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Everything posted by yababy8

  1. the only problem with your Keys is it requires the refs to call the other teams infractions and the last four games have been pretty pathetic with regard to that..
  2. How many games which were broadcast from the Ralph did DirectTV "choose" not to show last year?? ...Why the difference this year??
  3. I think we played our overall best as a "team" before Christmas. I am leery about Mitch Mac being a step up from Chyzck and Jim. Although I was a little more impressed with Mitch during the last home series but I do know the one time I thought we were really playing some awesome hockey was at the end of the first half.
  4. I'm a little surprised by this move as well. In the end what I look at is who the weak cog is on the ice. Who DOESN'T make the right move with the puck and causes a turn over. as much as I love Rocco, and I do love watching him do his thing, I did notice last weekend that he can get a little jacked-up (or I should say, "when he gets jacked up") he tends to NOT have the ability to slow his game down with respect to his centering passes and they often lead to a turn over. I like Drake a lot as well so we will have to see how he does with the boys. I will be judging him based on his abitity to NOT be the guy that made the play that led to a loss of possession. I also have really been liking St. Clair. And I know why Hak is playing Pattyn cause of his toughness and we need it up front this year for sure. but on the other hand Pattyn has been the guy to make possession losing move with the puck often the last few games.
  5. We call ourselves Sioux fans. We are known and referred to as 'Sioux fans" and we always will be. So Sioux fans is our name. WE are the Sioux and we are many and we are proud and we as a group are great! And we need NO recognition from the NCAA. We just need to keep it up, stick together and pass it on.
  6. Rodwell Mark St.Clair Mitch Pattyn Gaarder That is if you leave Mitch in(before last weekend I would have said no but he played smater in Denver) and if you don't want mark with parks and Rowney which Im not sure why you wouldn't?
  7. Dump n chase vs carry is/sb primarily determined by what the defenses positioning is. I think the best teams can do both attacks well.
  8. anybody else notice the wing to wing passing on three man rushes?
  9. careful, ya never know if/when Mr.Goodell might come round here and see that...
  10. I don't know these kids at all. Even though I haven't lived in Grand Forks for 18 years, I would bet they are good kids because most kids in North Dakota are pretty good kids. Bottom line is they are kids. Everyone posting on this thread should read Siouxperseven's post about 43 times and then if you feel the need to add a post about the KKK or Chinese concentration camps read it again. Good post siouxperseven!
  11. Last week it was my hometown this week its my home.. Just wondering how many Sioux fans are stuck in/or on way home from Denver today? Sounds like Schloss and Miller are two of them. Hopefully they brought their ducks and cash..
  12. Are they going to be doing one game weekends at any given venue? Like CBS SPORTS TV does or College Sports TV used to do? I have never understood why a network would spend all the money and crew costs associated with a traveling broadcast and NOT cover BOTH games when they are 20 hours apart? The Friday game is advertising for the Sat game. It's the nature of the whole thing..
  13. I eat at Spanky's or Jerusalem but its a quick bite and spend the rest of before and after game at the Stadium Inn Bar. It's the place to be. Tons of Sioux fans every year. ... I hope this year we have 50% SIOUX FANS in Magness, It's always a ton and epic for sure but with all the press the UNO series had I would love to top it in Denver. ..any chance Brad shows up at the Stadium Inn and regails us with duck racing stories?
  14. I agree. FSN was not a good example, let's say, Root or some other regional provider which is not in direct competition with Midco. I assume it would not be contractually allowed but I could be wrong so I wonder...
  15. Then maybe we will get lucky and have someone from Midco come on here and clarify things. There are two questions I would want to ask: 1. If Midco somehow was able to get their channel added to say, DirectTV, are there any provisions in said contract which would obligate DirectTV to Black out the game outside of Midco's "region"? (any such provision would of course preclude DirectTV from any motivation it MIGHT have to add Midco to its channel set.) 2. Are there any provisions in the contract which would disallow Midco from rebroadcasting the game on, let's say, FSN. FSN, being another regional broadcaster, may be considered a broadcaster in our region. And, if FSN would be allowed to broadcast the game, then question #1 above would apply to them. ie would FSN's broadcast have to be blacked out outside of the FSN region for Directv and Dish, etc, subscribers? ...When you consider the motivations for CBS sports TV to add the "no national broadcasts of NCHC games" it suggest that, if they did not add clauses for #1 and even #2, then the "no national broadcast clause" itself was really a waste of their time as it, in effect, would not have the desired outcome-to make their broadcast the only show available nationally. Let's put their motivation in practical terms; If CBS sports decides to air the Denver vs CC game on a given night they don't want the Sioux vs Minnesota Duluth game to be another option for people to select nationally as that would dilute their market dramatically. What that means from the Sioux fans perspective is that if you are outside of Midco's limited viewing area, say you live in Minneapolis or New York City, to quote Caddy Shack, "Well then you aint gett'n no Sioux" you have to watch the CC vs DU game, some Big Ten Hockey action or go to the movies. Now if question 1 or 2 above were in our favor then it would effectively destroy what CBS sports TV was aiming to accomplish.. ..OOOOPS, I forgot one other option, if you are really a die hard Sioux fan, you COULD, for a small fee, PURCHASE the game on your computer through the University of North Dakota, So whenever you read or engage in discussions about whether Faison did or did not fight hard enough to allow us to have our own(FCS like) national option you should consider the POSSIBILITY that there was motivation on UND's part to "not fight to hard" for our right to broadcast nationally because the school will be acquiring a significant revenue stream from internet broadcast sales. A revenue stream that would be massively diminished if Midco got itself onto Directtv, Dish or another national cable provider It will be interesting to see just how much revenue they get from internet broadcasts? I know I will be buying every single game.
  16. Of course the condition for black out is not derived from "the regional/national debate." I'm not sure how that even makes sense. The relevance here is that there can be- therefore could be a condition in a contract that precludes showing a game which IS BEING broadcast on a regional network outside of the region in a case where the regional network is a part of a national channel choice on a given cable provider. Now maybe you or others are privy to how the NCHC CBS sports men's hockey contract is written and therefore you know the answer to this question. If so you should help us all by disclosing such. If not then I think it is a fair question to ask. ...As I think 82Sioux stated, if Midco is indeed courting non regional cable providers like direct TV, Dish or Comcast to pick-up their channel, then that strongly suggest there is no such blackout clause applicable here. But they also could be missing the fine print. I have seen stranger things happen in my life and after all Midco was not a party in the contract negotiations that I am aware of.
  17. I would guess that is the case but as I think about it ideologically, I'm very surprised that it has been established that way, historically speaking. It seems ass backwards. How a public institution, which is otherwise bound by duty to keep its records open as it should being a 'public' entity, can somehow be released from these bounds by simply including a private entity as part of a group contract. The following seems much more reasonable to me: That the private entity through engagement in a contract with a public institution would by virtue of doing so accept the public entities public disclosure obligation. In other words it is not allowable to seek the waiver of the public obligation of a public entity for any reason. The private entity would have to accept this as part of the engagement. i.e. public entity laws are not negotiable, releasable or for sale.. I'm just say'n...
  18. Seems like a reasonable deduction to me.. Without seeing the contract I have no basis for assumption either way. I was only pointing out the concerns of others as I interpreted them.
  19. The broadcast I watched of the outdoor game was beyond pathetic, Beyond the fact that the quality was bad I couldn't believe how bad they failed to get camera angles. Losing the puck was constant but what really drove me crazy was the fact that they could not show the stadium or the relationship the rink had within the stadium. It is the first time I have felt claustrophobic watching a sporting event. When after the game I heard about the Sioux fans being there in great number I was shocked. The limited angles they showed gave a glimpse of an empty stadium. And the most annoying thing was they did not show our bench one fricking time( unless it happened when I was looking away for a brief second). I never got to see our coaches and get a feel for their dispositions during that unique event. I heard they wore cool jackets but I wouldn't know... Was that the same broadcast which was on TV in Grand Forks??
  20. I'm not sure if isn't just as complex as is being discussed. The issue does not lie in the 'regional vs national' consideration. The issue is how games are contractually restricted outside the region when the 'regional' network's broadcast is shown outside of its region. Example is when FSN broadcasts the Timberwolves games they get blacked out for Direct TV viewers who are not located within the FSN region. So there are obviously some coverage contracts which preclude "national viewing of events being broadcast on regional networks airing nationally. These contractual restrictions are paramount to fee based viewing of things like NHL and NBA pass on Direct TV, If they didn't exist everyone would just get the sports pack and watch what they want for $12 a month in lieu of the retarded fee's they dish out for the ability to watch "regional" broadcasts of their favorite team when they live 1000 miles away. ... I think this is what people are wondering? If the contract has this in it? What I would say is we need to see the contract. Do we not have the right to see contracts which the public university is a part of?? or is it the same concept as the NCAA where the NCHC is a private organization and it is their contract so they are private. Kind of reminds me of the public actor argument I seem to recall from some other obscure topic on this forum... hmmmm?? I digress..
  21. I was born and raised in Watertown and lived in Brookings for a few years as well. I also got my pilots license at the Brookings airport so had many trips to Brookings for that. So I thought I could throw out some good food joints for all you fellow Sioux fans stuck in my old stomping grounds. It has been 24 years since I've lived there so I don't know a lot of the newer stuff but given the sad fact that most new businesses now days are of the corporate variety I'm guessing I'm not missing much. Further, I have eaten in all the places I am recomending in the last two years and we know that things don't change much in those parts. Watertown: Senior Max's mexican in the mall. Same two cooks since the days I worked at the mall back in the 80's. Good American Mexican food, I like the chimichanga and the mexican pizza, tasty sanchos as well. If you want a good steak that isnt much of a drive in the bad weather, go to the drake motor inn(also a hotel), they have a very good steak house. If you want pizza, and like thick pizza that is thick not just from the crust but because of the cheese you have to try Empire pizza down town. This is my favorite pizza anywhere, I miss it!! Brookings: Speaking of missing something, Nicks burgers is a MUST!! Since 1929, (buy the book). This place is the Red Pepper of those parts. Little delicious burgers, I eat two doubles and one single. located Downtown Brookings. Georges Pizza, Also downtown Brookings has great Gyro's if you like greek food. Brookings also has a good barbeque at a joint just down the highway from the Exit where all the hotels are. It is good barbeque for South Dakota, and I lived in Kansas City for 5 years. It is next to M'cDonalds. Feel free to add to this list fellow ESD Sioux fans.
  22. There is a Sonic right down the street from my house. It is about as inspiring as a Wendy's. Frozen prefabed fast food, hardly worth excitement. Threads should be started when somebody opens a home cooking establishment serving real food, something of quality and effort like the old days not corporate junk. I'm just saying..
  23. good call but at least Denver has a few things to do. St.Louis was rough at about 5pm on Friday, a cold rainy April day, after A somber trip up to the top of the Arch. Our golf clubs didn't leave the hotel room until it was time to go to the airport.
  24. I need some help.. My buddy and I are on the fence regarding making the trek from Denver to Omaha to attend the games. One thing I cannot get my head around is whether or not we would actually enjoy the out door game. My concern is view angle and distance from play. Does anyone have opinions on the outdoor thing?
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