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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. You are correct.
  2. Former D linemen Austin Cieslak (on the right), and Tank Harris
  3. It was falling apart. Among other prudent reasons for expediting the demolition phase (related to campus construction and ongoing city street repair schedules in areas needed for ingress and egress to and from Memorial, getting ahead of the ripple effects of COVID that was going to spur rising costs of contractors, and the relatively cheaper cost of securing contractors in the late winter/early spring of 2021 before the busy highway construction season), UND wanted to avoid an uncontrolled collapse such as what took place at Minard Hall at NDSU. https://www.inforum.com/newsmd/ndsu-settles-remaining-minard-hall-cases-receives-3-million
  4. who said it was?
  5. Interesting reply from Tom Dosch inquiring about the possibility of former teammates reuniting. Hmmm?
  6. Seriously, though, I think most of them are older than average throwback types from the DII days, when everyday life was at Civil War pitch between the two fan bases. They’re trying to relive those days of yore through the message boards, trying to delight in infighting and us feeling down —about anything really — and any other nuggets of schadenfreude where they can. Oh and they’re probably self proclaimed defenders of the herd should anyone dare to speak ill of the almighty Bizon brand. To each their own, I guess.
  7. No. Being a secret fan boy/girl of UND isn’t against forum rules.
  8. I’m not sure if it’s Bubba but someone on the staff sure has that keen sense.
  9. That other school has a board?
  10. I see what you did there!
  11. Clearly you're a new fan of SiouxSports. There is absolutely nothing that "everyone" on this board agrees on.
  12. Ahem. This reinforces what UND is adhering to. Just issued in light of 50th anniversary of Title IX: Biden administration proposals uphold ban on disciplining athletes accused of sexual misconduct, punt ruling on transgender athletes https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/34136092/biden-administration-upholds-ban-disciplining-athletes-accused-sexual-misconduct-punts-ruling-transgender-athletes Excerpt from the article: Under proposed Title IX regulations from the federal government released Thursday on the 50th anniversary of the law, coaches and athletic department administrators would still be barred in most cases from removing an athlete accused of sexual misconduct from a sports team while an investigation is pending. While the U.S. Department of Education proposed rolling back several of the Title IX provisions enacted in 2020 by the Trump administration -- including the standard of evidence needed to determine a violation occurred -- it keeps in place the provision that prevents disciplinary action against students until an investigation has determined they were at fault. This is what UND is speaking to when they say, "The University has followed all appropriate policies, as well as state and federal laws."
  13. This is correct.
  14. Don't tell me... Otis, Toiv, Brady O or Waletzo got hurt on a bike this weekend? What's next!?
  15. Not to celebrate but All-What-If Team -- 1st Team honors Add Grady Train to the list.
  16. Somethin like that.
  17. There is an actual question on the paperwork that addresses this scenario. AD compliance officers worth their salt would not miss it.
  18. If they know how to read the transfer paperwork, the indications of red flags are present.
  19. They knew. Wyatt is choosing to believe the “company” line on this one.
  20. Ha! Ain't that the truth. Although come to think of it, Brunsy only got 1 (secret) offer correct, after FoY? USD. UND might have been his only D1 offer out of H.S.
  21. And what about that Brendan Howard guy!!!! He ditched us in January and he's still on the MBB roster! WTF!!!! (feigned incredulity) ( ;
  22. a little ditty from Brooks' local media from a few months back... https://www.ksnt.com/full-court-press/hes-different-elijah-brooks-remains-humble-while-making-history/
  23. Sather Twitter says another Hawk has landed. Brooks?
  24. I don't know how accurate this report at this link is concerning what Trav is earning in 2022, but not too shabby at all, if true: https://salarysport.com/american-football/player/travis-toivonen/ EDIT: Might be able to afford a studio apartment in Secaucus with that kind of bank.
  25. Completely true. But if I may offer a modicum of defense for McFeely -- opinion columnists are not supposed to be balanced (or even truthful). He can think, write and espouse whatever he wants in this country of ours, short of harassment, libel, etc. On the flipside, you never saw Hennen, Shapiro, Cal Thomas, etc. share any serious criticisms of Trump or Bush when their administrations were at the helm. It's how it is. There is no excuse, however, for anyone getting facts completely wrong or just being careless with the facts -- that goes for both the news side journalists and opinion writers (right and left) alike.
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