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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. Hain. Glad you are doing this again, it's much appreciated by all of us. I seriously considered bumping up the old thread from last year as a reminder the other day but thought maybe you were just to busy to do survivor this year. Thanks for making my day.
  2. Hawkster

    2019 Season

    But is Schuster better than Boltman? Just asking, not implying either way.
  3. Hawkster

    2019 Season

    I have to wonder if the coaches really think that Kett is better than Boltman or Schuster? It's hard to fathom that line of thought, but why else aren't they switching? My only concerns on Schuster are the lack of experience and his 5'11" height, but I still think he deserves a shot. Nothing ventured nothing gained. And I have have no concerns on BB. He's earned a chance.
  4. Rudy is gone and we still have the same issues. It makes me think the problems run higher and deeper than just Rudy.
  5. His name is Galladay. A Galloway is a cow down at NDSU.
  6. If we are even remotely thinking about another Good Old Boy hire then we might as well keep Bubba. If we opt to replace Bubba, then cut deep and get rid of coordinators too. After all, I haven't seen anything spectacular out of them either this season. IMO, all go or no one goes. At this point I'm reserving judgment until one or two more games, we can still win 7 games, but not if they keep playing the way they did today.
  7. I actually had predicted we'd lose unfortunately but figured EWU comes out blazing. Well they looked like hell and we looked worse. It's wouldn't hurt so much if we lose to a good team but EWU just plain sucked and we still couldn't do it. For the umpteenth time, how come Bubba couldn't recruit a good QB in past years? And will they finally go with Schuster?
  8. I said that 2 months ago and still feel the same way.
  9. Well at least this turkey is over. INT
  10. Why is Kett still in???
  11. Guys just don't have it today
  12. If, but, if, but. That's all I got out of that
  13. 38-27 EWU. Just one of those games we won't win. Even with a loss we will still be on schedule to make the playoffs.
  14. Hawkster

    next up EWU

    I still can't believe the NCAA allows fields like this. Stick to green
  15. Hawkster

    SH Game Day

    I was wrong, I see Shuster is our man, at least for now. If God is a Hawks fan He won't let Tommy get hurt. That's my big fear, we seem to lose a QB a game now days. It was ugly but a win is win.
  16. Hawkster

    SH Game Day

    I'd have faith in Boltman
  17. Hawkster

    SH Game Day

    And now a dumb penalty
  18. Hawkster

    SH Game Day

    Hopefully Sammy can't keep it up.
  19. Good grief, I said it facetiously and everyone took it seriously. I made the comment in response to someone saying NDSU should be forced to move up. I doubt anyone is going to kick the mighty Bison out of the conference.
  20. Well maybe we could get the presidents of the Mo Valley schools to vote NDSU out of the conference like the D3 schools did to St. Thomas. Might be worth a try.
  21. I was stuck at a wedding yesterday so I just watched the game this morning and then gave up in frustration. As so many people have said for years, Bubba can't recruit and this shows. We played 3 QB's yesterday and all looked just OK, nothing outstanding, and 4th QB is out injured. Next week will a biggie, need to win and move forward or everything will just regress. If that happens Bubba's days should be numbered.
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