was comfortable made by CCM. I'd also like to see the UND logo with the flame in the D on the shoulder instead of that ND. I also think that they should put white or black in the bottom of the green sweaters, instead of green like the other two. Just my opinion....
  22. I'd like them to stay the way they are, but if they are going to change I'd like to see the Green sweaters at home and the white ones away.
  23. Even Canisius and Ohio State could be contenders if they did this....well, maybe not Canisius
  24. Found one!!!.....wait no, that's a cloud.............
  25. I'm pretty sure Panzer had the "C" all year. Can't remember who had the "A's" or if maybe Karl had the other "C" for part of the year. Bayda, maybe.
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