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Everything posted by FSSD

  1. What!?! UND was leading 24-10 in the 4th.... This is a team that is supposed to wear team out by the 4th Q and finish them off instead we turnover the ball over and give the opposing teams a short field to come back and win. The offense was setup a couple of times in the 3rd Q with great field position and nothing. Plus we had a duck hook on a chippy FG.. UND is killing themselves plain and simple.
  2. Well, I found a link to the game by going to Big Sky conference site, I then select the link and I get access denied error. I go to the ISU link and I get a game. I go not get the move to Neversports.... this site has been terrible all season. Major step back for the Big Sky. The other site worked much better..
  3. Cool - thanks says the racist that supports the Fighting Irish - the Irish people not mascots
  4. Johnboy everyone is entitled to an opinion and if they want to hold a grudge they can. I would think that SiouxForever could have some support from the Lambda Chi house. They might not be too happy with the president's letter to all students without getting all the facts.
  5. When I was 18 and just started to vote.. my dad said if you have not done your homework - don't vote. In this case, if you are drawing out of a hat. .. you might not want to vote.
  6. I got my email yesterday and you can chalk up one vote for Riders
  7. go to eversports direct the Big Sky site - does not show it as active..
  8. Seriously 73 start another thread to talk about budget stuff..
  9. I am sorry but I think it is funny that Bison Dan thinks he has the credibility to call anyone else out on anything.
  10. Studsrud best fits the offense they want to run. But, I think other QBs are more than capable of an running an offense other than the read option.
  11. Yes, it is buffering.... espn 3 not problems - this pile of crap site - has buffered all season for me. Big Sky took a bit step back with this service.
  12. I believe that he was moved to WR because of injury problems at that position for a year. So, he floated around early on because of his athletic ability.
  13. I was hoping to watch the game... I was on the road today. Does the new Big Sky site show archived games? Some of you think the new site is better but the video quality of the games that I have watch is sub par. Plus, on the old site I could watch archived games and multiple games at the same time. I have not figured out how to do that on this new site. Any help from other would be appreciated.
  14. Are you sure??? I do think that we do have precedence for this type of hit...
  15. Yep, you are right no penalty called... nothing to see here. What was I thinking?
  16. So, if a SDSU player chopped a NDSU player from behind like that would coach Bohl roll out the coaches film and talked about it on the coaches show?
  17. Still looking for your reply to the question - clean or dirty?
  18. I noticed that you didn't give your thoughts on it being a clean play? Only that he is a nice guy. So, was it clean?
  19. I know that this is a little of topic but has anyone used the EverSport link to watch Big Sky games. I am trying to use the site and I don't see how to register and does it allow you to watch archived games. The old AmericaOne site I could watch archived games. Thanks in advance for any help..
  20. Can someone please buy one these for me... I am assuming wal-mart - fargo.. or NDSU bookstore..
  21. I agree with ND1 - if you look at it - the Sun Belt is looking at three schools right now on the eastern part of the US. They need one for sure to be a travel partner with App St. IMO the other two are back fill for NMSU and IU. Because those two schools come into play in the next round when the Big XII more the likely takes a hit or if the Pac 12 decides to expand. I think the Big XII is in trouble... they survived the lost of Missouri, AM, Nebraska and Colorado in the last round But, Kanas/Oklahoma and Texas are looking around and are prepared for the next round. I think the Big XII ends up inviting a group of schools from MWC and/or USA. I would think UNLV, SDSU, Boise St, Air Force and Colorado St. are all in play. MWC could looking for schools in the next round - UI and NMSU are first in line.
  22. Here's the part that drives me crazy. My local community recently had a trailer park close. The owner was looking to sell the land because it was more valuable than the operation of the park. The park had 60 families. Those families were a mix of retired and entry level workers (Latino) but they were all living within their means and doing the best they can. Here is the story of one resident: After her house in Grand Forks, North Dakota was destroyed by a flood. She bought her mobile home for $9,500. As is the case with most mobile home residents, she owns the unit she lives in, but rents the lot on which it sits for just over $300 a month. And another: On any given day, you might find her working at Sam Goody. Or Nordstrom's Rack. Or Tony Roma's restaurant. She says she works 15 hours a day between the three jobs. "And it is tiring," .......... she adds. "I like everything in my house," Ramirez says. "It took us a long time to get this house. Everything we have we struggled to have." Now, the residents try to form a CO-OP but are unable to raise the capital that is required. When they approach the city to partner with them. The city government declines and then provides the following quotes. The City of Bloomington says it's sympathetic to the housing needs of its low income residents, but the closing of Shady Lane had to do with forces beyond its control. "It was really a question of money," says City of Bloomington attorney Sandra Johnson. From another news article. When Shady Lane Court – a community that was overwhelmingly people of color (74%) and predominantly Latino (56%) – received closure notices in 2005, city officials did not offer support and made such statements as: “It’s time for a reality check; maybe some people can’t afford to live in Bloomington.” And then the City goes into a semi smear campaign with the following quotes: Attorney Sandra Johnson had indeed been documenting problems at Shady Lane for a long time before the park closed. Bankers boxes of files on Shady Lane line the floor under her desk. "I've got archive boxes on this particular file that start from the mid-'90s, when it became a real eyesore, at least from the city's perspective," Johnson says.. There's also documentation of some of the more idiosyncratic residents. As Johnson puts it, mobile homes sometimes draw people who want to live under the radar. She holds out a picture of a unit where the windows are covered with flies. Some of the stranger stories are the stuff of lore about trailer parks. But according to Johnson, the real problem at Shady Lane was the array of health, environmental, and building code violations. Ultimately the park closes, and all of the residents are relocated. The government was able to help 10 of the 60 resident families because they qualified for assistance. Now we fast forward a couple of years, a new project is started at the Shady Lane location. It's called the Crossings at Valley View. It is a $10 million dollar project that provides residents for 50 families. Rents on all 50 units are affordable to families at or below 50 percent of area median income, with four units being further restricted to 30 percent of area median income. In other words all units are subsidized. The building of the project itself is heavily subsidized by government agencies/non profits and by local government. The City of Bloomington and the County provide approximately $1 million dollars. So, the market forces that the City was talking about was in fact themselves. I really don't consider those market forces. If you look into the numbers it's crazy. The average house prices in that area when this project was completed was right around $120,000 to $170,000. Yet, the government builds a project that costs $200,000 per unit and provides further monthly assistance for rent for the foreseeable future. So, who do they get the money from... the neighbors who are living within their means. In a nutshell the government decided to relocate/dump on one population (retired/down on their luck/entry level-Latino) for another (New American). They hide behind the claim of market forces/diversity/inclusiveness but actually force the people they relocated to subsidize their replacement. This is the problem that I have with this stuff. I would rather help the people not expecting anything versus the groups working the system and expecting everything to be given to them. But, why wouldn't they expect everything to be given to them - it is the precedence that our leaders have set. I have a great taxi driver story trying to get home from the MSP after an international business flight.
  23. Tedder - thanks for the updates... keep on posting.
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