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Everything posted by iramurphy

  1. Agreed. Berhns pissed off a lot of people when he ran the score up one year when UND was down. He is a very good coach and he is a very good recruiter. He wasn't ready to be a head coach here and he did not have a great staff. When he left here, he knew that was his biggest mistake and he hasn't made it again. Most of them were NAIA coaches and didn't understand the talent level needed to succeed in the NCC. He has outcoached our guys the last few years and it doesn't sit well with us. Condolences to Pat, Suzie and the family.
  2. Redwing had a good post on the FB thread so I will comment. I saw both games. I have been watching Sioux hockey for 35 yrs. This group of Freshman is very impressive. They will make freshman mistakes but I think they will improve faster and more that the veteran teams. I was suprised at how well Finley moved the puck. He stick handled well and moved pretty well for such a big guy. A year with our conditioning coach and he will be awfully intimidating. Ducan is very quick and very tough. I was impresssed with how well our young forwards went into the corners and played the angles. Toews is going to be quite a talent. You could seee the flashes of brilliance that has everyone so excited. I was impressed with how mature Lee played. He has great vision and directs the power play very well. He also stick handled well and carried the puck through traffic very well. Chorney was very steady and had his first goal. Oshie was so impressive. He is one of the smartest hockey players I have some come into the WCHA in a long time. He outworks the opponents then sets his teamates up with great passing. He seldom goes into the corners and doesn't come out with the puck or kick it to a teamate. He often came away with the puck when the Denver guy got there first. The other thing I was impressed with was that on at least 3 occasions a Denver guy took a run at him and found themselves on their butt. He is a tough kid. I thought Jones looked like a freshman with promise, and Watkins, Kozek and the others looked like very good freshmen. These kids dominated a very good Denver team Friday night and hung with them for most of Saturday night. I wouldn't bet against another trip to the Frozen Four if they improve like they should. I am not a hockey expert but that is what I saw while eating too many of those damn Bavarian Almonds.
  3. Agreed, but even if you as the QB don't understand that snapping the ball with 17 sec left on the play clock when you are trying to run it out may not be best, someone on the sideline should give you a heads up! You can't really change QB's now going in to your last game. The problem is created when you don't let your other QB get anything other than mop-up time in a season where you were 9-0 going into this game averaging over 40 points per game and giving up less than 10 per game. The staff must not have had enough confidence to get your other guy in there and that is too bad. You shouldn't have to wait until this type of situation to find out that your number two guy may be your best QB! However if your philosophy is such that you won't play your #2 during the season while the game is still on the line you don't have the luxury of sending him in to bail out your #1 in these situations. Again, I will still say Belmore has had a good year until the last two games and hadn't done anything to lose the starting job. I have stated I think he is one of the most improved kids on the team Whomever you put in there needs to be given a chance to use your entire playbook to succeed. Whether it was this year, last year, or in the last four years as the previous poster noted, we are awfully conservative offensively, and that puts a lot of pressure on our defense. I think this year we are good enough to dictate what we do offensively rather than crawl into the proverbial shell like we tend to do in these situations. We did the same thing a couple of years ago against these guys and lost a fourth quarter lead. I am not questioning how hard the kids work or try. They gave a good effort yesterday. At least we didn't have as many of the undisciplined penalties as we had against Duluth and Mankato. I think we have a great head coach and a good staff. I am not writing a letter to the paper or calling for anyone's head. That would be stupid. I do think that yesterday was not our coaching staff's brightest hour when we had the ball in the fourth quarter up by 19 however.
  4. This game goes down as one of the worst defeats in UND FB history. It ranks up there with the Sioux loss to the AC in 1972, The Sioux loss to the AC in 1973 and the Sioux loss to Alabama in 1975. All games where UND had more talent and let the game slip away. It may have cost UND the National title in 1972, it cost the conference title in 1973 and it knocked the #1 team in the country out of the playoffs in 1975. This one could cost us the homefield advantage for a number of playoff games this year and if we lose next week could knock us out of the playoffs. We had more talent, but I hate to say it but 'ol Pat B outsmarted us again. This is the reason I said Manke should be getting reps at QB during the season in the first half. If anyone has bothered to look he has completed over 70% of his passes and has no turnovers. He has thrown 3 TDs with no int. usually leading our two's against the other teams ones or twos. He has not turned the ball over. Had he been getting reps during the season in the first half the coaching staff should have had enough confidence to put him in when Belmore is struggling. Let him lead the team and let Belmore start the next game if you insist. The way things are now, it doesn't matter how much Belmore struggles he isn't coming out. We had the same issue last year but at least this year Belmore played well until recently. I am not saying bench Belmore permanantly. If there was a big difference between the two QB's I could understand not putting Manke in. When they are that close you owe it to your defense to put Manke in and get them out of the game safely. I talked to some Redshirt FB players at the hockey game after the game and they said a lot of players think Manke is the better of the two QB's. (So do a number of former coaches and people close to the program). Even if you insist on staying with Belmore, you have to let him do more than run Beatty stretch left on first and second down and either the bubble or short slant on third down. Belmore did not lose this game, the coaching staff did and the team did. The poor clock management was worse than a poor high school team. Whether you have Manke or Belmore in you can't put the shackles on your offense the way they did yesterday. I still think Belmore is one of the most improved kids on the team but he has struggled the last two games. He needs to cover the ball up in a crowd because he has fumbled to much all year. Any other player playing that poorly would be pulled. Pull him, let Manke do his thing, then get Belmore fired up to play again if you think is can't be replaced but don't let the team lose the damn game! It is pretty bad when you need to keep your defense on the field to keep the ball away from your own offense so they don't turn it over. I am wondering if Mussman is intimidated by the idea of Manke at QB. Manke's Dad is as good of offensive FB mind as anyone UND has on their staff! Manke is a coaches kid who has won with a lot less talent although at the HS level. There are a lot of D1 kids whose teams lost to DL because of Manke. If nothing else he would have managed the clock a hell of a lot better and he knows enough to cover the ball with both hands when you are running is a crowd. All he does is win! The defense played their hearts out but the staff needs to put the kids in a better position to win than they did yesterday.
  5. Your 42 year old patient isn't the jack-ass that writes for the Fargo Forum is he?
  6. I couldn't get through until Friday afternoon. I waited 2-5min per call on Wed. and was on hold. On Friday, I got through after waiting 7min. I tried to explain that I couldn't get through Wed. and asked to speak with whomever was in charge. They put me on hold for 18min and no one picked up. I called back (only waited about 35sec.) and they said the supervisor wasn't interested in talking to me and although I did them a favor, a couple of years ago they said I was SOL. We had an awfully small window to order the tcikets and at times long waiting times to get the call through. Might have happened to others.
  7. iramurphy

    UND vs UMD

    Went to the game. I didn't think it was as close as the score. O-line didn't show up in the first half, too many sacks. Too many undisciplined penalties on both sides of the ball. Too many were by seniors who should be team leaders. No excuse. They won't get away with sloppy play like that against a good team. Game wasn't sold out but it was a nice day and the visitors side of the field was full with a great following of Sioux fans. Too bad for Bubba because for a school of 10,000 and city that big to not fill the place is pathetic. Their asst AD was in and around Sioux tailgaters learning every thing she could. She was sampling Chili and making sure we had our adult beverages in cups because the campus is "dry". They had Rob Bollinger speak at the Hall of Fame banquet the night before and she said he did a great job. One of their former players said Bubba is connecting with their FB alumni and they are getting on board. Bodes well for thier future. We will need to play better to win out.
  8. Good for Forney. Great player. I am glad he is playing football this fall. There are too many talented athletes convinced by either some idiot or well meaning parent that they should stick to one sport. In Forney's case, he is a hockey player and that's his ticket but he is also a pretty good FB player. Too many other kids miss out on great opportunities to excel in additional sports. It happens to BB players too. I hope Forney commits to UND. His FB coach said two weeks ago it is either UND or the Gophs.
  9. Danny has worn pancakes before, but not often because he usually wasn't up at breakfast time.
  10. Hey Kracker, "Only" $245. Maybe we will turn out to be brothers after all! Wouldn't that be a hoot. I can visualize it already. I don't think we need to spend the $$. We are all brothers and sisters aren't we? You may like some better than others but at the end of the day we are just just a bunch of schmos trying to make it in this world. Maybe we should be helping each other instead of worrying about a college team being called the Sioux. Quick question. When you were in combat did you give a rip about the other guy being American Indian, Irish, black, Phillipino etc. or did you want someone who had your back. Works in the real world to. Just because you are a UND guy there are a lot of folks who would "have your back" and that isn't all bad.
  11. Good point, but to his credit I think he usually would have kept sprinting and makes that play. He should have "felt" that guy and kept rolling to his left. I thought he wasn't quite himself. Three or four of his passes were a bit off mark and the receivers had to make good catches. On the other hand his TD pass to Grossman was perfect. I think overall he may be the most improved player on the team. (I haven't forgotten the backup guy, who buy the way, has a higher completion rate and higher QB efficiency rating). He seems to have confidence and I hope he continues to get better. We might have the two best QB's in the league.
  12. Snowsiouxt person, This particular post has nothing to do with Sioux hockey. The website is not just about Sioux hockey or for that matter Sioux Sports. Judging by the hits on this subject it has generated a lot of interest. I don't see anything in Yttrium's post about being "holier than thou". Your criticism is unfair and unwarrented. It has been entertaining to read Krackers comments from the activists standpoint and then interesting to read the rebuttal from an American Indian who takes a much different view. As someone who years ago was one of the "boys in green" I also would bet there has been much discussion amoung Sioux hcokey players over this issue. I know the Sioux football players have discussed it. If it is a bit too intellectual for you, then simply click your mouse on one of the other subjects. If I can figure that out, so can you.
  13. You and MK Sioux are correct. The kid is a hell of a prospect. I bet he will be a hell of a player. We didn't get him, wish we would have. I think we had a hell of recruiting year and it should be fun watching this team develop. Lets let our play do the talking.
  14. The player plays enough games or periods to be recognized with the schools "letter" (in UND's case an ND). It is worn on a letter sweater or jacket. It is awarded for playing in a predetermined number of periods or games such as as many periods as there are games that year although it varies between teams and the various sports. If you earned a letter you usually have played enough to contribute to your team that year. Most letter winners wore the schools letter jacket and it is still done in high schools but not as much at UND anymore. There are other colleges and Universities where it is still popular.
  15. Did anyone read Doreen Yellowbird's column in Satrudays GF Herald? She confirms that UND did in fact ask and was granted permission to use the name over 50 yrs ago by the Standing Rock Lakota Nation and they are the ones who rescinded the permission and therefore because of that, it is really their decision not Spirit Lakes. She states that they were the ones who rescinded that approval today". She goes on to state that "Lakota elders and tribal officials told me they wish to meet with the university, all tribes in North Dakota and the Great Sioux Nation. They want to carve out some kind of compromise with University on the nickname and logo issue." She prefaced her column by stating she was writing with the "advice and consent of the elders of The Standing Rock Lakota Nation". I would like to hear my pal Kracker respond to this because in the past he very rudely has stated emphatically that we did not ask or receive permission to use the name. I hope either he or "skew the facts" will weigh in on a discussion of the confirmation by Doreen of what many of us have said happened in the beginning and also what they think Doreen means with her comments about tribal leaders and elders wanting to meet with the other tribal officials and UND personnel to work out a compromise.
  16. I predict UND will beat Ferris 47- 3. Anything beyond that game is premature. If you saw our offense Saturday, you might me a bit more wary of Nebraska Omaha. Yours is a safe opinion on this board, but if the coaches or players make that same mistake they will get beat. We have struggled in the past with teams of lesser talent. USD is a long way off.
  17. For what it is worth, it was her assistant who contacted Jossy. I am not making excuses because it is Ruley who is in charge but it may be improtant to know the facts.
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