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Everything posted by yababy8

  1. What music did they use with the video pregame intro? Just how much did the video screens inprove from the old ones? I love the black names and number's on the Jersey. The old ones were darn near impossible to make out when the game is watched on FSC. "compressed signal and all" They were also hard to see from the second deck live.. Black is WAY more functional for viewing and I think looks better two.
  2. Common now boys and girls, I know your busy firing off your politically charged propaganda but just give reason a chance.
  3. Wow, there are some pathetic views being spewed on this thread. Yes FRED, you are correct, the SBOHE is not breaking the law by virtue of its "planning" a name transition Any more than you wouldn't be breaking the law by planning a bank robbery. But The question is, how do the citizens of North Dakota (owners of UND) feel about the administration spending their money to plan something which is currently EXPLICITLY against North Dakota State Law! -well It's not like any of you give a !@#$ that a million + of your money is getting extorted to pay for a name change that has no business being changed. Did all of you upstanding citizens simply choose to forget about the concept of the law. It is not Al's law or the governor's law. It is THE LAW! OF COURSE WE ARE ALL SAYING WE SHOULD PISS ON THE LAW-OSHIE STYLE-SINCE THE NCAA FACIESTS TOLD US WE BETTER BREAK IT OR ELSE. Who's the bad guy? Hmmmmmm???
  4. The fact that under staffing is the reason media outposts don't conduct investigative reporting is absolutely irrelevant to my point. If I owned all the media, (see Murdoch and Redsone), and I wanted to control messaging and content, the first thing I would do is centralize where news is generated. Ie local news media would get staff cuts square in the notepad and pencil department. Now what we have is one canned storyline that is identically printed from sea to shining sea. And they are rife with agenda which is neither liberal nor conservative as a rule but always representative of power and money.
  5. The fact that under staffing is the reason media outposts don't conduct investigative reporting is absolutely irrelevant to my point. If I owned all the media, (see Murdoch and Redsone), and I wanted to control messaging and content, the first thing I would do is centralize where news is generated. Ie local news media would get staff cuts square in the notepad and pencil department. Now what we have is one canned storyline that is identically printed from sea to shining sea. And they are rife with agenda which is neither liberal nor conservative as a rule but always representative of power and money.
  6. Investigative interviews? In case you have not been keeping up on current events, that is about as arcane a concept to employees of the main stream media as churning butter is to me.. The media is nothing but than a remote communications medium controlled by peolpe you and I don't know but Myles Brand would call brotheren..
  7. How can we make sure the leadership at Spirit Lake is aware of this meeting? Does anyone have a connection there?
  8. Spirit lake leadership should be invited as they have held a democratic vote on the matter. And they are the only group that can make that claim. They deserve to be able to look the NCAA in the face and say to them, "Just like the federal gov. did to our people you are taking something away from our people after we have made it clear to you that it is against our wishes.. As it is for all Of the the people of North Dakota, UND is our school and Sioux is OUR name!"
  9. The only opportunity for the prevalence of common sense in this whole name change debacle would be where all of the fair minded RATIONAL members of our society would stand up to the faciest who prevade positions of influence and power in this country and say clearly and loudly, "sorry we the people have spoken and we are not changing OUR name. If you want to destroy our Teams because of our disobedience then so be it. We here in Noth Dakota do not sell out who we are because of intimidation. We love the name, want the name, and there is no rational argument to be had for changing it when it is loved, supported and respected ny the majority. So do what your going to do and in the end God will decide who did the right thing and who did not."
  10. Hey Sicatoca, u should get a job with the NCAA since u are in the Business of telling others what to do. Thank you anyway, I have no interest in accepting it. Just like I have no interest in accepting uneducated fatscists telling me and other fair minded rational people who happen to love the Sioux name and all that it symbolizes that we must give away what we love for no good reason.
  11. Here are your facts: Following the impressive vote by the Spirit Lake people and the attempt for a democratic process at Standing Rock which were circumvented by politics, kellys position should have been At LEAST to come out publicly and to say to the ncaa, "hey guys I think that we should reconsider the situation we have here at north dakota. The large majority of Sioux Native Americans here in our state feel that the name should stay. THEREFORE pushing for a name change may infact be the WRONG" thing to do. And I know the NCAA isn't in the business of doing the wrong thing, right?" Needless to say kelly did not do that. Further the incident with Duple where are the odds on favorite for the contest of who lied, falls squarely in the lap of Kelly 4 a couple of reasons: (1). Had kelly overtly lied, I have to believe that he would have been fired or at least been forced to retract that statement. Neither happened. (2). It is not very likely that Duple would have made that up out of the blue. there are some people in the world that would overly makeup stuff like that, but they're usually not commissioners of a league in the ncaa. Kelly needs to be let go there's no question about that. The fact that he has never advocated for the name in any situation speak every volume needed to know where this guys allegiance lies. He is nothing more than an agent for the name change forces which lurk among the rational fair minded Sioux fans who fight for what is RIGHT! BTW my name is Michael Scudder.
  12. O I am not Dave but I did leave my home and my family when I was no more than a boy to go to school at UND. It is then that I was introduced to the amazing, unique and awesome world that is Sioux Hockey. I appreciated and cheered for other sports as well. I watched kliensasser play football, I watched Vonish break Phil Jackson's scoring record. I got married as a student there. I took my first born child home from the hospital to married housing. I have been a Sioux fan for more than 20 years. So with all of these credentials in my pocket, I will answer the question at hand by saying this; I love the Sioux name as it represents definitively the stunning tradition and true excellence that is the history of the UND hockey program. UND is to college hockey as Notre Dame is to football. And UND is identified by the Sioux name not by UND. Given this truth my answer is simple. I love the Sioux name and if the university, including my fellow alumni as well as current students and staff collectively allow these faciest forces to destroy decades and decades worth of fought and earned valor and tradition without more of fight than has currently been fought, I will sadly lose much respect for my university. That is the plain and simple truth.
  13. I was just talking about forwards. As far as defensemen go, I agree about Gleason, I think he will be our next Genoway (hopefully with a bit of a stronger presence on the defensive side of things). But I think that Forbort will make the biggest defensive jump next year. His play at the end of last year on the boards behind the defensive net was becoming dominant.
  14. Well maybe I am seeing Rodwell's potential before others, after all I did say Fratten was going to be a Hobey candidate before last season. I'll simply say this about Rodwell, From the group of returning forwards he is my pick for the biggest suprise next year. (with an honorable mention going to Lammy)
  15. In a comparison between Rodwell and Rowney, Rowney has been getting much more consideration by fans this off season for sure. Even brad at the Herald identified Rowney as a step up player in his live chat a week ago. I disagree. I Think between the two, Rodwell looked more offensively effective as last season went on. He had some moments in some games where I thought he created some good plays with his speed and positioning. Rowney seemed to me to be more of a physical forechecking forward. He was solid but did not create offense.
  16. I thoug the word was that he was going to decide when the semester ended? Didn't the semester end over a week ago? I'm betting we will hear something this week.
  17. Ok, maybe I over stepped my bounds and spoke for the group. Sorry bout that. To make up for my assumption I have created an objective poll.
  18. I'm talking about an amendment to the North Dakota constitution. The NCAA would be exposing themselves to intense condemnation, paramount to fascism, if they chose to discriminate against UND on the level of Constitutional law.
  19. Just amend the state constitution to make the Fighting Sioux the UND nickname and end this madness! Constitutional amendment reads in general the following; 'Only by a statewide popular vote can a state higher education university change its nickname.'
  20. I am no longer a citizen of North Dakota, but might I suggest that someone/you all start the process of getting a constitutional amendment on the ballot and finish this thing once and for all..
  21. I think it is very wise to close discussions for the reasons mentioned above. But without going back to look, didn't the Kristo thread get the door slammed on it right in the middle of a series of posts that were put up by posters who claimed to have inside info on the situation with Kristo? Just for the record, I for one think it is moronic to make negative judgments about the possibility that Kristo was intoxicated. The fact is that he got very hurt, had to spend almost two weeks in the hospital, had to rehab, and almost lost one of the things he has loved and dedicated his life to, not to mention parts of his body.. That is the big deal. Kristo drinking or not, seems to me to be secondary when a situation gets to that point. I spent almost a week in the hospital and my wife spent two months in the hospital/rehab hospital, and I will say this, That kind of experience changes a person. I think given all that Kristo went through, he will become a better man for it and will become a better hockey player from it.I am expecting a Frattin like focus from Kristo this season.
  22. I don't know if it has been posted somewhere or not (I've been too busy TRYING to find tickets to read much) but for those of u with xbox live accts, there is an ESPN site where you can watch replays on demand of all of the NCAA hockey tourney games. I watched the michigan vs CC. Game and my take on them is this: They play of our style without the checking. Their power play looks a lot like ours. They like to work it up top and look for shots from the blue line. On the penalty kill they are very 'sweepy' with sticks and once again they just don't attack a lot. For us, I think if we stay aggressive and attack the puck carrier, we will destroy this team.
  23. does anyone know what the policy is going to be this year regarding readmittance between the 2 semi final games. I know in denver you could scan your ticket and then leave and come back. this is critical information for those of us who don't have tickets yet. for those that do have tickets does it say anything about readmittance on them?
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