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Everything posted by yababy8

  1. There is reasoning behind the convention of paragraphs.
  2. is there a way to get the game on full screen on the B2 network feed.? I didn't see a full screen button or right click didn't give me anything ?
  3. both denver and colorado springs have the student section behind the goalie
  4. I, as most of us, have been closely watching Genoway. Since the beginning of the season I have been ready to fire-off a post to all who would read it saying that Genoway is not up to snuff If that was the case. The first couple of weeks of the season I was thinking he might not be in the top six on our team at defense based on what I was seeing. The last two weekends, especially last weekend against UMD, he has started to really roll. He is getting into the zone and not turning the puck over and moving with great confidence. He also has improved his play deep in the defensive zone. I've noticed him skating away from opponents with the puck with impressive success. I would not factor stats at this point. Watching him would be a better measuring tool to determine how he is playing.
  5. Very good post! The bottom line is that if we let this name change thing be done TO US, then that means so much more to us as a society than simply a nickname changing. It speaks to the place where we have found ourselves as a culture and a society. It shows just what we have become. It is reflective of a social disposition that threatens the ideals of free will itself!
  6. He has done a fantastic job developing forward's defensive game. That is why they do well in the NHL because he makes them rounded. I don't think he develops a whole lot of offensive play-making skills though. I think that is his weakness and therefore the teams as well..
  7. It wasn't a liberal AGENDA that changed the name. It was a liberal manipulation by Myles Brand aimed to take away what Englestad created. Sorry, you won't understand this point and I aint explaining it. I have a feeling about North Dakotan's and how they will accept this bogus cue-de-ta. I have hope that between the "Ralph" with its independent autonomous position and Sioux fans passion and dedication, we might see something interesting develop in the future with regard to our name...
  8. I just find it a little funny that the league makes a harsh rule to respond to a dirty play like Marvin's hit on Genoway where he 100% teed-off on his head with a full arm swing with a leading elbow ( and from behind no less). Then the very next year after they add the new rule we get two head contact suspensions in the first six games of the year where both were in a situation where a guy lowers his head at the last second putting his head in-between his body and the man about to check him. The exact same stuff happened the year after the Bina hack by paukavich (sp). Bina was the recipient of a totally malicious hit there. Then the next year after the rule changed, we had a bunch of majors against us in situations where a player turned his back to the checker at the last second. I watch just about all of the Sioux games and I can tell you that at least in our games we received many more majors for checking from behind than our opponents did that year. And it, IMO, cost us a trip to the final game in St. Louis. Further, someone tell me why a player can't just start playing with his head in a low position when he is in danger of being checked. Somebody like Cepis is going to figure that out just as fast as guys like him did with the spinning your back to a checker. So that is our future, a Bunch of back spinning and head lowering cheap players getting hat tricks against us. Robby Earl would be envious!
  9. Just for the record, We have lost four games this year. In three of them we had a 5 min major and a game DQ. In the other we had a horrendous string of penalties called against us in a row. 5 min majors are catastrophic, The DOT line lost to BC in the NCAA semi game where we got a 5 min major called on us in the first period. Both the five minute major for checking from behind and contact to the head rules were created as a result of our players getting hurt maliciously. (Bina and Genoway). and it seems like these rules end up getting used against us in very sketchy ways?
  10. I called the Sioux Sports Shop at the Ralph around noon on Friday to ask them if you could preorder the jerseys. The lady on the phone said you couldn't so I asked her how they planned on selling them. She said they were going to do it 'first come first serve' She told me they had had dozens of calls that day about the same thing. I offered her the suggestion that she tell the manager to call a team meeting to discuss how they were going to handle the whole thing. She told me they already had done that. Sounds like maybe the plan wasn't so good huh?
  11. I agree that he has improved. Specifically in the physical area of the game- per standard Hak development. Hak is very focused on players being defensively and offensively physical. It seems that as he takes an offensively gifted forward through this training sometimes they take a step backward in the area of offensive production. Sometimes they never get through it. ie the younger toews. I don't necessarily disagree with this and we all know that the NHL GMs and coaches absolutely love it but on the other hand it seems like Hak doesn't really have much of a focus on the development of offensive creativity as a coach. It's almost as if he says, 'I am going to work on you until you become a talented disciplinarian of the complete physical/defensive game and when and only when you get this down I will let you expand your game to the offensive play-making elements. But when you get to that point you can figure that out on your own with your line-mates. I wonder, how much time do the coaches spend with the team working on scoring set-ups and plays? I'm very curious about this.
  12. Yes this is the truth, I rewatched the Friday night debacle and I came away thinking we didn't play as bad as I thought, except at goalie. As far as the play went, we shut them down quite a bit when they had the man advantage. In fact, during the 5 min major for the hit to the head ( a head that was in the act of falling down by the way) we killed off over four straight minutes of that penalty before Maine even got a shot off. That is damn good D! Then they finally get a shot off that Eids sees perfectly and he just plain whiffs on it. That is very demoralizing to a team to have that happen when you have just about defended a 5 minute short man situation. Speaking more about the new 5 min major penalty for contact to the head. I am going to be very irritated if this new rule is used against the Sioux in questionable ways this year- like it was last Friday! A few years back (in the 06-07 season), after the 5 minute major for checking from behind was instituted as a result of a Sioux player getting hacked by none other than our opponent this weekend, we seemed to be the team that got the most of those major penalties that year. And several of them were questionable. What we saw was players turning their back at the last second to draw the penalty. I remember the first period of the BC game in St.Louis at the frozen four. First period just like Friday night. and it killed us. A major penalty is huge and against a fast team that is formidable, I would say it is about as close to a game over situations as you can get. So Bina gets hacked and we lose him, so they make a rule and we get screwed by it. Now Genoway gets hacked and we lost him, so they make a new rule and we again get screwed by it. That major on Friday should not have been called the guy was falling down and fell into Big Mac's check.
  13. you should have seen him in Our Friday night Denver Game last year. It didn't get captured on the camera (suprise, suprise) But I personally saw him go over to the refs on the ice as he was leaving the bench at the end of the first period. He starts that !@#$ eating grin talking crap he does with the refs and Hak sees it. So Hak goes over to the refs and Gwaaaz and starts talking with a very angry look on his face pointing at Gwaaaz. I saw it with my own two eyes. I know where he's been!!
  14. Hey conventional wisdom suggest you will be correct and for many reasons none less than the first half factor for the Sioux. I just cannot ignore these visions I'm having of Sioux domination:).
  15. I think predicting a split is the wrong guess. This is how I'm seeing things: While it is early in the season and anything can happen in any game, and yes it is an east coast trip against a good team. Never the less I see no reason to think this team shouldn't kick some more tail this weekend and here is why. There are to many guys on this team that can make it happen offensively. I wonder about guys like Kristo and Nelson, they fancy scoring a bunch and I have to believe very soon they are going to show guys like Fratten and Knight what they have in their bag-o-tricks themselves. Speaking of Fratten and Knight, have we seen their peak yet? I'm thinking no, and if not then I'm wondering with wide eyes what that peak might look like?? Then I start to think about Forbort and how he is Mr. Out-of-the-gate freshey! Is he the next David Hale? I donno but he looks good everywhere on the ice that is for sure. So if I think about Forbort, then I should ponder the whole defense. With Genoway back, Lapoint a year after his injury return, BigMAC and Blood bigger, older and inveterated, and Marto healthy to boot. Then I think about the guys not even playing much; Gleason who looks like the next Genoway and Simpson-just a first round draft pick. Wow!! So given all of this I just can't support the split predictions, not so far anyway...
  16. May the FIGHTING Sioux will and spirit be stong in this little solder!
  17. His off-ice past could effect his consideration there is no doubt about that. But there is the chance they might look at it from the perspective of a young man that saved himself from "the wrong path" by some serious dedication to his passion hockey. I of course can't say what he was exactly doing before he left the team last year nor can I say for sure exactly what he did when he went home but we all know a few things for sure: 1. That his problems before he left were alcohol related, suggesting he may have had a problem with alcohol which is a disease that takes tremendous determination to overcome. 2. He was invited back on the team 1/2 season earlier than his suspension. According to the coaching staff this was because of what he had demonstrated as an impressive ethic to get himself right. 3. When he came back he played on a different level, suggesting that number two above was very legit. 4. He did not stay this summer while the rest of the team did. I can't say why, but I wonder as anyone with issues with alcohol would tell you, a key to staying out of trouble is avoiding the environments that can trigger it. (his issues last year were in the summer). 5. Again, after the summer, he seems to be playing even on a different level than at the end of last season-It's a bit early to say that for sure but it is really looking that way so far.. So maybe if there is truth in what I ponder the Hobbey voters might just consider all of that in a positive way. Who knows??
  18. I'm not usually very inclined to predict Sioux games early in the year, but I have some very good feelings about this team. I say that the Sioux Sweep and not only do they sweep but they sweep with an attitude. I think this team is going to realize (has realized) very quickly that if they play an aggressive go out there and make it happen game they will be on a different level. There are just so many players on this team that can truly dominate the game (when they are on) that I can't see this team not getting fuel every night from at least some of them. We have a boat load of guys that can simply dominate from the blue line/point including forwards Kristo and Fratten at the point on the PP. And for the first time since the DOT line we have a core of players that don't seem to have a problem making goals happen. Back then we had the three of them and Chorney from the line, throw in Porter cause he was pretty dominant that year (thanks again from the Pepsi center Club level center ice seats!) but this time we might just have more than four dominant offensive threat forwards and one offensive defensemen we had that year. Like maybe six or seven dominant scoring forwards and at least three- maybe as many as six- offensively dominant defensemen. Further, I have been watching the Sioux for 20 years and I have never seen a player skate, shoot and score in a style like Fratten has been since last Feb. He reminds me of Stafford but more skilled with his shot and a bit more physical. I think he might find himself on a hobbey list here in a bit... Never the less I think we can all just forget about any "first half slumps" with this team. i can't waite to see them live for the first time when I head to Omaha in Nov. GO SIOUX!!!!!
  19. is anyone having problems with the B2 feed??
  20. I predict Kristo, Nelson and Cichy make some noise tonight... For those of you that watched the game on the $7 dollar internet feed last night- how did it look? Is it worth purchasing?? I wish someone would fire the game up on JustinTV for us tonight!
  21. Who is going to be our tech savvy hero and put the games on JustinTV?
  22. is there anyway to find out if there will be a ku satellite uplink for the games in bemidji this weekend?
  23. PSB I have a question for you; Last night during the hockey game feed after I got tuned to the channel and was getting good signal (71%), I went to the USALS screen and selected the transponder for the game so I could try the "bump" east and west to see if I could get a little better signal. When I selected the transponder for the game (12065 4870) it showed 10% signal but when I exited out of the USALS menu screen and back to the channel I had a great picture and pressing info showed again 71% signal? I did this a few times- very weird. Any thoughts. Also does anyone know if the BSU series will be up-linked?? or maybe the FSSN will pick them up as a gift to all of us fans?
  24. is the hockey game going to be on the same feed as the football game?
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