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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. I can't believe that I'm feeding you, but to my knowledge, Dan Hammer is not involved in any manner of sales in regards to Midcontinent. And also, I've never known Tim H to have a significant role in sales, the last 15 years or so.
  2. Wow, what seems to be the problem? Having a bad day?
  3. I think its completely unwarranted after game one. An exhibition game no less. Also, Coach Brewster, said that he was going to rotate heavily for the first game, so I think some people assume her checking out of the game and assumes she's gassed when sometimes they went to the bench to look at another player.
  4. Eastern Washington beat Northern Arizona, which is shocking considering they were one of the best teams I've seen in The Betty this year, and Eastern Washington has been dreadful.
  5. Cal Poly 17 E. Wash 34 This score is wrong on the conference site, but then they don't even have our score. We must not be considered important enough to actually be included on the conference website scoreboard
  6. Wow, were any of us at the same game? Wall, didn't even play and I couldnt tell if she spent more time in the weight room...she was in street clothes. Secondly, I thought Evers, looked to be in far better shape coming into this season than she did a year ago. A great example of how much better she is moving was on a loose ball near the base line in the first half. She was the third closest of the players in the vicinity- she outquicked the 2 other players and then threw the ball off an opposing player before falling out of bounds, getting another posession. That is not a play she makes last year. I don't think Evers deserves that, were any of you at weights or conditioning this summer? I wasnt and I'm pretty sure none of you were there either, so how would anyone of us know to make comments like that. Also if you know who Ever's roommates are, I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised that she and her roommates are inseperable, so if one roommate was in the gym this year its a good bet that she was too. Wall, is our ace, but Evers, was superb in the tournament last year, but please don't let me stop you from tearing down one player, after one exhibition game. After all she offers is great depth and size to our lineup.
  7. Maybe and, that's a fair argument. There was no video board in the old Ralph, but they put one in when they built the new Ralph, and look at all the revenue sources they've managed to get out of it. Everything from commercials, to games- to slides. Everything has a dollar value. Now granted hockey has a far bigger audience, there's no arguing that, but a captive audience at The Betty is still an audience for a potential sponsor. If you had a video board you may not be able to charge as much for a spot as compared to The Ralph, but the important thing is that you would be charging something as opposed to charging nothing as you are now. Heck I'm not even saying you need a center hung, which I'm sure are not cheap. What about a huge flat panel that hangs below the current scoreboards at each end. Again, just an idea. At the very least change out the scorers table, I may be wrong but I think even UMary and Minot have electronic scorers table signage.
  8. I completely agree, honestly, we should want to grow the basketball product, but I'm not entirely convince that those at REA want to see that. A video board should be a priority and so should an electronic signage scorers table. For as many signage opportunities that generates revenue in The Ralph, they really short change The Betty. Isn't that what you want... is platforms for sponsors to reach a captive audience. You talk about an audience that is really untapped right now, I would say it's basketball, with it's lack of signage opportunities with the lack of videoboard and electronic signage scorers table. Considering it's been the same sponsors in there, it seems forever, it appears that no one is all that interested in building new partnerships. (I mean thank you to the sponsors that are already there and have been there...but what about seeking out new blood?) That's either lazy or it's done purposefully, either way its a disservice to our basketball programs if you ask me.
  9. I just got back from Bozeman and here are some observations that I had from yesterday's game and atmosphere. The Game- 1. The defense is what it is, I'm afraid and I don't see it improving much for the remainder of the season. They had Jablonsky and Finley leave the game with injuries. On our defensive front, you see guys like Benjamin and Brenneman, desperately trying to make things happen but you can tell they are trying with bodies that are only about 70% healthy. 2. Mr. Mackey, I realize that you made a big hit. But the scoreboard indicates that we are down by 4 scores and I seriously doubt that it will make up for the plays that were missed, so why strut around? Huddle up, get your kudos from your teammates in the huddle and get ready for the next play. We need to stop being about "me" and start worrying about "we". Oh yeah, and despite the hit, the guy still caught the ball and it was for a first down. 3. Why are we still letting opposing receivers have an inside slant on plays inside the 10 yard line? That has happened more than once this year. Lining up and understanding situations is junior high football, and the fact that it keeps happening is mind boggling. Opposing QB's and receivers must be laughing at being allowed the easiest pass and catch so close to the end zone. 4. Tackling, I realize that these schools have some talented backs, but there is no reason that a defender should tackle air as much as we do, or hit and fall away as much as we do. 5. I know many will disagree with me, as it has been a positive, and even though they've been a strength at times. Our wide receivers have got to get faster, with the exception of Greg Hardin, our receivers look slow...at least they did this game, very few times when they were in their break in their route had they created a cushion on their defender. If you are only marginally open, it makes it darn hard to complete a pass. Many of our receivers looked too easy to cover. Other Observations... 1. Their fans are deafening on 1st, 2nd and 3rd down when we have the ball. And guess what, it requires absolutely no verbal cue from a PA person to be that way. I was impressed. 2. The volume, their speakers-- when they play music, is very loud. It definitely adds to the atmosphere. 3. Because I know geaux_sioux talks about this a lot. I've felt fine with our video this year, I personally like it, but I know he wants one that pumps up the players more- but the players don't even see it as they are coming out of the tunnel at The Alerus. At Montana State their opening video, the same music that we use for ours. I think its from the preview of the Sherlock Holme's movies- they use the same one as their team prepares to run out of their inflatable Bobcat helmet, and their crowd loves it. Granted the music is much louder, but the cuts on the videos of big hits, catches, nearly mirror ours to a t. 4. Tailgating atmosphere- I was impressed with it but, honestly, where our tailgating is at now with Tailgate Village etc... I would say ours is good. Theirs stands out because of the sheer size and scope, but that's going to be the case when you have an a crowd that's somewhere between 16 and 20 thousand. I wouldn't say it's anymore special, they just have more people doing it, because number 1, they are one of the top teams in the country and their fans want to be around, and 2, each group of fans that tailgates has built it into their fall, Saturday tradition. That's really what it boils down to. 5. Our band accounted for themselves very well. I was glad to see they made the trip.
  10. Those type of scrimmages are extremely closed. Per the rules. I think we had South Dakota State here last year, and not even the bus driver could get into The Betty. I'm pretty sure that no media is allowed and only coach's, players, and officials are allowed. I'm not sure we will hear much coming out of it unless the coaching staff's divulge.
  11. 1. We play in the Big Sky- that's who we are going to be playing for the foreseeable future. 2. Again, I've been at Memorial in Wind, Rain & Snow estimated attendance- 2,000 people 3. Love to have a campus location- but that is going to cost money. I can't foot the bill for everything here 4. Food & Drink IS AVAILABLE at tailgating in Tailgate Village- you want pizza-they have pizza, you want barbecue-they got Dickey's, you want Ground Round they got Ground Round. 5. I don't see it competing with hockey as they usually don't go on at the same time. If there is competition, it's for the ability to capture people's disposable income on entertainment. That competition is always going to be there. ***Student's can buy their own tailgating spot in the regular tailgating area- but were provided a spot, because their biggest complaint it seems to be is that "we don't have any money" plus it's their own area. I didn't realize that the youngster wanted to hang out with us oldies anyway.
  12. I completely agree with you. A Sac St for instance can load up on Cal State Bakersfield and UC Davis (Home & Home) for non-conference basketball. They'll be in no hurry to go to 22 Conference games. Northern Arizona, could reach out to other schools in Colorado, Nevada, and Southern Cal, as well as their own state for non-conference. They most likely would want less than 22 games and avoidance of coming this way more than once every couple of years.
  13. I don't like divisions in basketball. I don't think it works. Other conferences have tried and found the same thing. The 16 Conference Game Schedule is too few- Honestly, 22 Conference doesn't bother me so much. Ask, any team in this area, SDSU, NDSU, UND how easy it is to schedule non-conference games...especially home non-conference. Talked to one of our assistants this summer and they said, its the same for everyone. No one wants to come this way, and secondly, our track records at home are very good, so teams know there is a chance they could get beat, so that also adds to the difficulty. I say the fewer non-conference games to schedule the better. Go with 22 Conference games- everyone plays each other twice.
  14. Here is an observation from last year. When Webb, was out of the line up at Western Illinois, we looked lost unorganized, we didn't defend really well, especially up top. We were a mess. When we were missing Anderson in the New Mexico game- we got beat, but we played well. Webb is very much a guy who can defend, can get others involved and has begun to realize when the moments for him to attack are as well...as evidence in the post season last year. Although I will say, I WANT, both Anderson, and Webb in our back court together. I felt they are tremendous tandem and they really compliment each other well.
  15. You got me there. I don't have any, well that's not entirely true, the kids have one, but I can't say I really play it. I agree with you on the comments part, honestly the way the season has gone, any win is a good win. I'm enjoying the win, messy at some times, at others very enjoyable. And in the end very satisfying considering the recent results.
  16. Don't you mean there are a lot of people who watch the games and "think" they know a little about football. Or better yet tell everyone what experts they are, because when attending a football game, I would agree there is a fair amount of those people at the game. Everybody is an expert.
  17. I would say that the booster luncheon is exactly the right place to announce whatever information you would like to, including pending discipline. It shows that he values fans many who are directly responsible with giving to support our athletics programs. I'm not going to criticize him for taking action, he simply told them, that it would be announced today. Would you rather he keep everything a secret like they do down south? Personally, I appreciate whatever information is given at the luncheons, thats why I go whenever my schedule allows.
  18. I too have family on both sides of this game. Bin, I too have difficulty contributing dollars to Fargo's Athletic department, but I'll get tickets. Maybe just like Fletch does to his ex's attorney Arnold J Pants- I should go up to Gene Taylor and ask him to open up his raincoat or better yet, perhaps I can ask for Gene's autograph for my money with the only stipulation that he please sign using another name.
  19. That would seem about right. I think we have the ability to be pretty good, but certainly need to improve from how we played during the transition years. We only had to beat the likes of NJIT, Chicago St, HBU, & UTPA, and Utah Valley- to be considered good in the past. Now we have to see how they perform in a conference with a few more top end teams. Especially with the grind of a far longer conference schedule. I believe they can be right there at the end. Should be fun.
  20. Agree with much of what you said with just a few subtle disagreements. Muss said last night on Coach's Show that they were down to 3 D-Backs due to injury going into the NAU game. My feeling is right now they don't have a lot of choices in that area even if a player is struggling. Who can you stick out there Molberg? I jest, but I think that's part of the problem. The depth, talent and injuries in our secondary have created an issue where there aren't a lot of solutions when a guy is getting torched. There actually always is group discounts for groups on tickets. Personally, I like discounts for groups- I just don't like giving things away, personally I think it devalues the product, and then you unfortunately condition people that's what they should expect every time no matter what. I'm in business, I know- i've unfortunately learned that lesson the hard way. Also, have to be careful giving away tickets to schools- NCAA rules. Not sure what they are but I'm sure there's always some rule or hoop you have to be aware of. I don't think it's a surprise to anyone- in that many of my posts regarding administration I tend to support the Athletic Director and the staff at Athletics. I believe he has been very positive for UND Athletics. Looking at the schedule shaping up for next year, it looks like they've put together a solid schedule, and I expect they will continue to do so. I'm sure Mr. Faison and his staff are aware of the recent scheduling developments at Minnesota. Their track record, at least to me, is that this has been a very attentive department. Great post I enjoyed reading it. I can tell there's still a lot of passion and fire about things. I would be concerned if it were anything but.
  21. Actually, we are on the road in Brookings taking on the Jackrabbits as well. It's a gauntlet of a schedule to start that is for sure.
  22. Exactly, last years team would have had no chance against this years schedule. About 50 percent of the time last season our offense was borderline inept ie. Sioux falls- uc davis. Our defense last year wasnt all that either, look at that South Dakota game, we just made enough plays late, plus they fumbled a late kickoff. Plus having Black Hills State, Sioux Falls, Montana Western on the schedule was good for 3 wins. Just because they finished with an 8 and 3 record doesn't mean that they would have fared any better against this years schedule. Especially, the D, we gave up 40 to a very average to bad Idaho team, heck even Northern Colorado who could barely score on their own shadow last season put up 25. I just think trying to use last years team to compare it to this years is going down the wrong path of comparison.
  23. I thought last year was suppose to be the year that we worked out the kinks? And this was the year that we punished people. As a fan who was really excited about this season- they've to me underachieved in the first 2 series. Their first 2 opponents aren't the cream of the crop of the league. People told me that Mankato showed they were a good team the way they played against Wisconsin, but my argument to that is this isn't the same wisco team of the last few years-they were hit hard by graduation. Honestly, i'm really surprised that we are 2 and 2 at this point. If you would have told me that would be our record after four games this year, before the season... I would have been a little dissapointed then, as i am now.
  24. Of course their student newspaper is already practicing revisionist history. At least with the headline, it's the headline that went to print as well. I find our misguided siblings to the south so hilarious. http://forum.siouxsports.com/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png' alt=':lol:'> http://www.ndsuspectrum.com/sports/bison-women-sweep-und-1.2924410#.UHd35a6Lg84 Perhaps they feel they can actually condition the masses at NDSU that it was they who swept and not UND. If their student body only reads headlines, they may inclined to believe it. That pretty sums up most of those who constantly feel the need to troll this forum. They are always about revising history.
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