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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. So we're up 2-0? Who scored the second goal?
  2. I also vaguely recall that Chapman wanted the entired NCC to move together and pretty much everyone except the XDSU's was against the idea. I think that would have been the route to go really, we would have kept all the old rivalries and everyone would have been starting out on a level playing field. Granted, a few of the NCC bottom feeders might have had to stay back, but certainly the rest of the conference could have succeeded. While I've never been a Chapman fan, that was one time the man had some foresight.
  3. I didn't have a chance to watch the game but I sure am happy with the outcome.
  4. Big plans cost big dollar$ and we don't have that kind of money to throw around. Besides, dreams are usually just that, fantasy. You keep talking about his big plans, so let's hear about them. You keep throwing that statement out, so nows your chance to one up SV. And I'm assuming we aren't going FBS by July 1.
  5. And that sums up our problem. An "OK" QB at best. I think we can all see why he was passed over at Sac State. We won't be an elite FB team until bubba figures out how to hit a home run when it comes to bringing in quarterbacks. The OK ones aren't cutting it, someone compared Ket to Mollberg and that's probably a fair assessment.
  6. So what does Rudy do about the QB situation? IMO he almost has to stay with Ket for the time being just because we've pretty much built our season around him. I will say I've been disappointed in Ket for the last few games but feel switching horses now gains us nothing. Boltman hopefully is the future of this team but is he ready now?
  7. But it's not early in the games that we have trouble, it's in the second half that the wheels come off the bus.
  8. But we still lost to an average team and we lost to an average team that will never make the playoffs this year. Even the most negative person who expected us to get blown out last week against SHSU thought we'd win today in our own house. This game says mountains about bubba and his program.
  9. This isn't just on the athletes, it's on Bubba. Let's be honest with ourselves, Bubba still has control over the other coaches and he just ignores the problems. As to recruiting, I'm going to keep saying it, Bubba just can't recruit. If he could, we wouldn't be struggling with the QB problem.
  10. As usual, we looked good against the tough teams like SHSU and then pull this stunt against a poor team like Idaho State.
  11. 35-24 UND. Still worried about our kicking game.
  12. It's probably a good thing I don't have a feed, I don't think I could bear to watch this.
  13. Thanks everyone. Much appreciate the updates.
  14. OK so what happened? I've got no feed.
  15. If we get beat that badly, then this season will spiral down out of control. Calls going to be for more Rudy's head. I think the head head's might be trouble.
  16. 28-27 UND. We score 4 TD's and miss 3 field goals.
  17. Sounds like he's becoming a head case in front of crowds. That IMO is the worst thing that could happen and no amount of coaching is going to change it. Leach is going to have to figure it out by himself I'm afraid.
  18. Well I didn't say he was a good coach, I just stated that Muss did indeed attract some very quality players to this program and was better at recruiting then Bubba.
  19. You nailed it. I fully agree, Bubba absolutely can't recruit. Muss, for all his problems got better players to come here. A couple months ago I blasted for being too negative about Bubba's lack of quality commits, but the lack of success is very apparent. Playoffs or bust is right, but I really think by this stage of the game we should have the expectations of a playoff win as well.
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