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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Also the total fixation with just women's hockey... as if men's and women's swimming & diving weren't also chopped and men's golf defunded. Surprised (and I think this part is a good thing, don't get me wrong) with the rise of girls wrestling in North Dakota why isn't NDSU being urged to add the sport. I mean, where are these young ladies going to have to go to compete in college??!! Leave the state? No, not that!
  2. Can't wait for updates on the daughters and granddaughters of former players in the future.
  3. The fact he got multiple looks and is ranked #15 recruit out of ‘Sota has got to mean something, not? (crossing fingers)
  4. BJ Omot, 6'8, 185, Mankato (East), MN Has offers from WMU, Providence, St. Thomas, WIU, Cal Poly & Bryant
  5. Just win, baby! My 8 year old daughter can’t take her eyes off KB when she’s on the court. I told her if you want to know how to play basketball the right way — watch #11.
  6. Former UND QB. Joey Bradley.
  7. Absolutely!
  8. Need Maggie, Kacie, Orth and first off the bench to hit more 3s to open up an effective inside out game. Continued strong D.
  9. Finalist for SU prez
  10. Gotta keep Brunsy fat and happy. With Transfer Portal the way it is, I don't want us to be serving as a farm club for USD or SDSU.
  11. My memory could be failing me (very likely) but unless you are implying that KG knew what kind of offense Rudy would be installing as a reason for his departure.... I believe KG bolted to NIU just after Muss was canned and before Bubba and Rudy even set foot into their Memorial Stadium offices.
  12. Off the top of my head, in recent memory, I seem to remember Cal Poly loading the box before the Kett to TE Cloyd 4th quarter game winning TD in SLO.
  13. We all agree, I think. But even you point out the positive when it's warranted.
  14. I get it. Really we all do. We're just not willing to sh!t as easily on the team we consider like family. It's like I can talk smack about my brother but if you do... .we are going to tango. They (the "realistic" analyst types) just don't seem to have that family mentality... more like an outsider looking in.... so it rubs folks the wrong way. Anyway to each their own, I guess. Just my 2 cent.
  15. Like Sic said.. some of your points are awesome. Just sprinkle it in with some fun stuff so we don't always give the opposing fan bases the schadenfreude they're lurking here for.
  16. Eight years in!? Oh, the agony. LOL! Realistic isn't fun on a fan board. Try being a fan once in a while instead of a dispassionate analyst.
  17. Some are looking for the perpetual recruiting cycle. It's nice (intoxicating) to be wanted. Instead of one opportunity to make your big Twitter "commitment" announcement... you get 2, 3, etc.
  18. “Thus, on the unique facts before it, the Court finds it necessary, in order to truly afford injunctive relief to the parties before it, to issue an injunction with nationwide applicability.”
  19. I like anything UND!
  20. Post of the decade. Unfortunately.
  21. JFC. We are still debating this? Same dozen people, too. It's like the bat signal goes out that a new post has been submitted, and like moths to a flame .... Comical. Don't change, SiouxSports, don't ever effn' change. I know you wont. Ok, I'm done.
  22. No one ever said he was. Just the best ready option we have right now. Accept it. move on. Thanks. Go UND.
  23. We’re fans of a team. Not analysts. Not sports bookies. It is very normal to see things glass half full with a team you love. It isn’t fun to crap on them all the time. So many of us don’t. You do. You be you. Rock on. Just remember though you being hard on them does as much as others being soft on them does — nothing. Being delusional is fun. That’s why we’re fans. We put the fan in fanatic.
  24. Who gives a crap -Just win baby.
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