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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. I have no doubt someone on Bisonville would say that but without anything to back it up. Like I said wishful thinking. I wonder what conference usd and auggie are hoping to get in, I haven't heard anything from them on conference. You better have deep pockets if your going to be an independent for very long.
  2. No one was sure about the BSC - wishing and hopeful. As far as fssn is concerned - how much is that costing the rea? Any school can setup something like fssn if your willing to subsidize it. As far as the BSC is concerned who knows what they're thinking? The last time they looked at expansion geography and market were what the west coast schools in the BSC were looking at. I don't see any reason now why they would want to expand. Same with the Mid Con if they didn't have a couple of teams drop out, I doubt that they would have invited the SU's in.
  3. I'm sure these faculty members have tenure. Too bad!
  4. Actually UND is paying for both sides of the lawsuit. 100% on the one side and a much smaller % on the other.
  5. Sounds good - get your check book out.
  6. Insightful bincity - but I think UND will be in independent hell for many years before any conference comes calling. NDSU was there for 3 years, what's your plan if a conference invite doesn't happen for 5 -7 years. It can get pretty expensive living without a conference. Good Luck!
  7. You sound just like someone who doesn't know the history of what happened in the ncc. Both SDSU and NDSU waited an extra year to try and convince the conference to move up as a whole. If you remember UNC moved first. It was your president that told the SU's to go and that the conference wasn't interested. Why the change now? Now DI is the hottest thing going? What conference are you hoping to get into? What's your dii budget now? around 4 million - your going to have to double that to move to DI. Good Luck!
  8. This didn't seem to matter to UND in 2004!
  9. You should be - the only reason that they went to Sturgis is because the SDSU president couldn't get out of the meetings there. Why didn't they go to UND, I understand that your AD invited them up but they declined. The Mid-Con is set with 10 teams so why would they take USD? If WKU leaves the Gateway, NDSU and SDSU have a good shot at an invite. They aren't going to consider a bunch of new DI schools that haven't even approached their exploratory year yet. The ncc is 3-4 years to late, but that's what happens when you make decisions when only looking at the short run.
  10. How dare you treat us like we did to you. Don't you know that we're UND?
  11. Your probably right, but the fact is your president did list those two conditions. The main difference I see between NDSU and UND moving up is that NDSU's president was 100% behind the move and pushed for it. I don't think UND's president has his heart in it for the move.
  12. I don't see any where that Bison fans are hoping the sioux fail? That's your own paranoia talking. If you remember alot of sioux fans and some members of the legislature were asking about finances and how NDSU will fund the move. (with many of those saying we'd fail) At the time NDSU was even or in the black, so I don't think you can find it unreasonable that people want to now how UND is going to do it with 850,000 of red ink (if true) BEFORE the move.
  13. Typical sioux logic on anyone bringing up bad news - shoot the messenger.
  14. Elementary hell he learned that in his senior year at UND.
  15. I wouldn't worry - it shouldn't take long to print that few tickets.
  16. I'll stand by my statement that your starting rumors. How do you square the fact that some of the following posts are asking about the 10 year agreement and penalties?
  17. This is not starting rumors? It was never stated that NDSU must make a 10 year commitment or anything about exit penalties. You guys are priceless!
  18. Your wasting your time with this bunch. potts turns down 12 million and accepts 2 million. That's the leadership ND higher ed needs.
  19. Poor old davek he's trying to reinvent history - what actions are you talking about? The only classless statements and actions that I know about have come from up north. I'd list them but you all know what I'm talking about.
  20. I remember good old Bruce what he didn't know for sure he would make up. I remember back in 88 or 89 when UND's qb wasn't getting the job done in Bruces opinion and he mentioned on his radio show that rt should maybe try their # 2 qb to see what he can do. Well Bruce wasn't allowed at practice for the rest of the season. It about broke his heart.
  21. We'll see who's desperate in a couple of years? There isn't any less travel expense for the BSC over the Mid-Con.
  22. Are you referring to NDSU/MN or UND/uni?
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