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Everything posted by FSSD

  1. EWU int at the 2 yrd line.... going to half at EWU 17 and PSU 13
  2. PSU driving now ... 40 of EWU with :35 left in half
  3. NAU 17 SUU 7 ... :25 to go in the half
  4. NAU driving at SUU 4 with 1.00 to go in the half
  5. yup, big play to Cooper 70 yds TD
  6. Having shooters in the offense is going to help... McD and Crandell are big pieces this year.
  7. I like his energy, but he was over powered a couple of times in the first half. I can't figure out why Cashman is not seeing more time.
  8. PSU 13 EWU 10 NAU 10 SUU 7 UNI 14 SIU 0
  9. I am not sure if UND jumps NAU if they both win... it will be interesting to who the conference promotes.. we really need PSU to win.. because I think they could be in trouble if UND/NAU/EWU are all tied with 7 wins.
  10. I think it hurts the conference if SUU wins because they were destroyed by SDSU ealier this year. NAU has a SFA non conference win. UND 77 Bowling Green 59 - McD 17 6/7 from 3 and Hooker 24.
  11. UNI 14 - SIU 0 UND 71 BG 58 5.52 PSU 13 EWU 10
  12. McD for another 3 has to be his third or 4th...... PSU just scored..13 10 now..
  13. PSU driving on EWU 25 Hooker couple of nice plays UND 64 - 57
  14. EWU 10 PSU 6 NAU 3 SUU 6 pending PAT UND 59 BG 53 2nd half 9:00 - UND Fr McD is shooting well today
  15. EWU 7 PSU 6 - EWU driving 7:20 1Q NAU 3 - SUU 0 1st Q
  16. three big games in progress: SUU 0 NAU 0 PSU 6 EWU 0 UNI 0 SIU 0
  17. 32 for UND has been overpower twice now.. not sure why he is playing.
  18. 30 - 18 7:22 left in the first half.. UND has looked good. But, BSU has started to warm up..
  19. At the start of day I had 9 spots open: 5 of those spots are filled: 1) SUU/NAU winner 2) UCA/SHSU winner 3) Richmond - with the win today 4) Citadel - with the win today. 5) UM - looks like they are going to win already so I am giving them the spot. 6) 7) 8) 9) Bubble - Order Ranked based on a win (so, IMO if UND wins they are in but stranger things have happened): UNI win - they are in... UHM has won - I think they are even with UND if we win. UND if they win - FBS win and PSU win. Towson vs RI - Towson loss and they done - win IMO below UND but very close. EKU/EIU - winner does not have a quality only this game. But, they are the second place OVC team. EWU vs Portland - EWU loss they done - win - IMO - below UND if they win. But do they jump because of name. 6 teams for 4 spots... RI/Towson game is big right now...
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