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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. It was a close ball game at the half- there are no excuses for the students. It's embarrassing. The students have no case. Sell their seats to the general public.
  2. I love 91 Ford Explorers I've been told they get great gas mileage. That is a very good analogy. I think the Big Sky to be honest looks fairly stable. That's why it's been so appealing to me. While they've had a few members leave it's not like the what seems to be the constant shuffle of The Summit. The reality is that we all have pride, but down at the school to the south they seem to have ridiculous amounts of it. I don't ever see them considering another conference, even it would be a better choice. I just don't see their pride allowing that...in my lifetime anyway. I do think that the Big Sky should continue to look to expand, and honestly all the Dakota schools make the most sense- but pride is the thing that will stand in the way of it ever becoming reality.
  3. Actually, I completely agree with your argument on attendance as it tends to be mine as well. It is logical and practical to ask those questions. Actually, when I've watched the womens game I get frustrated with the stick work and obstruction because body checking isn't allowed it seems those things are more prevalent because of it's absence. I've always found it very odd that the NCAA when it comes to gender equity doesn't allow checking in women's hockey. Who is it going to hurt? These are very strong well trained women- to say that they can't check to me is kind of insulting. I happen to feel that its an important part of the game of hockey- and I don't see a reason why it isn't in the womens game. Fouls in womens basketball are the same as in the mens game- the only thing really different is the 3 point line. In soccer a foul is a foul. Why is it that they don't allow checking in the womens game? I'm not a great women's hockey fan- much more enjoy the men's game, but I still like it well enough that I'm probably going to get to at least 4 to 5 more games this year.
  4. I think that if they can get 2 to 3K for most regular games and maybe something like close to 5K for a considered rivalry game like a Minnesota or a Wisconsin(of course we have to beat Wisconsin for it to be a rivalry)- that would be phenomenal. I went to the Friday night game this weekend. I had a good time. Am I going to make it to all the games no- but I will definitely go to some more in the future. I do get a little concerned that maybe we are only seeing a temporary bump because of the local twins who happen to be some the best Olympians on the national team. Are people going to lose interest when they move on? I hope not but it has been a question I've asked myself. I will say that the product right now is night and day compared to where we were even 3 years ago. Very impressed how it seems we've made an improvement by leaps and bounds in the skillset of the players. Here's to continued success ladies. Now, go beat the Bulldogs!
  5. Any TV is great exposure- any tv that can that has the potential to get into a fair amount of homes is great exposure...but I don't consider any of the mentioned networks to be news to shout from the mountain tops about, like an NBC, ABC, CBS - ESPN or ESPN 2. Those are the power networks. I am interested to see what becomes of Versus now that it is becoming NBC Sports as it is a Comcast property. Still it's not in as many homes as the ones I mentioned but if we could get there that would be a step forward for the Big Sky.
  6. It's encouraging that we are talking about Sioux Basketball. I'm glad to see it. I hope the players are mature enough to realize-that if you truly are going to be a good program-they can not rest with the success late last year. Build & be better. I think they can and hopefully we'll continue to increase the talk about the team here.
  7. Tremendously, excited to get this season underway. I think that it's important for us to improve as a team this season. Our record this year, although I want it to be good and I feel that it can be is not as important to me as us getting better and getting these guys even more prepared for the Big Sky. I think the most challenging thing that our team will face next year is that the Big Sky Conference schedule will test our bodies along with being mentally prepared week in and week out from January on. The way the schedule has been in recent years- even with the Great West, the 2nd half of the year hasn't been near as taxing as being in a conference with many members- where you know your going to have 2 conference games every week. Should be fun looking forward to it, but also realize that our players need to be up for the challenge. I want us to be a formidable team year 1 in the league- I think there is talent with our young players that we will be able to do that.
  8. Sorry, I was at a lot of games at Memorial-really wasn't a great atmosphere in my mind. Now the early part of the decade in the Alerus that was a great atmosphere. Opposing teams getting frustrated because they couldn't hear, big crowds week in and week out & more. I am just saying no to Memorial Stadium. It sounds like Saturday weather wise won't be too bad- but lets say it was 30 and windy and we were playing at Memorial the estimated crowd would have been 800 people...that would have included the players.
  9. The one thing I really take umbridge with in your statement is "he has come to hold a job in an area that he has no ties to" "outsider" Honestly, I'm so tired of people who have this close minded view in this area. All the time people say how nice North Dakotans are..but I warn people we're nice to you unless your not from ND...then watch out- you're most definitely not welcome. Isn't that what a University is partially there for, to bring people from all over students and leaders to allow for a melting pot of ideas. So with all these hockey players on our roster from all over- should my opinion be- "their not from here- they don't know what they are doing"? No I'm glad they are here as students and as athletes they help make UND what it is. I grow so tired of the..."there not from here so they should hit the road lines" If that's the case this place is going to get pretty sterile.
  10. Frankly, I'm tired of getting our brains beaten in by them through the transition. How many times did we play them 3 or 4- I don't think we ever were as close as 25. Let's continue to find challenging opponents- i can support that, but let's find new fresh opponents that will beat us by 25 to 40 points.
  11. Whoa- control the general public? how? He's not saying she can't drink a beer-or can't even attend. This whole thing may be frivolous as far as him suggesting that they show her less. But when you're President of the University maybe you only want things paper clipped instead of staples- campus wide? Who knows? Again, I'm really trying to see it from this perspective as if it should bother me- but for some reason I just can't get there. I doubt I will enjoy the game any less. I may be in the minority, in that I actually like President Kelly, but something like this isn't going to make me change my opinion. Now if he overspent by billions on a new presidents house or was taking the entire family, their spouses and significant others to Washington DC for inaugurations on my dime- then I probably wouldn't like him. This whole thing is a little comical- including the fact that someone felt it warranted to be leaked to the paper as a story- and that the paper felt that it was actually a story. Pretty funny actually.
  12. What is the problem if they show her? In my opinion very little. What is the problem if they don't show her (for whatever reason)? Imho, again very little. It's really not that big of deal.
  13. Nothing against REA- but let's not forget this is a University of North Dakota product. The product even while in that building is managed by UND.
  14. It's a UND event-thus they get a say. Really, I don't think it's that big of deal either way. I can't imagine it matters that much. In the article she doesn't seem that upset about it. It's not like she's going to stop coming to games or heaven forbid enjoy a beer at the games.
  15. I've found the answer to my own question by placing a call to the one person I know over there. UND is in charge of both. So what your saying is that they are tremendously good at one (Hockey at REA) they are bad at the other (Football at Alerus). I find that really quite interesting-in fact I find it hard to believe there would be that big of disparity considering the same people are involved with both. I guess I must not be as refined as those of you, I'm not against what we've been doing at the Alerus. Really, are we that nit picky?- the opening video and song?- I actually have traveled to watch Sioux Football a number of times over the last 10 years. We are doing far more than most places that I've been to in regards to Video's, Music, etc... and game experience. In fact it is way more than what we used to do during our glory years in D2 in the early years of the building. Again, to me this stuff really doesn't make that big of deal. I'm there to watch us play. The other stuff is just bells & whistles. Football- Hockey or otherwise. Win and around here- they will come- Lose and people will worry about the music and videos. Yes I think it really is that simple.
  16. Who is in charge of in-game marketing & management at REA-as opposed to the Alerus Center?
  17. I've had students tell me that they don't have a car and the Alerus is too far away from campus. Again, as I've pointed out- my walk to REA from Wilkerson compared to my walk from Wilkerson to Alerus has only taken a few minutes longer. The reality is- that a vast majority of students have a vehicle- and honestly, what does it really take for a person who has a car to load up with 4 friends and head over. It's shameful and the excuses made by the students are so lame. I remember when I was a student- I partied hard on Friday evening but I was still able to get to a football game. Quietly at Sioux Boosters I when I have been fortunate enough to gain the powers that be ear- I have recommended that UND sell those seats to new season ticket holders. They are great seats going to waste as the students aren't using them. Unfortunately, from my view there is very little leadership when students come to a game now. in my day there alway was a group of 20 to 30 guys that would get the cheers and chants going and before you knew it the whole full section would be loud. When I go tailgate, I see all the things that UND has done to market to students- their own tailgating area- music- food- games- and free parking. We never had anything that tailored towards us when I was in school. I wish...what more do you want? Basically, it's incredibly frustrating and I hope that it would change but I'm beginning to think that it won't. This is a great game coming up this weekend-but I'm not holding my breath for a good student turnout.
  18. I believe the basketball staffs are in charge of setting up their schedules. Such as going out and finding oppenents, deciding home & homes, 2 for 1's etc.. I think the question would better posed to them.
  19. For Women's Basketball they had Iowa making a trip here-back out- that was a big one.
  20. I could maybe see black for a 1 time thing- it would have to be black jerseys with black pants. I never did like wihite jersey's with the black pants at away games. But I don't want to get into seeing them wear it frequently. I don't like when our hockey team does it too often. Don't mind it if it's everyonce in awhile. It's funny I've found that I like the new styles in football uni's(maryland, oregon etc) that have been introduced at other programs in recent years and yet I remain traditionalist in many regard s when it comes to our own jerseys. I do like the piping on the jerseys now, and like the white on white- away with green helmets- I think they look sharp. I grew up at a time when hockey went on the road they wore green... so it always seems weird when I watch sometimes and they are wearing black...not bad just different.
  21. Actually, I think Spence is listed as a generous 6'5 but that's nit picking. There's no doubt I'm glad to have him back. This team has the potential to be incredibly deep. Meaning when we go to the bench- we may not be losing a lot. The question is can we get it all to come together not only this year but next when it will really count. Also, I loved that of all the pieces of information there, I thought the one about of all the freshman classes a year ago around the country ours contributed the most to our point totals at 65%. That's a lot of scoring that hopefully will only improve and get better.
  22. Here is a brief primer on the Men from fightingsioux dot com http://www.fightingsioux.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=205310077
  23. I'm a fan of Brekke, without a doubt. But I could ask the question what did he really prove last year? How to have a really good 8 game stretch then be in foul trouble the rest of the games during the season? Again the reality is we have un-proven and untested depth at the 4 & 5 spots. I completely agree that we had better continue to find players for those spots in the Big Sky. But I would like to remind everyone that currently, we do have size already on the roster, although unproven could turn out to be exactly what we need...effective. If you ask me all these guys are still question marks but the size is there and glimpses have been there at very brief moments of their careers. Brekke- yes undersized but great upside. Wilmer- Great size and reach- but what do we really know. Archer- 2 years ago, I thought he was going to be good- had a great 5 game stretch. Last year was able to dress but it hadn't even been a full year of recovery from knee surgery. Allard, works hard but if he comes in for Mitchell we lose the perimeter shooting game that Mitchell offers. There is size, just a whole lot of questions with what we have. I do hope that we continure to search for it, obviously our backcourt seems set for subsequent years. I read we have been recruiting a 7 Footer from Prior Lake...It sounds as if the coaching staff is looking in that direction as well. Basically, it would appear the search is on- but as it's been mentioned there are 300 plus other D1 institutions that are going after these same type of players. Hopefully, we can land a couple for next year and the year after.
  24. Too bad, but we needed to see exactly where we stand with this team, early. And BU is a perfect test to see where we stand. Hopefully, we find a way to gain a split tomorrow. Again awsome job with the updates. Appreciate your investment $$$. And with regards to my comments about the announcing earlier. I know where your coming from. I happen to think we are lucky to have very competent people for our broadcasts no matter what the sport at UND. I think we are fortunate in that regard. They make it fun to tune in all the time.
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