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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. I'm not seeing where having FBS experience is the end all be all indicator of a good coach, as has been alluded to in some recent posts. Did Beau Baldwin, whose Eagles just walloped us, have that sought after FBS experience before taking the helm at Eastern Washington a few years ago? I think he's a pretty good coach. I don't believe so. I thought he came from Central Washington? I'm reserving comment on our coaching situation, but the only argument that I can't quite follow, is that having some sort of history in FBS, automatically makes you a better coach. I'm not particularly sold on that philosophy.
  2. I'm excited about this, should be a great atmosphere. It would be great if we got some great momentum with an upset win over Portland St this weekend to carry into this game.
  3. Uhh, I hate making excuses, but the fact that the snap was caught well above Blair Townsend's might just have an effect on a 40 plus yard field goal attempts timing. Zeb's been pretty good to us more often than not...I'm at least willing to give him a pass on that one. It's one thing if he drives it too low on a 25 yard chip shot and the snap was perfect, but again I think we should remain confident in what Zeb brings to the table.
  4. Also, in regards to the red headed step child reference- I don't see it. Especially, in regards to football- maybe the basketballs might have an argument in that, but even then, I'm not so sure. In fact I feel they have continue to try more and more avenues in getting things going for football. As it's been shown, hockey pretty much takes care of itself. It has always appeared to me that the emphasis has been on football. If what you are saying is correct then...everyone in athletics is dense because evidently...according to you -they fail to realize this. Wow, well I must say, my eyes have been opened- it's clear no one over in athletics has any idea what they are doing (sarcasm).
  5. Maybe you and I have a different understanding of what constitutes a "major" marketing campaign is. What is it that you exactly have in mind? Because when I turn on the tv or a radio, I've seen ads, I've heard spots. They have a Coach's show where it's far more interactive and they are now giving away tickets for events. What other things do they need to do, marketing wise, that would appease you?
  6. Yes let's fill it up- but it was certainly the biggest game held at Alerus in a long time- and yet the students didn't pick up their full allotment of tickets. Secondly, I know they've reached out to all UND organizations because when I go to boosters and visit, those are the type of questions I ask from the department. The only issue I have with anything I mentioned above is the let's run a discount for this or a discount for that. I can't help it if my nephew (wife's side not mine) and his fraternity buddies don't ever go. It sounds as if its there loss. In running a business- do you feel your product is of value? If you do, why should you discount it all the time? That makes no sense. What is with the constant capitulation to give things away that have value for free or greatly reduced prices? People have plenty of chances to get exposed to UND football without giving discounts on tickets. They can see it on TV, and say "that looks fun.... why don't we go check that out", it could be as simple as one student leaning over to another before the start of class and saying "are you going to the game on Saturday- you should." Ticket prices- and trust me I know because I had to buy some walk-ups for the in-laws who were in town this weekend- tickets are not at all expensive. I'm sorry it makes no sense to discount. If you want a true discount buy season tickets, they are at a ridiculously low rate. Sometimes the fans or potential fans have got to figure it out for themselves. You can't hold their hands for every little thing. As it's always easy to direct why the game wasn't sold out at the Alerus Center, on the Athletics Department, I'm going to go a different direction and actually compliment them. If the Tailgate Village was initially envisioned to be a bustling area of activity on game day, then that's just what they got with it, this past Saturday. It was just amazing out there. Great job- it was awesome in that area. Which reminds me about the conversation I had with a person from another program in the Big Sky recently. Their words not mine "UND does just about everything better in regards to marketing, gameday development etc already when compared to it's Big Sky brethren." Again their words not mine. Can UND constantly improve? Yes, but I don't see a complete an utter failure of the department that some of you seem to. Regarding the banners, when I go to boosters I will ask someone from the Athletics Department about that next time I see them. Maybe there is a logical explanation. One never knows until you ask. But it is a good question, and from what I've found no one from within athletics has ever not been good enough to answer those type of questions before. And it is a good question. But I would be surprised that it's some grand conspiracy.
  7. I think we will win if... We go out and get a lead. triple option teams aren't necessarily designed to go rally from a couple of scores down. It tends to make them uncomfortable when they can't control the clock and call the game they want to. Conversely, if UND were to fall behind by a score, at least this years offense appears to this point to be diversified and balanced enough to put a rally together. I remember just inept we looked in this game last year offensively, and it amazes me how different we look this year.
  8. So some gay looking devil, with a trident- bringing forth a sandstorm is supposed to get me jacked? Thanks, but I'll pass. I think if the student body took it upon themselves and decided to do something like singing- 7 Nation Army would be pretty neat- but the students would have to take it upon themselves to do- they could do it at anytime- heck while the other team had the ball even. Students at Wisconsin stay through the 3rd Quarter, why? Because of Jump Around, it's unbelievable...something like that would be cool too- but again it would take the initiative of some student leaders to reach out to Marketing. I've seen the marketing people at boosters, I asked them how many students are pro-active in coming up with ideas...response "not nearly enough" As I was told and I believe them, "when students come up with something themselves that's when things really take off, we've come up will a great deal-(they listed many things) but when the students take ownership of an idea, that's what really works." I think they (marketing) are right. Until our students want to take ownership, then things will not improve. As I've posted before- I actually think the video looks good- unfortunately the sound in the Alerus is not good.
  9. I can't believe I'm responding to this but "how would you know how Mussman motivates his team? Are you in the locker room? meetings? every practice? I can't say that I know. I certainly can't say that I know how Bohl motivates as compared to Mussman, how would you know that? Or is this conjecture?
  10. laziness is a character flaw, one where it may prove that it led to fraud in maybe as few as 1 instance to as many as 8. Listen, from what I've gathered those that hold up convenience stores for a mere $30, are often lazy too. But when it comes time to get money rather than get a job, they go hold up a a store. The 2nd thing is, the democratic process as flawed as it is with today's Washington politicians- you would like to think a person who seeks out the job opportunity for that role of getting the petition signatures would understand the importance and magnitude of the job. If they don't want an important job, I'm sure there are some out there. The easy thing to say is go flip burgers at Mcdonalds, but I'm not going to throw that out there because the person who does that job, probably feels it's important and aims to do a good job. As of right now, it appears that a few or all of these players couldn't even give the job the respect and discipline that was required. But again, I do feel that Coach Bohl, and Gene Taylor have gone down a slippery slope here. It disappoints me, not because I'm a UND fan, but because I'm a fan of North Dakota, and this just makes us look bad, when the people in charge start to operate in a less than consistent manner. And that's really what it is...they are not acting consistent from the way they have handled one misdemeanor to another. My argument is that depending on a person's perspective- fraud could be viewed as heinous as exposure. I do, it's too bad that the leadership at NDSU doesn't at least consider it. But I guess I've got to give them a pass, they've got a big game coming up. And really, that's what it's really about. I guess your right, maybe I should cut NDSU some slack on this, because after football what does NDSU really have down there? If they lost a football game what would people think? I would think a lot more of them, if leadership wouldn't dance around things, I can tell you that much.
  11. wow are you sensitive? Good grief. I did notice- as I wiped the lenses off, and that was great. But did you notice that they were there last year in force for game one against Drake as well? And the numbers kept dropping off for every game there after. I'm just stating fact. That has been a trend. I for one will have to see if the trend will change. I hope it does. I for one will wait to see it change on a regular before patting everyone on the back.
  12. If the more than 15% of the students would stay until the start of the 4th quarter. I might be inclined to give them a break...but that's the problem over the last 5 years, I've given the students a break time and again, about their excuses for not coming to this and not coming to that. If you are a student and are on a tight budget...be one of the 1900- I assure it's not that hard. I would be shocked if you didn't have until Thursday to pick up those tickets. Unfortunately, I honestly think that the students have more money than I do- when they open up their wallets at the bar- they tend to be far fatter than mine. So if you procrastinate it's a penalty, because if that's a decider it's bush league, because I'm sure the Athletics department would prefer to have student fans- because they add to the atmosphere, but selling those seats at general admission prices $10 or whatever is a nice consolation prize. Now after all that, do you want to know what I really think will occur. I think in the end it will be a non issue. Not even close to 1900 tickets will be picked up and so the point will be moot. Honestly, it's sad. Why? Because that has been the MO of the student body recently....come out to the first game. Continually disappear for the rest of the games during the season. I hope that is not the case, but they haven't surprised me much lately. Come out in droves use the entire allotment of tickets, and have a basis for an argument, until then. Why worry about it until we have to cross that bridge.
  13. See, I look at it wayyyy differently. You seem to think that seeing a peepee is that big of deal. I honestly think society get's way to worked up about genitals, you've seen one you've seen them all. Granted we should have laws in place to discourage everyone from doing it from the standpoint that it would get a little old if everyone was doing it. But, fraudulently signing names is entirely worse if you ask me. It shows real character cracks, if a legal adult can't determine that fraudulently signing someones name on a petition is wrong. It shows that you have character issues, and really can you be trusted? What's next for that person, signing someones name or forging a check. If you ask me it's a far more slippery slope. But character reflects leadership and we are quickly learning that Coach Bohl & A.D. Gene Taylor's character is not much better than that of these young men. You can really tell they are reaching to distinguish Mr Jemison's offense as opposed to what these 8 have done. Apparently, Mr. Taylor is very offended by penises. Not so much in regards to premeditated fraud. But let's face it...it's a big game and NDSU needs to win, so to Coach Bohl and Gene Taylor the solution is easy. They are carrying out the chant from Bad News Bears Breaking Training...Let them play, Let them play, Let them play.
  14. Ah yes, the old word...acoustics. That is a tough one in that building. I found it incredibly hard to understand as well, but I'm not too sure it was because it wasn't loud enough or too loud. Too loud and you get indecipherable echo, too little and no one can hear it over the ambient noise. I thought the video and intro was a good concept. Two separate videos one based on legacy, then the shot of the team working they way from the locker room to the tunnel... then the other video set to launch our team onto the field. I very much liked the concept. I thought the music worked for the videos. But I'm old.
  15. Certainly, the transition was no fun. Its hard to get too excited about playing the Chicago States of the world for the 10th time of the season. But finally its over and we will have a schedule where we will begin to establish histories with the teams withinthe conference- that will help get fans young & old alike to begin to attach themselve's to these new opponents. I definitely do not and will not miss doubleheaders. Its so much easier especially with a family, to dedicate 2& 1/2 hours to go to one game as opposed to 5 hours for 2 on a Thursday night. Now with with the men at home and the women on the road or vice versa I know that I can make my weekly rountine to include trips to The Betty every Thursday & Saturday. Maybe I'm showing my age but I'm a big fan in life of routine. If anything- I'm hoping this new set up for a schedule will help with attendance not hurt it.
  16. +1 Honestly, what I'm seeing from their advertising now is a radio and tv campaign-(the traditional media) I've caught ads on both- multiple times on multiple stations. Many times I've seen them or heard them at home in the eastern part of ND, and some while I've been working out west. These are very traditional and should reach the 40 plus age group of people. I see UND Athletics trying to utilize the social mediums such as facebook & twitter as it seems to be what a great many people 16-35 have gone to when it comes to responding to marketing. I'm not a big user of Facebook & Twitter, but again I'm long gone out of that age group- but I can tell you we are certainly more than aware of those platforms when it comes to considering advertising for my business. You have to be in today's world.
  17. Just read this a week or so ago. I wouldn't imply that the Presidents of the institutions that comprise The Horizon as taking this view point. But it is being talked about, by a variety of journalists and bloggers. http://www.springfieldnewssun.com/springfield-oh-sports/wright-state-university-raiders/commentary-horizon-league-cant-win-with-ncaa-1384500.html If it was 3, as this writer would like...would the likely candidates be Oakland, IUPUI, & IPFW? Granted that may be a long shot for it to happen, but if it does, what happens to The Summit?
  18. Well what has been overall a fairly enjoyable experience. Discussing UND sports on this thread with both people who share the same views and trying to be respectful of others opposing views--although I don't always succeed. This opening post on this thread disgusted me so much, that I think I'm going to take a good long break from this site for awhile. I really find a post like that to be deplorable and reckless...and I will tell you why in a moment. I guess I have far better things to do than slop around in this mud. But since this is going to be my last post I would like leave with some final thoughts. And since this is going to be my last post...I'm going to make it a fairly lengthy one. Wow, where do I begin..... I agree with some that this is either a post from a player or a parent. I will tell you why I, and I repeat why I feel that this was unnecessary. First off, lets address the issue of being so worked up about how players are notified of if they were traveling for road games. I honestly don't know how they do it... but if it's by text, I simply ask, how do you communicate with young people now days? You text them, because they actually look at there texts and respond. Now you evidently have a big problem with this either as a parent or as a player. If you are a parent, my advice to you is to you is to 1. Butt out. 2. Butt out. & 3. Butt out. Listen this is college, the time of trying to influence coach's and protecting little Billy's or Suzie's feelings should be over...what kind of kids are trying to raise here? Being the parent of 3, I realize this isn't always easy, but now that a few of my children have reached the age where they are now playing in youth basketball & hockey., I see parents of today wanting to be their kids friend more than they want to be their parent. At every turn parents are looking for confrontation and influence and it's just so embarrasing. Now if you're the player and have a problem with being notified by text and don't feel it's respectful enough- don't come on here and whine about it. I believe you should know where the coach's office is, go in and "say coach I need talk to you about this, I don't like being notified by text that I'm not traveling, I would prefer to be notified face to face" The point is you are not a child anymore, stand up for yourself and assert yourself, and if you want to be treated like an adult act like an adult. Don't go whining to mommy and daddy about, my feelings are hurt because I got a text that said I'm not traveling. Part of being in college is to grow up and learn how to handle things on your own. I'm not even saying that you shouldn't have a gripe about receiving travel arrangements via text messages. But handle it as an adult. There are people that are your age in war zones and they get orders to rush an entrenched armed opposing force- do they call their mommies and daddies to complain and for them to do something? I don't think so, reality check- if those men & women can have the gumption to go to their superior officers then you shouldn't have problem going to see the coach and lay out your issues. If you can't even do that then you've got bigger issues. At the end of the post that started this thread, the author goes on to say that this isn't rec ball anymore, and that they need to start treating these players with some respect. I will concede that this isn't rec ball anymore, but that is where my agreement ends. This is college, believe it or not-- it is about winning. And people are going to get there feelings hurt, and guess what not all players are going to be treated the same way....THAT IS REAL LIFE. DEAL WITH IT. I have actually heard stories over the last many years, that parents actually have the gall to call the staffs of either the men's or women's program to talk about... strategy or why their young suzie or johnnie is not playing more. Are you kidding me? Wow that is embarrasing. It's almost as if parents and players still think this youth, junior high or high school basketball. Do you think a coach like Bill Self puts up with any of that? Again having one child in the grand-am in GF this weekend you see these things. Honesly, I'm fortunate my kid does pretty well for his age but I am not holding any delusions of grandeur that he is going to play any college basketball. But let me illustrate this, picture because it played out the previous weekend with youth hockey almost in identical fashion. I'm sitting watching the game, parents many who I know are getting worked up because some official who is either a teenager or college student missed a call. Really? What is even the point of that. The kid is just trying to make a little money to take his girlfriend to the movies. But what's even more humorous is when a few of their kids get substituted for during the game...then the very low key grumbling starts..."oh why did he take little johnny or suzie out". I didn't realize that I kind of had this bemused smile on my face sitting there listening to this, until my wife pointed it out. Maybe I don't have the same perspective on this. Yes my kid starts, I rarely talk to the coach but when i have I have indicated many times that my kid doesn't have to start every game or any game for that matter, and don't worry about subbing for him all the kids need court time. I don't think that view is shared by most of my fellow parents. Many of today's parents are super sensitive and only want to be best friends with their kids. And it would appear that in the last 15 years or so, those kids are getting to college and what you end up with is what you get with the opening opening post in this thread. A person who, because they can't deal with things in an adult like manner by confronting the appropriate and necessary parties has decided to take the easier far more insidious route by posting anonymously to a fan message board. And yes, you can argue that I am anonymous too, but then again I would never post anything quite like that either. If I decided to, I have no idea why I ever would...but if I did, I would at that point drop the anonymity and put my name on it. Because, when it gets to that point you if you feel that strongly about your postion in regards to an issue such as this...then put your name to it. As I mentioned, when I came to this thread I was really dissapointed to read what I read. To the point that I've decided not to participate here for awhile. I need break from it. I'm a huge fan of all our sports programs, especially our basketball programs. Every college team has challenges within it's roster, ours is no different. But considering we have just been through the transition to D1, I tend to look at the positives. The winning seasons, the post season titles, all these have been tremendously valuable experiences for the players of our teams and I feel that it will help them with what will be the biggest challenge yet...The Big Sky.
  19. I believe I heard someone tell me that since 2000, there had been something like 24 institutions that had transitioned to D1. Of the 24 only 5 were able to ever have a winning record during any of their 4 transition seasons. We are one of the 5. And we had winning records during 3 of those seasons. Uh, no offense- but I kind of want to see what kind of players this staff can bring in with the ability to tell players "hey, you're going to get a chance to qualify fou the dance every year you r here.". The reality, is that this class-that is now the 5th year sr class- ask yourself this question... "when they were recruiting all these many years ago, how easy do you think it was then to sway a real quality kid to come for a 1 year shot at the tournament"? I'm sure they were hoping this class would be dominant, unfortunately it just hasn't panned out that way for a variety of reasons, whether it be injuries, just never flouished etc.. Now the I've felt they have brought some real quality since that class and it's shown in some good results. Have you talked to any of the players? Do you think they are satisfied? I would be shocked if this bunch would be. This staff has some work to do- I'm sure they know that. I'm sure they are hitting the road in search of one or 2 guys that can help make this team better. I'm not afraid to give credit to the staff in that they are professionals- and they approach their work as such. It seems to me Ole that you don't want to believe there is any professionalism and they are somehow not doing their job. I would have to disagree with that as I've seen some good glimpses during what will go down in the history of UND basketball as the most difficult it's ever faced.
  20. I realize that other d1 schools recruit there and have gotten talent there, but there are schools who have had their recruitment of some of those players questioned- of whether or not those kids were D1 talent. Turns out that talent has worked out andsometimes it hasn't. We got Aaron Anderson and hardly anybody was even on him, to my knowledge. From what I saw at the state tournament- there was some nice looking players, but there was a lot of blah too. First and foremost,I just want to see us get good players. I don't care where they are from- Buffalo NY, Milwaukee WI, Montreal, Ohio--honestly I don't care as long as they can play the game and are interested in getting this program better- they can be from Jupiter for all I care
  21. I was at the MN state tournament for one day- and there was a UND coach in attendance. Don't know if he was there for more than one day. Don't even know who he was looking at? Didn't even talk to him...why...because he was working. I believe Aaron Anderson is a Brooklyn Park Product. Nick Haugen was from Rockford. Mitch Wilmer is from Warroad and Brandon Brekke is from EGF. It seems to be hardly the case that they have ignored Minnesota. Simmer down francis.
  22. Also, tough beats happen in playoff hockey during the NCAA tourney all the time. I mean how do explain some of the teams that win the national title some years? You get hot at the right time...and believe it or not that can change from week to week at this time of year. I agree with those that say that winning the regular season conference title is far different grind than winning the NCAA tournament. I'm not saying more or less difficult- but there are a lot of odd bounces that can really effect one's fate in a short tournament...as we have seen over the last several years.
  23. That is a great question. This staff has done a great job of getting the players in position to go win big games. I'm in the camp with Coach Hakstol. Great Season guys. No Grimaldi (basically no Grimaldi), Couple of D- playing Forward, Miller-never even makes it to UND. All this team did, was not worry one bit about who they didn't have but instead worried about what each player could do. It's a bitter pill to end the season to the rodents, but sometimes that happens....congrats to them- nice game and good luck. Thanks for your contributions, Mario, Ben & Brad. You left a very good legacy.
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