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Everything posted by siouxkid12
SIOUX HOCKEY PLAYER GETS FROSTBITE AFTER HE LOST HIS SHOE TAKING SHORT CUT THROUGH A YARD, ENDS UP AT REGIONS HOSPITAL! umm if you read something like this of course your would think alcohol was involved and if you didnt than you are the naive one my friend! if there are more important thing to worry about then why do you spend the time to respond to my post? and over the years of watching this board there are a lot of people on here that think the sioux are angels....they are the first to blast other teams/players but when one of "our" guys does something stupid they say its no big deal or lets wait and see what happened first before we jump to conclusion. do i really think hak would lie to us...prolly not but like i said earlier when you play a D1 sport like hockey and are drafted by an NHL team you darn right people believe they have the "right" to know! i also believe the Habs would have a right to know because they used a draft pick on him and they prolly want to know if this issue will affect his future and IF alcohol was involved then yes they have the right to know because they could see it as being a problem not as "kids just being kids"
i would say go even if the sioux don't make it. the FF is a great place to watch college hockey and even better if the sioux make it!
no, i'm not surprised and like i said i expected to get blasted by people; but when we all know he lost his shoe in a snowbank taking a short cut you start to wonder, especially with all the run-ins the team has had with the law the past few years that involves alcohol. in the end its a forum and people can have logical discussions on here but people have to remember that since these players play for a high profile hockey program they will be under scrutiny all the time. so when a good story is reported they better be prepared to handle a story like this where there are a lot of unanswered questions. its hard to believe people that stick up for him and say alcohol wasn't involved when not only kristo but the team has a history of alcohol related run-ins with the law. all i am saying is people need to stop having this mentality that the sioux never do anything wrong. this wouldnt even be that big of a deal if people didnt take it so personally. on a side note do you think that hak would rat out his own player to the media if he was drinking underage? if he did that wouldn't he be opening a can of worms for not only kristo but the other guys who either drank or supplied the booze? just a thought....
i guess i get confused on this then. its okay to tell people that "someone" told them he was doing better and blah blah blah but someone (me) gets blasted for posting an opinion (based on past indiscretions from the hockey players) on what he thought might have happened. i guess some people cant take the bad with the good
i will prolly catch flax for this response too, but i also thought about that for a minute and if it wasn't severe enough I HIGHLY DOUBT he would go back to st. paul to get checked out if it was minor frostbite. if it wasn't too severe he could get it taken care of here in grand forks and take a few days off and practice with the team later. you don't go to the best hospital in the area that takes care of frostbite just for the heck of it you go there because you probably have a severe case of it! i know its the best hospital because a friend of mine got frostbite on the bottom of her feet because she was drunk and decided to walk around with no shoes on outside.
i knew i would catch a lot of flack for my opinion and rightfully so, as all of us on here bleed kelly green, and PINK i wish nothing but full recovery for danny and hopefully he can resume a promising hockey career. this topic will get beat down in many other message boards (which is fine). my responses were sort of taken out of context as i simple meant that I COULD SEE ALCOHOL BEING INVOLVED in this incident. i grow frustrated every year when the sioux hockey team has a great team and they get side tracked by something that involves alcohol and it derails their season! the thing is how do you reach these guys and get them to focus on the bigger picture? im sorry if i offended anyone with my opinion but its my opinion and i will stand behind it.
here is the circumstances, HE HAS FROSTBITE AND HE WAS AIRLIFTED TO REGIONS IN ST. PAUL where the specialize in FROSTBITE CARE. there are THREE degrees of frostbite, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree. Altru here in town is capable of handling the first two AND THAT IS A FACT. the cause of how he got it is undetermined, with many people guessing how it happened. MY GUESS IS ALCOHOL WAS INVOLVED and if you want to get pissed at me for guessing alcohol was involved than get pissed but like i said i am not some naive mother who thinks their kids do no wrong. i've been in college, we all know that the sports kids get away with a lot (because they play a high prolific sport) but to think that they do no wrong is plain dumb. look at everyone who has gotten into trouble at UND in the past. Matt Greene = DUI in Warroad Matt Frattin = Two alcohol related incidents (cleaned himself up though and im happy for him) Joe Finley = Of age but was out throwing crap onto a street Robbie Bina = DUI, arrested at Judys Jonathan Towes = Minor, arrested at Judys Danny Kristo = Minor TJ Oshie = arrested at Judys i know all this information has been kicked up in the past but to sit behind a computer and say think alcohol is not involved in this situation and past situations than you have got to be the most naive person i have ever talked to. like i said i hope kristo comes out of this okay and people learn a lesson from this.
common sense comes into play here....if you are sober more than likely you are dressed for the occasion, hell you wouldn't even go out in the cold if you were sober! if you are drunk or have been drinking you lose most of your common sense and start doing things you normally wouldn't do. i'm not saying my information is correct but lets not all act like naive mothers here who think their kids don't do anything wrong. yes, i could be wrong and hopefully i am wrong but i am not that naive to think that alcohol was not involved.
i sure hope the best for danny kristo...i really do. my question is....how important is hockey to these guys? do they think that their talent alone will bring them a national championship? i believe they have the talent to hang another banner in the rafters but to go and do something stupid like this is dumb. i know i am going to get ripped on for my comment but really, celebrating a 2 point weekend over CC? who by the way is in 7th place! hardly worth celebrating in my opinion. i'll celebrate like that after we win number 8! best of luck to kristo, he will need it!
Brock Nelson
do u have pictures? what u have to offer?
i think ive showed it to you before...its a green dazzle material made by K1
pm me if you are interested in one
where did you find them at?
i got one, its for sale
friday - frattin saturday - knight