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Everything posted by yababy8

  1. I wonder how close they will be letting fans get to the practice? If possible somebody needs grab video of that scrimmage and post it for those of us that cannot go watch.
  2. Did a badger get tossed on the ice? If so did anyone put it you tube?
  3. I think this is dead-on. The lines looked really powerful on Sat night. Zane has fast reflexes and plays with confidence. I think he is the man at this point. points 8&9 are, in my opinion critical come March and April. Regarding # 8,I think the calculated risk/reward is heavily in the Sioux's favor when our top line is out and probably the Rowney line (depending on the opposition's line). When as a defensive clearing tactic the opponent rings the puck around the boards during a fore-checking puck battle, I think our blue liner should attack the puck and meet the opposition at the puck instead of dropping to center ice in a defensive poise. It seems to me that as long as we get a body to the puck to disrupt the defender we end up with possession within two passes. ie attack, attack, attack! Top to bottom, we have the skill to win this game. I also want to throw out some love to #8, Senkbeil, A couple of times Sat night this guy was a machine. Tenacious, relentless puck pursuit. He played a very impressive game. Rodwell also look very impressive. If they continue to play like they did we are all going to be very entertained over the next two+ months. Finally my hat is off to Rowney and Rocco, both of these guys added some very nice poise to their impressive skill set on Sat. Well paced passes in deep is a critical ingredient to becoming a championship team and they both seemed to show some calm around the net that led to great scoring opportunities. I Think this is the #10 on that list. Play with great poise around the goal. Be deliberate and pace your moves and passes appropriately to make it work. 450mph passes and spastic shots that miss open nets are not the ticket and these guys are better than that as they showed this weekend. Well done!!
  4. I agree with this, after many games this year I read in the press how impressive the defense of our opponent was regarding "blocked shots". The way I have been seeing it is that we have been taking many shots that I would call ill-advised due to the fact that a defender was squarely blocking the shooting lane. Not only is this a waste of a possession but also a big time opportunity for a rush in the direction for which you do not cheer.
  5. can someone either confirm or deny that midco broadcasts SDSU basketball games in HD??
  6. HHold on, are you telling me that SDSU basketball games are being broadcast in HD?
  7. yababy8


    What kind of odds all you no chancers willing to give on a bet that we will eventually get our name back or not, say over a 15 year window. Darrell you say "no way", anytime I use the phrase no way I would be comfortable with correlated odds of something in the relm of 1000 to 1, maybe more for "no way".
  8. Last weekends games against us was the only Gophers Hockey I have watched all year so I can't speak to his consistency. I will say though that as a fan and spectator of Sioux hockey I haven't had that feeling of helplessness regarding my teams ability to neutralize an opposing player since Nathan Gerbe was playing us in Denver in 08. I understand of course that this is just the view I had.
  9. The way I see things I am trying not to convince myself that I just don't get it and that there are things I am misperceiving and not understanding. The reasons for this lie in the fact that there are about a half dozen notable things that I have been seeing both last night and recently in Sioux games and I don't see others mentioning similar things. I am going to throw them all out like a drunk pukes at 1:43am on a Sat morning. I am probably off base on most of them so be gentle... 1. Saunders vs Gothberg; as I mentioned last week I feel that Gothberg is the clear choice between the two based on performance and how I see them in net. Saunders seems to struggle to handle fast play and traffic around the net. He seems to move a bit slow, struggle with rebounds and not have a good glove. I feel like we gave him a good solid half season + but he has not inspired me in any way and so far I like Gothbergs movement and poise. Having said this I think Saunders played about his best game for the first to periods on Friday. Again, my feelings on the goalie situation are based on how I see them move not on the GAA. 2. Rowney. I cannot believe that people are not discussing Rowney's play more. Again I mentioned this last week. First the good: Rowney in my opinion is our teams best defensive forward, as well as penalty Killer and his fore checking is top notch. He is also one of our strongest skaters taking the puck up ice. Now the bad, the game gets to fast for him past the circles in our offensive zone. There his ability to capture a puck, move with the puck, adjust the puck in his space or pass the puck are all very subpar. He also makes very costly mistakes when he tries to get fancy with the puck. He has had several mess-ups this year which have directly led to us being scored on. Given all of this very real assessment, I cannot understand why he is on a scoring line. I realize that he had success last year with Parks and McMillan but I think that was more about Parks and McMillan than him. I think he should be on a physical, checking line. Moving him would not only put him in his fit but also create the perfect spot for Grimaldi centering Parks and McMillan. I must mention that I saw Rowney have a very good game last night. I just think his skill set is bes suited as a checking line player and that is where he would have his best chance at superstardom. 3. Attack vs sit back. I would love for some hard core Sioux fan who has all of the games recorded do a little review of the last four games vs Minnesota. I think there is a gem of information hidden there, could be wrong but I think I have something, first a quick review: Let's start at the Final 5 championship game where Minnesota was in solid control of the game for about the first 30-35min and they had a lead to show for it. If you remember the Sioux absolutely reversed the momentum of the game at the end of the second period and took it to the Gophers. Next, recall the NCAA regional championship game where Minnesota soundly beat us. Then recall Friday's game where it was a very conservative game until the third where Minnesota again dominated in the wake of more puck fumbles than I have seen from our team in 10 years. Finally last night where we seemed to control play until we got a lead and then Minnesota would control play to take the lead away. At which time we would again take over control. So now let me make an argument for what I believe I have seen as a stark difference in the way the Sioux play in their defensive zone through neutral ice which directly correlates to these above mentioned momentum swings. In all of the instances over the last four games where the Sioux have dominated Minnesota they were very aggressively attacking the opponent that had the puck. I remember it as relentless confident charging down ice that would create havoc for the opponent with the puck. It was as if Minnesota's charge was getting perpetually run over by a heard of buffalo. Now recall the times we were getting it taken to us (aside from moments of puck fumbling sloppiness) in all four games when Minnesota controlled momentum was when our guys would be playing conservative and doing the skate backwards ahead of the Gopher attack, then in the zone we would play position against their blue-liners and not go out to challenge them. I remember last year saying to myself during the NCAA game vs Minnesota, "Why are we playing back and not attacking? We have not done that all year. It is not our game. It is the wrong thing to do if for no other reason than we have not played that way so we have not become team-wise proficient at it" It's kind of like the 87 Vikings switching from a 3-4 to a 4-3 in the play-offs in a year when their defense was so successful. Why? Play your game! Anyway, I could be wrong especially because I hear no one else talking about it but I really feel like there is something to this. 4. High risk passing attempts, often through a defender in the defensive zone. My Sioux loving friend and I had a record number of "Why" blurt outs this weekend as Sioux players would attempt a pass that had seemingly no chance of making it to its target as the pass was traveling through a defenders space. What happened to the chip up the boards method we used the last two years so successfully? Do what you have to do to get it out and make sure you don't lose possession. Bring back the drop back pass in both zones. Be fancy in the offensive zone cause your good at it. 5. Nick Bjugstad. I keep reading about the Gophers defense and how they are the reason the Gophers are doing so well or I have heard about Zack Budish. Well I can't get Bjugstad out of my head. Holly crap that dude is like Matt Greene with Travis Zajac's skills. I don't think I have ever seen a big guy play like that in my life. He is that team in my opinion. but that's just me?
  10. It doesn't drive me crazy. It is greatly disappointing to me that the such a central figure within the two programs direction is having such a negative impact on this storied rivalry. It shows a lack of respect for it as well as all of those who have been a part of it over decades of time. That's all. To put it another way; I love the Sioux vs Gopher games. Like many others I get excited for it many days before I actually watch the games. I would equate the level of anticipation and excitement on the order of going on a cool golf vacation or maybe a big family get together like at Thanksgiving. Perhaps some analogies relating Gopher week with women would be apropos but this is a family site. hehe.. Anyway I digress, My point is that this rivalry is a big deal to many and Lucia clearly did not respect that as he made statements which explicitly demonstrated such. This will be my last post on the matter. Like being captured by the deathstar tractor beam, my focus moves away from sideline issues and grows stronger and more intense toward the games. I am more worried about how, When I have never met the young man, I can convince Rowney to not be so fancy with the play-making attempts as he is neither Knight, Kristo nor Grimaldi and that he should stick to what he is good at, skating, being physical and shooting. Keep it simple Rowney, no fumbling.. Or how bout this one for the entire team? Stop with the high risk passing in the defensive zone. Especially passes that are toward the middle. Do what you have to do to get it out and make sure you don't lose possession. Be fancy in the offensive zone cause your good at it, (NOT you Rowney ) ...ahhh it feels so good to refocus...
  11. Lucia said what he said. No matter what you say you cannot get around what he said.
  12. I wish I could agree with you because Hak has put his eggs in the Saunders basket for sure so going with Gothberg exposes us in a way. But I cannot deny that what I saw Sat. night made me feel comfortable with the goalie position for pretty much the first time this year. Gothberg moved post to post tighter and faster than I see Saunders. Gothberg handles the shot better into his body and has better success at holding the puck and avoiding the rebound. He simply seems to be quicker than Saunders. I'm very surprised that there has not been more goalie chatter going on this week.
  13. A while back I posted some thoughts regarding Don Lucia's position on the Sioux vs Gophers rivalry and his expressed decision to discontinue (for the first time in a half century) college hockey's greatest rivalry. Lucia in turns out is UNILATERALLY responsible for the dissemination of the historied rivalry and explaining such with proclamations of unhealthiness. I firmly believe that his actions should be ranked as some of the most destructive, detrimental acts in the entire history of college hockey. He unilaterally made a decision for thousands of individuals who have had and continue to have great investment and passion for this rivalry. With whom of them did he consult before his frivolous decree? What Lucia said and did regarding one of college sports greatest rivalries? . (as I posted before:)...He made it all very clear when he said the following to explain and justify why he chose not to schedule games against the Sioux for the next three years!! "It isn't a healthy rivalry" and you get a little peak into the mind of a pathetic man who can't handle being soundly beaten so he conjures a self-serving paradigm that does nothing positive for anyone, is totally bogus, completely disregards the reality of the situation and spits in the face of blood, sweat and tears lost over decades upon decades of fiercely intense rivalry and competition. In that post I asked but one simple question, "Does this show any disrespect for the thousands of student athletes and coaches who have a great deal of passion for this rivalry and what it means?" and further, "What kind of a man feels bestowed with the prerogative to unilaterally adjudicate the "health" of a rivalry and thereto sentence the extermination of such a storied tradition?" ...Ask yourself this Lucia, What would Herb Brooks say about the Sioux v Gophers rivalry and the importance of preserving it? What would Neil Broten say? Pete Hankinson? Eddie Belfour? Blake Wheeler?, How bout your predecessor Woogie?.. Yes Lucia, I could go on and on, as is usually the case wherein there is a historic rivalry being considered. You sure did make a call for a lot of folks didn't you? ... Maybe your next step is to be nominated for the supreme court? Or maybe you should decide US troop movements in Afghanistan? Hail Father Lucia!! He knows best.. I would say you are a sad and pathetic excuse for a hockey man but I think simply pointing out how much bad you have done for college hockey pretty much covers that one. I will close with some quotes and links I've seen regarding the rivalry. Did I missed the ones that speak to this unhealthiness? I saw this quote today on the Gopher Puck Live site today regarding the Sioux vs Gophers rivalry. Written by a Gophers fan: "Ya this series would be a good way to promote college hockey. I honestly think this is one of the better rivalries in all of college sports." another Gopher fan replied, "It is one of the best in all of college sports. I've lived in Alabama (got to see 'Bama/Auburn week), Raleigh (got to be there for UNC/Duke) and I've been in Texas for a long time (A&M/tu, OU/tu). The Gophers/TBD rivalry is right up there, although the 'Bama/Auburn hatred is on a whole other level." How about Nick Bjustad last year after game vs the SIOUX: "obviously playing North Dakota at our place is crazy, the fans are into it, there's just no better game you can play, its a man's game..." Here are some more links I posted earlier; "This rivalry has more hatred than UNC-Duke’s basketball rivalry and Oklahoma-Texas’ football rivalry combined." http://www.thesports...rrated-rivalry/ http://www.1500espn....keys_best110211 http://www.uscho.com...th-dakota-week/ http://www.startribu.../133203098.html http://www.foxsports...?blockID=689976 "Rivalries in sports are something that everyone needs. You need those rivalry games, it wraps the organization and community together." http://charliecloud....ophers-and-und/
  14. I think Rowney has escaped critism on this team. While he is probably our best penalty killer and he has break away speed. he fumbles pass reception and gets out of control a lot in deep. He doesn't respect his own limitations as he tries to do the things Kristo, knight and Gramaldi do with the puck. He takes away from well paced playmaking by his linemates. I think his best posion would be on a checking line.
  15. I think hak is a great hockey coach in many areas but I do believe his greatest weakness is his shoot first philosophy. Shoot first works often and has its place but shoot first never beats a blue chip hot goalie. And when do you run into a hot blue chip goalie? Shoot first is so inveterated into the current Sioux dogma that I hear Sioux announcers, media folks as well as fans on this site talk about it like a religion. I'm sorry but against a good goalie you pass to an open net shot opportunity or your just wasting a scoring chance.
  16. Why not just have the regional finals be best of three as well-at the school that has the higher seed.
  17. How would best of three fit into the home regional scheme? Have a two weekend regional? With games being played in home arena's of highest seed for each of the three series (semi and finals)?
  18. I guess Lucia had something to add to the following articles as they all failed to mention the "unhealthy" aspect... "This rivalry has more hatred than UNC-Duke’s basketball rivalry and Oklahoma-Texas’ football rivalry combined." http://www.thesportsbank.net/the-bank/gophers-sioux-an-underrated-rivalry/ http://www.1500espn.com/sportswire/Nicknames_and_all_GophersNoDak_rivalry_among_college_hockeys_best110211 http://www.uscho.com/2011/01/13/moments-memories-come-back-when-its-minnesota-north-dakota-week/ http://www.startribune.com/sports/blogs/133203098.html http://www.foxsportsnorth.com/03/17/12/Sioux-punch-Gophers-in-more-ways-than-on/landing_gophers.html?blockID=689976 "Rivalries in sports are something that everyone needs. You need those rivalry games, it wraps the organization and community together." http://charliecloud.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/the-great-rivalry-of-the-minnesota-gophers-and-und/
  19. You speak of which you do not know. If you educate yourself on the history of the Sioux name issue you will find that the turning for Sioux hockey fans was based primarily on two factors. 1. Coach Hakstol's public declaration that the name needed to go because if it did not it would hurt the school in the following ways; Future of other UND athletics (Big Sky is falling scare) and the fact that not changing the name could threaten the Hockey programs future ( Wisconsin and MINNESOTA would not schedule us), additionally this is the second big consideration that changed most SIOUX hockey fans minds. Minnesota could have and should have done what schools like DU, CC and UNO did, stay the F*ck out of it. Minnesota could have even supported their arch rival in the name of honoring and protecting their historic and celebrated rivalry, not to mention it would have been a position truth and dignity. If you want to believe Minnesota's lack of support of the Sioux and their subsequent THREATS of not playing us had little or no impact on the eventual position the citizens of North Dakota held then you can do one of two things; either go back and read the posts on these forums and read person after person post that they will not be voting to keep the name because schools will boycott us or you can just believe what you want,, I could care less.. But on another note, you had little to say regarding my deep criticism of Lucia's UNILATERAL dissemination of the historied rivalry and explaining such with proclamations of unhealthiness?? I ask you one simple question, "Does this show any disrespect for the thousands of student athletes and coaches who have a great deal of passion for this rivalry and what it means?" and further, "What kind of a man feels bestowed with the prerogative to unilaterally adjudicate the "health" of a rivalry and thereto sentence the extermination of such a storied tradition?" Puts him in a special category in my book that is for sure!
  20. If the NCAA eliminated checking Lucia would no longer be able to promote diving then what would he do?
  21. What should be annoying is Minnesota's deep disrespect for college hockey as demonstrated by the following: First Minnesota had a significant negative impact on the Sioux keeping their name and for no reason other than politically correct stupidity and maybe some spite at the fact that the Sioux were stealing some of their talent (See parise) and consistently humiliating them in regard to performance? (See season turning dismantling of their first placed, top ranked teams in more than one year. See Ralph Engelstad Arena. See the comparison between the Sioux and the Gophers overall accomplishments the last several seasons) Now add it what Lucia said and did regarding one of college sports greatest rivalries, He made it all very clear when he said the following to explain and justify why he blew-off scheduling games against the Sioux for the next three years!! "It isn't a healthy rivalry" and you get a little peak into the mind of a pathetic man who can't handle being soundly beaten so he conjures a self-serving paradigm that does nothing positive for anyone, is totally bogus, completely disregards the reality of the situation and spits in the face of blood, sweat and tears lost over decades upon decades of fiercely intense rivalry and competition. Ask yourself this Lucia, What would Herb Brooks say about the Sioux v Gophers rivalry and the importance of preserving it? What would Neil Broten say? Pete Hankinson? Eddie Belfour? Blake Wheeler?, How bout your predecessor Woogie?.. Yes Lucia, I could go on and on, as is usually the case wherein there is a historic rivalry being considered. You sure did make a call for a lot of folks didn't you? ... I would say you are a sad and pathetic excuse for a hockey man but I think simply pointing out how much bad you have done for college hockey pretty much covers that one. I hope the Sioux have an extra special circle around the calendar for the gophers series coming in January and I hope we get to take them down in the final final five. ...there you go as15 a vision into the TRUELY annoying.. GO SIOUX!!!!
  22. If directv did add Midcosportsnet I wonder if it would be just part of the local cluster or if it would be in the 600's and become available as part of the sports package?
  23. At game. The cc goal was off a ridiculous turnover by Rowney!
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