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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. I call him "The Butler"!
  2. Thanks! Its working!!
  3. Anybody know a place in Phoenix/Tempe area that may be carrying the game?
  4. I've just spent the last couple of hours emailing NCHC.TV/Neulion/Sidearm trying to get my streaming account fixed. They took my money, but cancelled by subscription. Anyway, they just admitted the error and fixed it. Did I miss anything???
  5. Now I'm offended! :)
  6. Below is the ASU jersey they wore on a trip to China this month. Makes their regular jerseys a bit of a disappointment.
  7. Sundog


    "Beer" classified as a non-collegiate sport topic??? Things have changed since I went to college.
  8. Well, the first four NCAA themed games have been released. https://www.bringhomethedome.com/product/15/collegiate-edition-super-chexx-pro Can't say I'm seeing the extra $1,000 to $1,600 in value added to these games.
  9. Steven Wright: A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently, it wasn't first place.
  10. It looks like something some students created as opposed to any official logo. It reminds me of high school when the cheerleaders would decorate the gym with varying degrees of artistic talent.
  11. Is it too early to write my letter to Santa? https://www.bubblehockey.com/product/15/collegiate-edition-super-chexx-pro#pick-model
  12. I remember one closure between 1985 and 1992. 1989 and -35 on the thermometer sounds about right. The bars seemed to be busy, but I can't recall which ones I was at! Good thing I didn't get Danny Kris-toed!
  13. I always stop at the pinball hall of fame. They have a few old school hockey themed games, one of two upright pinball games, brand new games and electromechanical classics.
  14. When in Vegas it is always worthwhile to visit the Pinball Hall of Fame. www.pinballmuseum.org. More than a few hockey related games! (And you only lose 25 cents at a time!)
  15. I'll be on the road for the game. Will Hennesy be broadcasting the game so I can stream on iheart radio? (Assuming iheart is still in business) Or is there another designated broadcaster for the tourney?
  16. This is what the postal service got transforming it's logo. (A Sundog on the right?)
  17. I remember those days. Thank you for your service.
  18. THANKS. The Roku App said it starts now. I guess that's what happens when your state doesn't participate in daylight savings time!
  19. Anybody got the NCHC feed yet?
  20. “But more important than the score of th[e] game... is to score at the big social at our place tonight.” Tripper Harrison – Senior Staff Counselor, Camp North Star.
  21. You can probably buy this logo real cheap! The team went defunct a few years ago and probably will never come back.
  22. I saw Jerry York at the pregame meal....
  23. Audio is bad on the NCHC stream as well.
  24. NCHC TV = No College Hockey Channel
  25. The best thing about this article is that there will be a division one hockey tournament in my town! I already have tickets!
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