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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Your thought process is very limited if you think that the NRA is a borderline terrorist organization. You need to educate yourself about the NRA. It has always been a organization that teaches GUN SAFETY. Since the anti-gun nuts have been attacking the 2nd Amendment they have had to get political. It's terrible to think of all the money they spend defending the 2nd amendment that doesn't go to teaching gun safety. I wonder how many lifes the anti-gun fools have cost?
  2. Dave - your kids are the ones that have gun accidents. Kids that don't know a damn thing about guns. If you were smart you'd have your kids take the hunter safety course so they have some knowledge about guns. If you don't want them to be around guns fine, but your not with them all the time, especially as they get bigger. At least they won't be curious when they come across a gun and know what to do.
  3. It's been said before if all NDSU was interested in was a DI NC we start a hockey program. Only 13 full DI teams and 58 or so total teams. Hell if Mankato and St. Clould can be competitive ---
  4. Is UND looking at a 9 game season?
  5. Both the mid-con and GWC were told going in it's either both (NDSU & SDSU) or none - but hey you believe what you want.
  6. Sometimes BB games are like that, no matter what you try it doesn't work.
  7. Just go back over the last 3 years with McFooly articles and you'll have a ton. Like I said you consider slaps anything not in the "UND is great category" No one has trashed NDSU more than the Herald over the years.
  8. Maybe the Gulf Coast team is the kind of team that plays up or down depending on their opponent. After playing so well on Wednesday they had somewhat of a let down.
  9. The trouble with Sioux fans is their so use to the "everything is great at UND reporting" from the Herald that anything that's not in that category is deemed trash.
  10. Ed Schultz is 100% for Ed Schultz and the hell with everyone else. He'll be anything you want him to be just show him the CASH.
  11. No! Mary is a newbe to dii - You guys had a lot of fun with our scheduling now it's our turn.
  12. That'll pack them in. I think Tom is getting a taste of what scheduling will be like from now on.
  13. This opinion is by someone who has been around FCS football for a long time. He's seen how things operate with the conferences and teams moving up. Hardly the same as the dribble that Bakkle, Fee or Mcfeeley write. Yes it's his opinion but it's a very informed one.
  14. Good then hockey is the only sport you consider important for the next 2 years. Good to know!
  15. The games will happen again, there's too much advanage for both schools not to continue at some point in time.
  16. I agree but please let your AD and media know how the Sioux fans feel so they'll quit asking NDSU for games!
  17. You view anyone with an opinion different than a Sioux fan as hate? Too bad.
  18. Does anyone know at this time what the schedule looks like for the Sioux for 2007?
  19. I didn't know that UND only had 3 dii sports moving up?
  20. That's a good thing? I bet coach starts recruiting for the move to DI and you'll see some new faces.
  21. Yea only Bison fans and Fargo media are talking about it.
  22. I agree but where you'll see the difference is in all the other sports. NDSU has usually been better in volleyball, track, softball, soccer, and wrestling. I think most fans will be surprised with our baseball team this year. It seems most Sioux fans don't care about those sports but they all play apart in the move to DI.
  23. I think everyone should try and get these two together to settle this.
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