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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. This win should really help us in the pairwise!
  2. Blackhawks?
  3. History is purged Bourgeoisie symbols expunged The Dear Leader smiles
  4. Do they still show the hockey games at RTO Sullivan's Mesa, AZ?
  5. I just took this photo outside my office. Go Yavapai College Roughriders! Roughriders are pretty big here.... In case you're interested, here's some historical background: http://www.sharlot.org/library-archives/days-past/rough-rider-sculpture-on-courthouse-plaza/
  6. Thought for the day: If the NCAA would have allowed a plurality vote to carry the day, we probably would still be the Fighting Sioux thanks to the Spirit Lake Tribe.
  7. Voted. Didn't vote for Sundogs.
  8. Found it on 795.
  9. This game was showing on Direct TV all week and now it disappeared! Anyone watching on Direct TV and if so, what channel?
  10. Once upon a time I was on spring break from UND in Arizona and found myself poolside with a bunch of NDSU cheerleaders. I believe they were all corporate fitness majors. Anyway, just like that spring break, I think NDSU will keep UND's scoring chances to a minimum.
  11. I already have two local teams called the Sundogs and Roughriders. The defunct semi-pro hockey team is the Sundogs--(expect a version of a dog mascot if you pick this name.) If you asked them they would probably sell to UND all the licensing rights lock, stock and barrel. The local community college is the Yavpai College Roughriders. (Interesting to note that the college rarely displays "Roughrider" or a roughrider mascot on any of its team names, but almost always goes by Yavapai College. The Yavapai are the local Indian tribe.
  12. Trust me. You will soon be reduced to dogs--it's tangible and makes a better plushie.
  13. Sorry, I'm not buying the argument. The reason for the agreement in the first place was because "Fighting Sioux" was the nickname, not "North Dakota." Following the logic of your argument, "Flickertails" could not have been an option for a "new" nickname either because it was previously used by UND. Because the agreement apparently fails to define "nickname" the door is open to using "North Dakota" as a nickname. If the NCAA wanted the generally recognized (by whom?) format for sports names and wanted to exclude "North Dakota" as a nickname, they should have put it in the agreement. Finally, I apologize for using an obnoxious number of "quotation marks."
  14. Does the agreement provide a definition of "nickname". Black's Law Dictionary defines it as "a shortend version of one's name." You could easily make the case that "North Dakota" is a nickname of "The University of North Dakota" or even better, it is a shorter version of "The State University and School of Mines at Grand Forks" which is how UND is referenced in the century code.
  15. I'd like to propose the first Fighting Hawks battle cry. Imagine thousands of fans yelling in unison---"FHAWK!" Nice job committee.
  16. I live 90 miles from my wife's alma mata NAU. I can even see flagstaff from my house. I have to say I have seen the new hatchet logo a couple of times but have never seen suspenders guy until it was postd on this thead. Apparently its not very popular.
  17. Speaking from experience, Sundogs is a lame name for a sports team.
  18. Got the feed. Had to switch web browsers. Missed the first goal.
  19. Anybody getting the webcast from UNDSports? I just get a black screen.
  20. I had cancelled by DirectTV sports package when UND signed the new TV deal. Now I can't get the hockey game, but I can get the UND women's basketball game vs. NAU in HD. Not exactly the same. Anyone else having problems with the audio stream?
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