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Everything posted by yababy8

  1. I remember reading your story on how you became a Sioux Fan that you shared on SS.com a few years back. If I remember correctly, you became a fan following just the news reports on the team and did not actually see a game for a time. Nice to hear that you are traveling around the earth to see this years story in it's final chapter and get to watch it in person... I just got my plane ticket, I'm coming from Denver. Still need to find tickets to the games though . Go SIOUX!
  2. I usually watch the games at home but given we are playing Denver for a ticket to the Frozen Four it would be fun to watch this one with a bounch of Sioux Fans in a local Denver sports bar..
  3. First, I'm not saying that the Sioux will never score when Genoway is on with that line. I'm saying it is duplicitous to have Fratten and Genoway on the ice together, as they both are the best at bringing the puck up the ice. Both cannot do their thing at the same time. It's kind of a time and space time argument I guess Second, Genoway did not carry the puck to the offensive zone in the play you are speaking of, Trupp did. Third, Genoway was not even on the ice when Trupp brought the puck in the zone. He trailed from the bench. ;)
  4. Oooops! Fixed it..Good point you make but me spelling Frattin correctly will not get the Sioux a championship. You should have seen my writtings before spell check! lol
  5. hey, you stoled my next topic! I saw the same thing as your 1 &3, We had way to many turnovers trying to get the puck through neutral ice. Finally in the second OT, we started back passing when the pressure dictated. We should have been more thorough in our passing choices when transitioning. This is another reason to have Frattin and Genoway on the ice at separate times. More game time where you have a guy that can do very well NOT passing but carrying.
  6. The good thing about the SiouxSports Forum is that it is free (in more ways than one) ha! I feel compelled to throw out some of my observations before show time. Probably just to help the anxiety as a fan during this time before the big show starts. Does anyone else have some burning thoughts on where the team is or what they are doing or not doing at this point? I have a few observations that I just cannot hold back from throwing out there. Here is my biggest concern to get this topic fired up.. Genoway- First of all, I probably should qualify what I am about to say with my overall view of Genoway. -Genoway is the best skater with the puck on the team (Kristo would be second) and probably the best in the WCHA as well. -Genoway is a master at advancing the puck out of the Sioux zone and through neutral ice as well. -Genoway runs the point on the power play like a pro. -It's my opinion that Genoway is one of the classiest Sioux hockey players probably ever. -Genoway seems to be a great leader as well, although I am not one to judge that as I have no clue what happens off the game time ice. Now having said all of that I feel compelled to make a very strong point about how Genoway is being used down the stretch. Basically he is being used in two situations that he should not be IMO. Here they are: 1. Genoway should not be on the ICE when the Pony Express line is on the Ice in a Five-on-five situation. Here is why: As I stated above, Genoway is a master at moving the puck up the ice. He likes to make his opponents look silly with any type of trap or fore-check they employ. So here is the problem, one of Frattin's biggest scoring plays is when he takes the puck from the Sioux zone and skates hard through the neutral zone and usually breaks past the defender of defenders (many times two) and gets behind them for the shot. We all know what I am talking about; we have seen it many times this year and last. So my point is that when Genoway is on the ice he tends to be the one that breaks up the ice, even if it is just out of the Sioux Zone it is screwing with Frattin's game. It takes away Fratten's break-a -ways and it allows the defense to get up ice and get set before Fratten even touches the puck- NOT GOOD! 2. The one 'weak' part in Genoway's game is defense in the Sioux Zone when the opponent has possession. (Denver plays on this weakness BTW). Once again, I love Genoway, and I see him try to overcome this weakness and I appreciate that, BUT if he is the great man I think he is, he needs (and the Coaches need) to be honest with themselves about this. Embracing ones weakness leads to self actualization and becoming a more powerful person right? So here are the solutions I suggest for Genoway's role: 1. Not on ice when Frattins line is on the ice (five-on-five). Put Big Mac out with them. Big Mac is very good at the smart pass to Frattin or Trupp on the outlet. Let Genoway work his magic getting the puck out of the zone when Gregs line is on the ice, and better yet when our checking line (Lammy's line) is on the ice. Genoway will take the puck out of the zone after our guys break-up the opponent's possession. (Did anyone notice how Denver was maintaining possession in their zone when the Poney Express line was on the ice?) That was not good; we needed to have our big physical guys on the ice with that line, not puck moving defensemen. 2. Don't play Genoway on the penalty kill. He just is not adding anything there, I hate to say it but he is a liability on the penalty kill. That's how I see it...
  7. Wow! One hour after I post this we see the Herald put in a story on this topic AND include SiouxSports.com blogs?? Hmmmm, I guess we have beem missing it all along, we just need to stop buying the Herald and then they will START to do a good job of objective journalism. Hey Mr. Haga , send me a PM and I will hook you up with another Longie from Spirit Lake that is a UND Law School graduate and is very passionate about keeping the name. She would be a great interview for your paper I would think.
  8. Kate Bommarito and the Plains Daily way to go!!! Everyone who is an objective observer should cancel their subscription to the Herald and stop going to their website. They have been so one sided in their reporting of the Sioux name it is sick! Assignment for the Herald: Continue the propaganda; Maybe they can go find some more Native America dudes from South Dakota who get charged with crimes related to murder to talk about how their time at UND was so uncomfortable because of the Sioux name. Assignment for the Plains Daily: Uncover some more truth; Let's see if we can get Kate at the Plains Daily to go interview Mr. Douple. ...We all know that the Heralds PUBLIC stance on the DoupleGate scam is that "it only had legs for about 24hrs" so let's see if it truly was the "nothing" that the Herald TOLD US it was. Folks it is time to wake up and impeach both the HERALD and KELLY! Because they are both entities that should be working for and representing the will of the citizens of North Dakota and they are CLEARLY not doing that.
  9. I don't see tonights game listed on my direct tv guide? Does anyone know if it is going to be on Direct TV?
  10. Well done Noth Dakotans, especially the modern day warriors from Spirit Lake and Standing Rock! We shall honor your name.
  11. that's quite funny because if anyone in this debate is worthy of the title "the third Reich" I think it would be the ncaa, wouldn't it? I don't know maybe I'm a little slow but I think of words like; arrogance, superior, conceded, dictating will onto others, irrational, power hungry, when I think of the third reich. sounds a whole hell of a lot like the n c double a to me? only difference is they're not taking away our lives, they are just taking away our passion. I live to feel passion. so in my book they're closer to the same thing than 1 might think. So this day I declare for all sioux fans across the world that's the n c double a is the fourth Reich!
  12. Day trip.. live in Denver, but I'm lettn the kids ski while I sit on my butt in the lodge and whatch the Sioux finish their awesome regular season.
  13. Very glad to see Chay back as well. He is the one of the best, if not the best, skater in college hockey. I just hope that Hak does not use him on the penalty kill. I just don't think that is Chay's bag. I'm counting on a good WiFi connection in the lodge at Copper because I have the lap top fired up, a hot chocolate in my hand, and a widow seat to yard sales on the hill so I'm ready for a Hobey show!
  14. I refuse to go to Sioux Falls until they change their name.
  15. The Sioux played in the first semifinal game in Denver. Three of us Sioux fans figured we woud just go to the arena about an hour before the game and find some tickets at a good price given that CC and DU did not make it to the final four. We found nothing. The scalpers were looking and if they had anything they were selling them for over $100 a ticket. We finally found a fan who was selling extras for a fair price, she turned down a scalper's offer of more right in front of us. We ended up missing the first period. Just a foreshadow of things to come!!
  16. it would be really nice if someone put the game tonight on justin tv. help out all the fellas soup and away from north dakota
  17. With all due respect I don't think I am missing the point. Perspectives are not relevant to my point. Your lack of clarity here is reflective of a confusion that most have with respect to this issue; where we have been mired in the concepts of "debate" and "perspective" to the end where we become tolerant of the will of the majority being rejected.
  18. You, like the majority of faculty reps, miss the point. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people in North Dakota including native Americans believe that the Nickname should used by UND. So governing bodies are either "arrogantly" dismissing the clear will of those that they represent or they are being influenced by covert forces. This whole name change sham is nothing more than a sad commentary demonstrating how we as a culture have lost our sense of democracy. WE THE PEOPLE are simply not being heard, or more accurately our will has been rejected. Regardless of the cause, what does it mean when the will of the majority is rejected?
  19. VERY ballsy of the UND faculty representatives to ignore the will of the majority in a democracy. And then to further suggest that it would be divisive to vote in line with the majority of people. In their complete and utter arrogance they are blind to the mountain of propaganda with which they have been brainwashed.
  20. I think that the point that many here are trying to make is this; Out of respect for the first point you made in your post we should refrain from discussions regarding the second point you made in your post. no 1 is saying that alcohol was not involved, but given the fact that it may not have been a part of the scenario and the seriousness of the situation for danny kristo and his family it is disrespectful to have these discussions at this point. it is a free country and people can post in say what I want. But once again what people on here are suggesting is that you consider what your saying and where you are saying it. Blogs are a form of media. Posting with integrity in a situation like this is the right thing to do.
  21. Not to feed into the alcohol ASSUMPTIONS but in reply to this post; How would u categorize the dismissal of Fratten in the summer of 2010? Just keep in mind these are YOUNG adults NOT kids. Coaches do not dictate the off ice behavior of the players to the degree u suggest anymore than an employer can of an employee in the work place. I do not hold Hak and Co on a pedestal by any means, but I am very confident when I say that I think hak and Co have tremendous integrity and he aggressively teaches that to his players. while I do not know that is true, I would bet great sums of money that it is.
  22. I think it's a bit of an assumption to think that schools would be so bold as to blacklist UND the at this point after there's been a Sioux tribe that has voted on the issue giving overwhelming support for the name. Unlike before, a blacklist would be hard to justify now. We have as much support as florida and illinois. Remember a black list action is a seperate action than that of the NCAA decree. and if they treated us differently than the other schools in my opinion they would expose themselves to lawsuit
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