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Everything posted by southpaw

  1. If I'm Sather, I'm using the portal to my advantage. "Come play for UND for a year or two, then we'll help you land at a higher profile school. Look at our history of freshmen of the year and where former players have landed. That could be you."
  2. A handful of people in Bismarck this weekend following the Governor's lead in supporting a felon. I think we can all agree that more respect from our leaders should be shown to those who abide by the law, amirite.
  3. Of course they know there is crime. It's Fargo, isn't it? So many clutching their pearls here about the big city dangers. You believe a corporation who would fire their injured employee in a heartbeat and I'll believe what history has shown us. Then, you can visit the gas station you already don't patronize in six months when it's still open.
  4. Beautiful strawman. The violence isn't a big enough problem for the police to invest their time with benefits, but you know better than they do. Although, we all know you're someone who takes security seriously, especially when it involves the most powerful person in the world, all the time.
  5. How long after this quote will you edit your post? The manager was safe until they decided to put themselves in a fight. Why isn't the Exxon store in a much better location not threatening to close? Why are reviewers feeling threatened by the rent-a-cops?
  6. Someone voluntarily interjecting themselves into a fight in order to protect a multi-million dollar company? That's stupid. But if businesses chose to close when one employee gets hurt, there'd be no businesses left.
  7. This massive notice they're giving? They may close a 13th Ave store and then open a new one in West Fargo. But, just to confirm... now they're getting ahead of a story? You said they were closing stores. Which is it? They offered the police some ridiculous things to get free security and the police said no. This is a PR move by a company that sees a store that is further offset from the interstate from its larger, more convenient competitor meaning they're not making as much money as they'd like.
  8. Crime in 2023 in SF was the lowest it's been in 10 years and it's even lower this year. Be factual bruh. Just because Fox News tells you crime is rampant in big cities doesn't mean it's true. Doesn't this board love to "do your own research?"
  9. So they "may" close stores. That's significantly different than your post that said the company "is closing stations." Just like we heard Walgreens was closing it's San Francisco stores because of crime only to find out it was because there wasn't nearly as much foot traffic as before. Or that the KC Chiefs or dozens of other professional teams threatening to move because the taxpayers wouldn't buy a new stadium. The owners are using the threat of closing to get free security from the police.
  10. Did you even read the article? None of the stores are actively being closed.
  11. A significant amount of more objective UND fans no longer post here due to the openly political messages numerous posters and admins have conveyed over the past 22 months. Unfortunately, Siouxsports.com, the admins, and @jimdahl no longer enforce the policies that made this board so great for so long.
  12. It literally is just the stickers that bother me and only that they're so shiny on the matte helmets. Get the exact same stickers, just also matte and the helmets will look even cleaner.
  13. I know it's not a major priority for the team but what are the odds in reaching out to UND about a quick fundraiser for matte hawk logo stickers for the football helmets? The current ones just look so crappy on the beautiful green helmets. If you're able to do a quick bit of research, I'd assume myself and the rest of SS would be able to cover the expense for the next 5 years pretty quickly.
  14. Is Weatherby playing well enough for the racists this year?
  15. Very sorry for your loss. While we had quite the back-and-forth disagreements on topics related to UND and collegiate athletics, he will definitely be missed. He brought a lot of character to the board. Best wishes to you and your family and thank you for sharing.
  16. That doesn't delete my account and remove my searchable content, but I appreciate your answer.
  17. Hey @jimdahl, How do I delete my account?
  18. Second time I've seen this posted somewhere, but I must be missing something. Is it just because of the Nebraska game?
  19. Good to see the "no politics" rule being enforced.
  20. Why would BG go now when they weren't interested the last time around?
  21. UND is in a position of power in any negotiation that would happen. The B1G needs UND, not the other way around. If they do go, it better be for guaranteed annual money. I still don't like it. The NCHC is self-sustaining at this point and is the premiere college hockey conference. It's where every new school wants to join and every current school in the footprint wants to join. If UMN and Wisco weren't forced to stay in the B1G, they'd be trying to join the conference as well.
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