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Everything posted by yababy8

  1. I don't agree that it was a tough call in replay. In slow motion one can clearly observe the puck crossing the line. It is definitive. I have to believe they knew it was a goal. At this point what I wonder is what the process of league review is?
  2. Note: I just notice that Rw77 posted the blog in Goon's Blog so it was not Goon but Redwing. I would have just edited my post but there seems to be some error in editing a post at the moment (I'm getting HTML code with "hello world" in it when I click the edit button? Wierd huh?
  3. Just for clarity The no goal ruling was beyond sketchy. I have it recorded on my direct TV receiver and it is 100% clear, absolutly no question about it. 100% clear that there is white between the puck and the red line. Further you can see the Goalies stick clearly in a line that intersects the water bottle even further into the net, the camera refresh rate just simply does not have a frame image of the puck as it hits the stick. But that is irrelevant as I said, there is a still frame of the puck clearly over the red line. So unless the camera is NOT directly above the goal line. It is a NO QUESTION goal. What really concerns me is that I was able to see this in about 30 seconds after they played the overhead angle on the NESN broadcast. So I can see this in a few seconds with a third generation picture and the refs- Don Adams doesn't see this in the booth? I think Don Adams may be attracted to the power trip of making calls controversial? Just a theory?? ...BTW I am disappointed in Goon as he posted on the his blog after the game that it was a good call based on his internet video feed. Goon, it was a complete blown call and further it was suspicious because there was NO WAY they did not see that. One more note, I can't believe hockey rules have not come up with a rule on the water bottle. The bottle should be attacked to the back bar of the net so it cannot interfere with the above ange camera shot.
  4. I can't decide who I would start tonight if it was up me. just like eveyone I am super stoked about Saunders. Like 12 years in the making! But never the less playing Gotberg would be a good move with respect to his development. It would put him in a situation where he would have some real pressure (first sweep of the year hanging in the balance and knowing that Saunders has three bar set way up). I'm a believer in performance under pressure cause it changes performance and pressure is inevitable in the end game with respect to what your working toward-a Championship. A Fighting Sioux Championship!
  5. While it is true that past Sioux teams have had the Sat. night blues, It is early and this team is deep. I have a feeling that they just got a little tripped up in their process of team development. I am not worried. When Kristo gets in his stride I think he is going to absolutely light it up. And Rocco, I don't even know what to think of him. I just hope we get BC in the national Semi's and we can throw a Rocco at their goalie for some sweet Pepsi Center revenge!
  6. I think 2 million is a bit high, HD wasn't created last week. How about rent to own?: http://www.gearhousebroadcast.com/uk/equipment-rental/ How about cheaper alternative solutions? http://www.trangobroadband.com/testimonials/whiz_media_group.shtml Maybe the issue is that MIDCO doesn't want to pay more for a higher bps signal? We should ask them what they are purchasing for bandwidth in the satellite uplink? I ffound this pricing: http://www.livebeam.tv/VSAT_Streaming_Rates.php
  7. ok it sounds like we all agree, we are in a shiitty situation here, the UND administration didn't do their faithful Sioux fans any favors yet again, and we all have to sacrifice yet again more again of what we had and loved. I am no expert on what it takes to convert to HD (I've heard people speak of the need for new equipment outside of the obvious camera upgrade required) yet I wonder if the following solution wouldn't work: Instead of having MIDCO buy new HD cameras, have the Ralph buy them. The Ralph should have some money or a credit line? After all they have no maintenance on a mortgage correct? Further, I think they should start a fund raising campaign to help cover the costs. How many fans that watch on TV would chip in? I would write a check for a couple of bucks if I thought it might give me a picture to watch the Sioux play all year. How many bars and restaurants in the region would chip in to be able to have the game on in a functional way? Then the cameras are there to stay and if MIDCO losses the contract next time we will still have HD? Anyway I would love for the UND administration to respond to all of our concerns with something other than their usual method of explaining the situation as an excuse. Lets's see if they can come up with a SOLUTION to the problem for once other than the sorry folkes but it has to be that way because it is in your best interests to have us take things away from you! Go SIOUX!!
  8. my video feed just went out. anyone have a link to internet radio?
  9. Has Grimaldi, the coaching staff or anyone else declared Grimaldi 100%? He had a bizzare injury and if might be presumtious to assume he is back to normal. I personally have no baseline for his skating before the injury and I didn't see the game last night BUT in the in the games before this weekend I did feel that he was a bit hesitant around the boards as well as maybe having a few balance/stability issues in close contact situations.
  10. In Business this type of thing is called Blue Sky. Faison and Co were negligent in not doing at least one of two things before inking a deal of such consequence: 1. He should have vetted out what broadcast capabilities anyone doing the bidding had 2. He should have included a video quality clause squarely in the contract. If Midco won the bid based on HD quality, they should have only been allowed at the table with it if they had it in hand. If they get it in two years then by all means get it and get your ducks in a row for the next contract.
  11. This is a horrible post for several reasons, none of which is greater that the fact that it makes no sense. But it did make me think of something regarding the speculation revolving around more charges coming in the morning; Contributing to the deliquency of minors charges pending for 21 year old teammates?
  12. I do know that you and I don't agree. I feel very good about my views in both matters and I'm sure you do to.
  13. Whoo cares what you think?? People going on about 20 year olds drinking alcohol is an embarassment to a society that hires them to get their brains splattered all over some desert sand in a pointless endeavor half way around the Earth. Most of us think the 21 year old drinking age is retarded law. South Dakota sued the feds over it. But as 82siouxguy will surely tell us all- ITS THE LAW. Aw so refreshing to have his insights in our obey the word world. Hey everyone, here is a question from 82siouxguy to you all, Are your papers in order?
  14. Doesnt mean we have to have an attitude about it or be judgemental about it. Its kinda like when you get a speeding ticket and the cop acts all serious about how you were breaking the LAW. You are all about that aren't u 82siouxguy? Always telln us about the rules like we don't get it. Tell us all again why we had to throw our name away mr. rules professor.. BTW, I have all the respect in the world for Kristo. He stayed for his senior year. I think back to the NCAA West regional final game against Minnesota and I can say he was the best player on the ice and it wasnt even close. I say that cause he played his hart out. He played his ass off. He never gave up. Which is more than your boy Faison has ever done. So I say go SIOUX! ,and Kristo, have a beer for me!!
  15. yababy8


    someone please tell me Adams was not on the ice that night in Denver a few years back when the refs gave the game to DU with a plethora of bogus calls against the Sioux. someth'n Like 6 calls in a row half of which did not exist.
  16. yababy8


    Yeah, no point in Firing him now. Damage already done; Name gone, league wrecked, Awesome national TV contract eliminated, Satellite TV option over! whats the point? The guy has never one time ever made a statement suggesting he was going to do something as a leader to preserve the Fighting Sioux tradition. All he has ever done is explain why it is in our best interests to surrender the good that we have had. Think about it everyone!$#! someone please tell me a time, just once. Many of us would give our left nut for this program and its tradition. Faison, 'well they were going to do this,or they said they would do that, so we had to give them the farm. EVERY TIME!@ ...I read Hak's reply to the Adams hiring as a politically intellegent statement and not so much of an expression of respect..
  17. What needs to happen is the leadership at UND should be held accountable for these outcomes. But this never see ms to happen. Very bad things keep on happening and the same behavior is exhibited by those in charge.
  18. So I was just reading the following article: http://insidehockey....e-other-options If what they report is true regarding Nortre Dame's reasoning for bailing on the NCHC, then the leadership at UND should have more mud on their face than even before, making them very dirty fellas. Hear is my reasoning; UND is the undisputed top draw/program in the NCHC. We are the face of that conference and it's not even close. So there we were attempting to ink an accord with the other NCHC schools, none of which have anything like our UNPRECEDENTED NATIONAL TV contract which put the SIOUX into any home in America and beyond who so chose, and there was Notre Dame who wanted the option of getting their own TV deal. So the conference says bye bye to Notre Dame and we allowed it? The discussions should have been LED by UND and we should have said "sure" to the deal. Then we would have had status quo on our deal and added a big name school to offset the likes of St.Cloud. Then we have Notre Dame, whose own TV deal would have probably yielded a net increase in the number of national TV coverage for the conference as a whole(two national games at once?), and we have our right to re-sign our amazing deal with Fox Sports. It is so amazing to me how much damage our leaders have done to threaten the highly sucessfull position the Sioux Hockey program has become. I've been a big time Sioux fan since the 1980's and I understand how far the hockey program has come since then and it was a special program then. Now I fear it has peaked. .. I hope I am wrong but it has taken a sh^t ton of hits and the damage is yet to be seen. And when I hear something like what was reported in this article it makes me cringe..
  19. I would stay around chery creek/colorado blvd. It is its owm zone on price line. Ive won really good bids in that zone for 3.5 to 4 star hotels. Cheery creek is a very nice area. Fancy mall plenty of good eats and some popular drinking holes.
  20. Edit correction for Goon; Blog title should read SIOUX Hockey Twitter 2012 - 13. Don't even argue it, you know it a valid call. FightingSiouxfansforever, Scottm and 82siouxguy stop typing a go collect your McDoubles from Kelly and Faison.
  21. I like the look of these forward lines. Spreading the skill w/o thinning it. Although Chyzyk is an unknown to me. Also, what about our walk on work horse from last season?
  22. Your breakdown of Dell' s skill set is mostly spot on. There are a couple of things I would challenge; First, I would classify his positioning as better than above average. From my view Dell had some of the best positioning I have ever seen on the college level. Second I think it is a bit of an over statement to say he had "major" problems with puck control. While puck control was one if his weaknesses, I would put hiss skill in this area as more like slightly below average. I will throw in one more of each a plus and a minus in the Dell assememt. He did not have the big save element to his game. Mostly in the big glove category. He did have very good psychology. He didn't get flustered very often and kept very cool under pressure. And attribute that is quite significant in the book of good tending. So I think he has potential to get better and have some kind off pro career. He would probably be a good goalie coach as well. I will throw on my SIOUX jersey and make the 25 mile trek north to the Budweiser Events Center and give him a cheer for the Sioux fans.
  23. Does anyone have a link or a copy of the letter that the NCAA sent out before the NCAA tournament lastseason? It was the letter that spelled out what would be prohibited and defined the forfit consequence for any violations.
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