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Everything posted by yababy8

  1. a bit off topic, but i have a question: Do the Sioux shoot twice toward sections 112 and 113? Also, Lammy has been a bit flat lately offensively, but man is he a force on the PK. He and Trupp are awesome on the pk. I am looking forward to the next game that Davidson plays in because I think we will dominate in it. He tips the edge for us on puck possession giving us four lines of physical superiority, and that is just to much for any team to manage,
  2. Call me if you have tickets. I am in Denver But I can have someone there get them for me. 720-987-5501
  3. Don't you mean 'North Dakota' football fan d1'nothdakota'fan? Do you think he is more stupid or more uniformed?? I can't decide. It is a tough call.
  5. So now UND is turning into the thought police??!??
  6. I said I THINK, not that i know." Other than the number of volunteers we would need, the 1% or 4% is irrelevant, We all know the signatures are there. Now about your assertion that we might not get the vote? If we don't then the people have spoken haven't they? and you might want to consider the poll done by the Fargo Forum a few years back. I do believe it was 80% approval for continued use of the name. I would love for this to get on a general election ballot and have an opportunity to place a bet with you, or any other crazy man would would venture to do it, on the outcome of that vote. As far as the NCAA's reaction, It would be amusing if they were conceded enough to attempt to continue with sanctions when an entire state of our Country amended their fricking constitution to clearly communicate to all that our speech neither hostile nor abusive. The Bottom line is this: Changing the name is not the right thing to do. Given that someone please tell me when we should say uncle?
  7. hey I've got a news flash for all the posters on here that have been registered on the site for like 1 month and spewing rhetoric like "it's too late" or "it will be bad for us" to stand up for what we believe in, we know better! if you're not a plant by the change committee, then I'll say this to you; do you think it anyway appropriate to come on to a site where members have been on here for years and years and be on here for 1 month and start telling everyone how they should give up a fight for something they believe in? I'm sure you probly do think that's okay but I'll say this to you, if your not a phony your an idiot!
  8. When I said petition I was referring to the signatures needed to get a constitutional amendment in the ballot. I think it is 1% of the population of state? That would be about 6 or7 thousand signatures. 20 volunteers could get that in one weekend if they worked the Ralph on a home weekend and worked the malls in gfk, far, and devils lake alone. The first step is getting the proposed amendment certified by the state. Then it must by law be placed on the ballot. Then when it passes, and it will pass, it will be law and if at that point the NCAA wants to continue on with their faciest antics, they will be doing so DIRECTLY in the face of this nations democratic process.
  9. Why not just get a petition going for an initiative to create a Constitutional Amendment that states that a State University nickname cannot be changed unless the citizens of the state vote democratically to do so. Then after the amendment is approved for the next voting time, go to the courts and get an injunction on the scheduled name change until the proposed constitutional amendment passes or not. As far as those who think the NCAA deal means we cannot keep the name, I have this to say; Anyone who thinks the NCAA is going to enforce a decree that is in direct contradiction to the democratic vote of the people of the state, especially if it is constitutional, is a Go_dAm Mor_on! There is N O WAY the NCAA would go up against that. They do what they do with the pretty accurate belief that those who appose such fascist directive as theirs would not ever go to such an effort as to use their rights as Americans to do things like use the political process in such a way. As far as those who think it is to late, I say this; I don"t even know where to begin with that rhetoric? It is absolutely NEVER "to Late", That is just brainwash by those who seek to destroy the Sioux name! Period. BLA BLA BLa, "move on" they say. How bout you move the F_cK out of the way!!
  10. I am planning on taking my 11 year old to his first game before the name changes. Will be coming in from Denver on Thursday, but I know someone in Grand Forks that could pick up the tickets for me.
  11. Glad to see that someone else has had the perception as well. I realize how much of a stretch it is to make this assertion regarding the effect a 4th line, part-time, walk-on, role player like Davidson has on the Sioux. I just think his size and physical talent are a game changer. Here is why: If you breakdown our forward lines and consider how our opponents must struggle with the size and strength of the Malone and Fratten's, then if you add in a Davidson with Lammy on the ice when they are not, you pretty much take away any chance there might be to get a few painless minutes with the puck. ie, Davidson is a guy that will make sure there is no opportunity for a momentum shift to happen while the Fratten, Malone and Trupp line is off the ice. And that role should not be underestimated.
  12. Anyone know if the Gophers FSN broadcasts are in HD this year??
  13. I agree with this but want to add the third line into this key. And say that the Third and Fourth line are Keys for success. Further, I want to draw everyones attention to Davidson. He might be more of a difference maker than is readily clear at first look. Without him I see the Sioux having a bit more of a problem keeping a good rhythm of puck possession and in the games he players it seems like the Sioux are much more consistently in control of the play. Davidson brings a high hockey IQ along with his impressive size and aggressive smart play to the forward core of the Sioux when he plays. Bottom line: I'm thinking he plays a significant part in demoralizing opponents with his size, strength and style of play. And a demoralized team tends to not out shoot you when the game is on the line and a demoralized team tends to get routed by a superior team- ya know, like losing by eight!@
  14. I have a question for anyone who might know the answer. I am thinking about taking my 11 year old son to the u n o series and the only thing available is the student upper deck general admission seating. I would love some good insight into how it is to sit in that area and how soon it "usually" fills up before the game in the upper bowl student section. or the more important question, how soon do the good lower part of the upper section seats fill up before a game starts?
  15. Thanks Jim! Let's get back to my conspiracy theories... The fact that last year the FTA feed was good and that is when Fox started Sioux broadcasts does not discount my theory.. Several things could explain this: 1. The folks at Fox could have realized the situation during the season and had to Wait until the next season to make sure that the FSSN goes to a crappy transponder to screw the FTA folks. 2. The contract with Fox could have been done last year AFTER the contract with the Satellite company which placed the FSSN on a specific transponder location. 3. The ratings for the games last year could have been inconsistent with what Fox predicted causing them to look into why. Only then did they realize the reality of the numbers of FTA Sioux fans. Here is a question worth asking; How many Sioux fans have FTA systems?? I wonder how this could be known??
  16. does anybody wonder whether not it's more than a coincidence that right at the sam e time Fox signed a contract with UND for national coverage of Sioux games on a paid subscription basis, all of a sudden the signal strength people were getting the games for free across the country went to crap?
  17. I don't think its a good idea to call his lack of goals "sad", here's why: I think the focus should be on points more than goals and Kristo has seven assists, and while that is not an amazing stat it is more solid than the one goal stat. Consider this: Fast forward to a what is sure to be a big series next month, the UNO games at the Ralph. Let's say it's a tie game in the third on Sat night. Now imagine a two on none break away with Kristo and Hextall side-by-side booking down the ice with the puck on Kristo's stick. So Kristo thinks to himself, hmmmm?? 'I need a fricking goal bad for my stats and here is my chance'. The Goalie is thinking, 'hey it's Kristo with the puck. He is Mr. shooter. there is no way he is going to pass it.' So what do you think Kristo should do?? Before anyone answers that, I am going to switch the subject of my post to fit that of this thread. During Hak's tenure as coach of the Sioux, I would say that there have been very impressive teams and play overall. Certainly, four Frozen Four appearances, a McNaughton Cup and a Broadmoor trophy says something. I personally have a lot of respect for the way Hak gets his teams to play a system that involves defensive accountability and strong physical for-checking. I am not a Hak hater at all, but I think it is fair to say that every person has their Strong points as well as their week points. So having said that, I believe a "needs improvement area" for the coaching staff is scoring offense. For anyone who used to watch the Sioux under Blais and for anyone who watched us play Blais's UNO team last month, or for anyone who watched BC play us over the last five years in the NCAA's, you would have noticed many goals being scored on an open net that resulted from a great pass, often on a rush, usually a two-on-one rush, where the player gets the nice feed to get the open net shot. If you watch the Sioux over the last few years, with the noted exception of Fratten and his RARE and AMAZING talent to burn a goalie with his accuracy on the run, you will have witnessed a team that shoots first and passes later in most all situations. I do have a respect for the idea of getting shots on net and going for the rebounds, but on the other hand, I do see times when our players take that shoot first mentality when the pass was there to another player who would have had a better shot (open net, goalie on the move and not square) on the other side of the crease. That is just what I observe... So getting back to Kristo, I agree that he needs to score a few more goals, but he is passing it around better that he was last year and I think if he continues to make plays like he did in his feed to Trupp last week then that is nothing but good stuff the Sioux. And that good stuff can be wrecked really fast by an over focus on individual goals vs team goals when a player like Kristo is staring down a goalie with an open team mate at his side on a breakaway.
  18. how about, ya know, a little something for the effort?
  19. I agree 100%! The last thing we would want to do is protest because as you say that would not be dignified and adult and the last thing we would want do do is protest like some undignified childish Martin Luther King type of a fella. Thanks for saving us from ourselves Gandhi! I also agree that the last thing we would want to do is boycott anything. At the very foundation of our country is a boycott and we all know where that got us..
  20. The primary point in all of this is that the right thing to do is to allow UND to keep the Sioux name. So whomever had a part in its removal is to blame. Standing Rock is not to blame, they did not take it away. They simply said they don't care enough to gather a vote on the matter. It should have been said from the beginning that if they don't speak democratically to the issue then they are not germane. Those who have wished to speak democratically have spoken and they say they want it. Therefore, that is what should be and whatever institution needs to adopt whatever policy to make that so needs to just fricking make it happen. There is no other point that needs to be made. This is a clear case of right and wrong. The only question is who is going to fix this wrong?
  21. Your a fiesty one dani_3333. If you are looking for an argument don't look toward me. This issue is not about you and not about ME that is for sure. What I have done or not done or can do or can't do would be a waste of time discussion here. What matters here is what has happened and NOT happened on a community level. and the facts of the matter are that most of the significant actions since the settlement have been done by the tribes NOT the rest of the Sioux fans. It needs to happen and pointing that out is valid regardless of my role in the whole thing.. So simmer down and keep you eye on the ball!
  22. I think most of your pride should be directed toward Sioux Tribal members as they have continued to over and over again not give up on what is right. UND Sioux fans and supporters have not done nearly enough in my humble opinion. Losing the name will be a great injustice and we all know that, yet where is the passion to resist this wrong that is being perpetrated on all of us? There should be an organization to keep the name, a web site, planned protests, lobbying the state and NCAA, and who is going to fork out a bit-o-cash and buy a billboard sign in Grand Forks that reads, "YOU CAN'T TAKE AWAY OUR NAME! WE ARE THE FIGHTING SIOUX!"
  23. Here is a "revised" summary of the letter and the forthcoming response: Spirit Lake: The least you could do is level with me. What are my chances? NCAA: Just about as good as your chances for fair treatment from those like us in the past. Spirit Lake: You mean like one out of a million? NCAA: More like none.
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