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Everything posted by siouxkid12

  1. does anyone know where you can get names and numbers on jerseys in grand forks?
  2. its an XL dazzle and its green
  3. i have a green sioux geometric jersey for sale shoot me a pm if interested
  4. i know the hockey ones are conterfeits but the football ones they have i dont know....if anyone lives in the GF area and goes to the mall check out the sports stores bye GNC and by the buckle and let me know what you think
  5. i was recently in the Columbia Mall and i was at both of the sports store in their and i noticed that they are selling them fake jerseys for 90 bucks a pop! isn't it illegal for a store like that to be selling counterfeits?
  6. well i guess the jeopardy music is done playing!
  7. i would have to ask my uncle where he got them...he lives in arizona so i am guessing he got it off the internet somewhere but i will double check with him and get back to ya. I got two of this big decals from him but i have another project in mind with the other one so i will have to post it when i finish my next project
  8. its a decal that i got for christmas....
  9. I know this isnt a jersey but i just wanted to show people my latest project that i just finished.
  10. does anyone know when the equipment sale is going to be at the ralph?
  11. dont worry if i win it i will sell it to you
  12. geometric sioux jersey found this lil gem on ebay...going pretty cheap
  13. if you are talking about common sense then you must lack some. anyone on this board knows that when he said "gay" he wasnt implying that he was actually gay he was implying that he or it was stupid. you have spun it around to make it a bigger deal than it really needs to be. i would challenge you to find a word that would insult me as i am 100% norwegian because it wouldnt bother me. you will just have to deal with it or leave the board if it bothers you so much. this whole argument is GAY!!!!!!!!!
  14. i think you are looking into the word gay and the way he used it a lil much. nowadays gay is just a generic insult that can mean whatever you want it to and in this case he was saying that dying your hair a dirty a$$ blonde color is stupid. over time the word gay has changed, it was originally used as a word to describe people as being carefree, and happy...then it turned into a word on describing peoples sexuality and now it is used as a term that can mean anything. so in conclusion i think it is you who needs to grow up and lighten up instead of calling people homophobes. if you have been on this board for awhile you would know the language that is spoke on here and realize its all in good fun and if you dont like it i think its time for you to find a different board to talk on.
  15. Cheesy Jerseys trolling around ebay today and i ran across these things called jerseys! these are awful! also saw another shattuck st mary hockey jersey that was of sidney crosby
  16. kristo for friday Lammy for sat
  17. idk if this is posted anywhere else but i was on yahoo and found this..... http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_dadd...?urn=nhl,211289
  18. its a XL, black K1 jersey, it is made out of the silky material
  19. i have a black geometric jersey that is too big for me, i was wondering if anyone wanted to do a trade or sell?
  20. friday: chichy saturday: Vande Velde
  21. does anyone know a good place (cheap but good) in grand forks where you can get lettering done on the dazzle jerseys?
  22. 5 days was it for you? i have been to a regional, 3 final five's, and a frozen four.....the week and a half I waited to get season tickets in 03-04 is still my most favorite memory!
  23. Part of your statement is true, Grand Forks only had one minor league baseball team (Varmits) while the other team you are thinking of is the ChannelCats, which was apart of the Northwoods League ( a summer woodbat league for D1 College Players), it is like the Cape Cod League. Pro baseball in Grand Forks will never work unless there is a new park built (and i doubt that will happen), Grand Forks is a hockey/football town.
  24. it could prolly be posted somewhere else. nickname i didnt think the arena had to take the logo down
  25. i have been following on here but i was wondering is the game on directtv?
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