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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. What's the score? I'm late to the party. Thanks.
  2. I doubt this will be NDSU's call. I'm sure the NCAA has a protocol for this and I'd bet it's a year.
  3. If anyone thinks kids don't hear that type of language, you should have been around my high school basketball coach when he got mad. Some of things he said would have made a sailor blush.
  4. So how many years are left on Berry's contract?
  5. Right or wrong, we seem to sack the lieutenants and let the generals fight on for another year. Maybe the previous AD should have been more careful about signing such long contracts.
  6. Chaves seemed to waffle on the football team failure but I'm sure hoping he's got some balls to do something about our premiere sport.
  7. I'm starting to think we need big changes in more than a few programs. The people on top are the guys accountable, maybe some big heads need to roll when the teams start to suck like this. And I mean both hockey and FB.
  8. Anyone else having all kinds of trouble with the onhockey feed?
  9. Deja vu all over again. Just so much like last night
  10. After last night I"m setting my expectations very low and hoping I'm pleasantly surprised.
  11. So, Hot Goalie? EDIT: I see Cratter beat me to the punch.
  12. At least someone here gets it. I'll say it again, one game does not a season make, but one good season gets you into the playoffs.
  13. I prefer to live for bigger things. Yes, beating the Bison in Fargo would be great, but I'm not counting on it, but I do think a playoff berth and win is possible and even probable. That gets us farther down the ultimate road for this program too. Some of you are too obsessed with NDSU.
  14. Who the heck cares if we beat them or not. Look at the big picture, I'd much rather settle for a playoff appearance followed with a playoff win. One game doesn't determine our season, but one season determines our playoffs.
  15. I always loved Kenny Golladay. Too bad we couldn't hold him.
  16. Yea, and maybe his Uncle Vince could come here and coach. Win/win for us.
  17. But a Grover or Heidelbaugh type QB is almost worse than nothing, and I remember how hyped people were about H when we first signed him.
  18. So why waste a scholly on Grover at QB? Find some other place to fit him in. The same goes for any potential HS QB recruit. Get someone who has great potential, no use getting someone just to say we got a QB in this class. We don't need another Grover just marking time. I'd rather see no QB in this class than another marginal one is what I'm getting at.
  19. Here's hoping for a good day tomorrow. See who we get, figure out what we still need and finish off with the Feb LoI day.
  20. And Fort had a lot of legit offers too!
  21. Aren't we all learning something every day? Hopefully someone learns how to keep our quality commits.
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