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Everything posted by southpaw

  1. I believe 100% what the family said. Every exact word. Do you? If not, then Hammer was wrong and you'll believe whatever narrative you think fits. If so, then your AD is lying and threw a student athlete under the bus to cover his ass.
  2. We were just told to read that article very carefully and take our green glasses off. I did so and the family twice said it was an illegal supplement. But you and others seem very quick to say they misspoke. Perhaps you could take off your supplement tainted piss yellow glasses. I'm only going off what the article says. I'm not reading between the lines or trying to infer things, like you and other bizun fans. Can we infer that when they said supplement that they misspoke and didn't understand the verbiage between supplement and substance? And you're never going to get arrested or charged for failing an ncaa drug test. To believe that because there were no criminal charges means the supplement wasn't banned is being intentionally misleading.
  3. I have yet to see an NDSU fan here say they believe Robbins' when he says he took an illegal supplement.
  4. I read the article very closely as you suggested. Two quotes calling it an Illegal supplement. Zero quotes calling it a banned supplement. That's a big difference. Fact is, according to the player all he took was something illegal. Caffeine is not considered unlawful by the NCAA. It is banned but not against the law. The player and parent both said it was illegal. You can deny that fact all you want but it's true.
  5. Perhaps you should read it carefully and focus on the parts where it is called an illegal supplement. An Ndsu All American said an illegal supplement was widely used. She didn't say banned supplement, she said illegal. As did her son.
  6. Personally, I think UND should limit its recruiting only to players that will eventually win a national championship at UND.
  7. southpaw


    As an adidas employee, the tagging is consistent with products made as a trial jersey. Likely, part of the recent "sample sale" held at the main offices throughout the world. That means he probably paid $10 for it and that it is high enough quality to be seen in public but not what is actually selected by the school. Should be 2-3 more unapproved designs floating around the US somewhere.
  8. As of July 1, 2018 WT&F is at 100%. MT is at 83% WT is 94%. This took less than 30 seconds to find. "Men's tennis went from no scholarships in 2017 to a scheduled 3.75 for 2019. Women's tennis went from roughly 4.5 in 2017 to 7.5 in 2019, while women's track and field/cross country went from a little more than 14 in 2017 to 18 in 2019." https://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/4438530-year-after-cutting-sports-und-athletics-adjusting-slimmer-budget
  9. Weren't they looking for $65M to fully endow WIH? That leaves $135M to play with. Welcome back women's hockey.
  10. Why would any school voluntarily leave a stable conference to join the WAC? They've been on life support for years.
  11. I KNEW the only thing missing from this thread was an old guy throwing out his usual jokes/tldr memes
  12. I'm sure they're incredibly embarrassed to have so many trophies...
  13. Did you expect anything else? Even the attacking, presumptuous response was predictable.
  14. Hey Jim, I'm getting a security certificate expiration notice and see the site is no longer running https. Any chance you'll be renewing the certificate soon?
  15. What article did you read? In no way did she say anything close to your last sentence. The only thing relating to the name of her new glove is this quote: Nowhere in the article does she mention the naming process.
  16. Speaking of triggered... it's comical how predictable the responses to any tweet about the new scoreboard are. Everyone has to chime in that the Sioux head that very few people can see must stay, even if it causes problems with the internal monitors the team would use.
  17. The PR nightmare these MIAC schools allegedly voluntarily took on to help UST is honorable. Why aren't any news outlets reporting on this lie? You know about it, so surely someone else does.
  18. Seems a bit old to be a sixth grader
  19. Update: Alex will continue to do UND sports next year, however be prepared for him to miss games if weather prevents him from driving from Sioux Falls.
  20. Every goal should be reviewed and any objective action that normally would have stopped play should overturn a goal. This gets you high stick, hand pass, offside, icing, and a few others. I'm ok with taking a goal off the board if a liney screws up an icing. If it's too close to call, let it stand but you can easily tell a race to the dots in most cases. Obviously, it should be similar to offside where full control negates it, not just touching the puck.
  21. Not official but would be happening this summer.
  22. It's a conference decision. Up until a few years, Atlantic Hockey didn't have a policy so if you happened to have a video board you could show whatever. Occasionally, the refs would ask you to stop showing something but there was no rule you had to stop. Now, you're allowed to show it once at full speed and once slowed down if it's questionable, but only before the review is initiated. After the fact, it's usually just shown to confirm the ref's decision for the fans.
  23. The search function on this website is fantastic. Once again, you completely missed the boat about Notre Dame to the B10. Still waiting for those 4 schools to announce...
  24. GB only had spots to sign two players so Harris will likely head to Redskins camp.
  25. Notre Dame?
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