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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. It's not going to get any better next year either. The state wide interest in dii sports is at a all time low. Who on your bb or fb schedule do you think would be of interest to anyone but the die hard sioux fan? Look at your attendance this year so far. Next years interest will be worse. The move up can be hard at times.
  2. You need to go back to all the 2003-4 posts and see what all your friends were posting about NDSU's move up. Then we'll talk.
  3. I wasn't smacking the "other sports" at UND but I like how some can pick and choose which sports they think are important. NDSU has usually been more "well rounded" thoughtout all the sports they play. Some seem to delight in the fact women's bb is struggling. Well that's one program, how many programs will be struggling at UND when you have a full DI schedule?
  4. If I was you I'd wouldn't be concerned about any of the DI programs at NDSU - all are doing better than expected with womens bb getting a slower start. I'd worry about UND's programs that perennially do poorly in dii. Like Womens SB, Volleyball, and track, and men's bb and track.
  5. Good Luck with that!
  6. Bison Dan

    Lennon & DI

    Does anyone actually think that the current AD would hire the old AD/old FBC as the new FBC.
  7. Bison Dan

    Goodbye NCC

    Then why did rt step down as AD of UND and start working for the ncc? Poor decision on his part?
  8. Last FB home game NDSU 19,058 UND 5,023 - I think interest in dii athletics is at a all time low with sioux fans. Your right NDSU fb fans will be glued to the tube watching the DI-AA quarter finals.
  9. Comparing strength of schedule between divisions is foolish.
  10. 100% Right - Fans want to see games that are competitive.
  11. So all the presidents of the BSC secretly got together and told UND that they're in if they go DI? With no travel partner! Just UND all by it's lonesome, way out here.
  12. Oh you forgot the best one - that UND will have a conference invite & money in hand before they announce they're moving up.
  13. The fb team just beat Indiana by 40
  14. You'll be doing more than dropping your pants to get into a conference.
  15. Maybe the states attorney would be interested in this. I sure glad Mr. Lapointe is your guys problem.
  16. Because at the time they were the only conference that was in a somewhat expansion mode.
  17. I doubt it. The MidCon has 10 memebers why would they want anymore? It helps NDSU & SDSU in travel but adds nothing for the present members. Wishfull thinking.
  18. Our attendance is counted as butts in the seat not like the alerus which counts paid attendance.
  19. Your jealously is so obvious. But hell think what you want. I see that Northeastern beat the #1 team in DI-AA this weekend and Geogia Southern took the #2 team into 2 ot.
  20. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!
  21. I've never seen anyone so hung up on fssn. Do you really think that Portland or E. Wash gives a rats ass about fssn. All they care about is their bottom line and flying to the midwest for all their conference games is expensive. How does fssn put a dollar in anyones pocket in the BSC? If W. Washington or C. Washington move to DI within the next 2 years who do you'll think they'll pick? Poor unc gets little or no support from the Denver market. It's location location location for BSC.
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