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Everything posted by iramurphy

  1. Behind the logo on the north end upper deck.
  2. iramurphy


    As I said, it certainly could be accredited by now and apparently is. It was 1995 and it was not accredited at that time. It is not comparable to UND's College of Business but apparently is at least accredited. We were able to get Rocky to back off their claim and change the claim to (it will be).
  3. Good article. There is a mistake. There is no clause in the arena deal that requires UND to keep the Fighting Sioux name or logo. That is an erroneous belief by many. The hockey arena will go to UND at the end of the present lease deal (I think it is 25yrs) and that can't be changed even if UND's name for the athletic teams changes. The arena can go to UND earlier.
  4. iramurphy


    If anyone thinks NDSU's Engineering progams are better than UND's you are not well versed on the subject. They are both excellent Engineering schools. NDSU does not have a better Mechanical Engineering prgram than UND. What they have are teaching staff and coaches who simply declare it to be so. The firms who recruit graduates of the two schools agree both are excellent schools. As a former director of High School Relations for UND I am surprised at how many coaches over the years do not know the strength's and weaknesses of our own academic intitutions. Any kid who would choose NDSU over UND for Mechanical Engineering because he thinks they have a bettter program is either being polite so he doesn't hurt the coaches feelings, or was sold a bill of goods. If UND's coaches do not fully understand UND's strengths and weaknesses they won't be as effective as recruiters. I am guessing these are simply D1AA vs D2 choices. It is not the same comparing UND's long standing, accredited, excellent college of Engineering vs NDSU's similar long standing Engineering to comparing UND's long standing fully accerdited, excellent College of Business with their business programs which either are still not accredited, or were only recently accredited. Big difference. Kids from our high school have been recruited there and were told their "College of Business" was accredited and every bit as good as UND's. It was as simple as getting the NDSU course catalogue to show them they didn't have a college of business, only progams in business and none at the time were accredited. You gotta watch those sneaky buggers when it comes to recruiting.
  5. I will do my best to try and find the photo and reference. I believe the Alumni office may have photos. I know the name was changed in the 1930's. I can't tell you when UND was given permission but I had been led to believe it was before the 1960's but I do not have anything that I could share with you without researching the Alumni records, The Bismarck Tribune records, the GF Herald records and the Dakota Student records. Because I don't live in these communites it will take some time but if you wish I will do my best to try and gain some credible evidence to answer this clearly for all of us. I have read Doreen Yellowbirds column and about two months ago she did write a column and said UND was in fact granted permission by elders to use the name. Take that for what it is worth. I don't find your comments harsh, they are a very rerasonable request to back up statements with facts rather than my vague memories of a photo and what I have been told by wha ti thought were credible sources. As I said I will do my best to find the references in question. Fpr what it is worth I will ask you the same question I have3 asked my pal Kracker. What if we could use this issue to improve education or activities for Native American kids? Ideas suggested have included using UND staff or programming and resources to bring workshops to the reservations for school staff. Having Athletic camps, math camps, music camps etc. for Native American kids. I was at the hockey game tonight and even a dumb Irishman like myself is smart enough to see there could be a lot of positive results for Native Americans using this very issue as a tool and rallying point rather than polarizing ourselves and our kids. Depends on how we wish to deal with it. Would we be any worse off? Why not consider it?
  6. I believe the poster refers to the fact that the last "official stance" was support of the name (with recommendations). Recently they took an informal stance against the use of the name then never did finish the formal process to oppose it.
  7. Sorry, that would be Rutgers 24 ASU 17 at the half.
  8. Isn't that McFly from the Forum doing his column??
  9. I watched West Fargo play Detroit Lakes in the Fergus Falls Holiday Tourney this afternoon. Detroit Lakes won 5-1. Detroit Lakes played without three of their better players. Two were out with the flu and one had a shoulder separation. Most of the game was played in the West Fargo end. West Fargo scored a power play goal with about two min left in the game when they were up 5 on 3 otherwise I thought they were average. DL is pretty good this year but still hasn't played any of the better teams in MN. I believe that is is only the second loss for West Fargo.
  10. iramurphy


    Good point. Paul Warfield was an All-Pro receiver but caught something like 3 passes in his career at Ohio State in the Woody Hayes era. I wouldn't think a RB would want to go to a spread passing type offense. Having said, that I am not so sure that isn't what Bubba had to do to move the ball. Wasn't their O-line young? They may be able to do more with their running game by the time he would be a Soph.
  11. iramurphy


    It is smarter to wait and decide where a kid will play until after they get him in camp. If he wants to play RB he is a RB until they decide they need him more at linebacker. Usually by then the kid just wants to play. I wouldn't mislead him, but why take a chance on losing a kid if you don't have to. UND might benefit from a big strong RB with good speed to compliment the smaller fast kids they have.
  12. iramurphy


    Thanks for the info. I agree, Kasowski is a player. These three kids and the kid from Stephen would be quite a core of recruits to build on. I wonder if UND's talk of going D1 will scare any of them away. They may not wish to simply play at UND to say they are playing D1AA.
  13. iramurphy


    Have you heard anything about Anderson? Usually the bison will try and force them to commit during the campus visit by telling them everyone and their dog wants to go there and they may not be able to hold a scholarship for them if they wait. One of the disadvantages UND has when going up against them is that they can now offer a full ride to kids UND offers 2/3's. That is the big advantage of D1AA and the 63 scholarships. What about Kasowski or Landry? Do you know what schools they are looking at ?
  14. If you think EGF is terrible this year then you must know more than the TRF coach (preseason #1 in class A) and the other Section 8 coaches who recognize that they are a pretty good team. They are obviously on par with Warroad on a given night. That would also then mean Roseau, Moorhead, nd TRF. If you aren't smart enough to know that they are three of the better teams in Mn. then you are not very bright. I gotta wonder what would make some jock sniffer, who probably can't make his own squirt B team, feel better at Christmas time by coming on a board and insulting someone else's kids and state. Most people who know and love hockey, and have a passion for it, will do most anything to promote the game and that includes helping other schools and other states. You don't fit the bill. Obviously you aren't a coach and if you are a player your IQ isn't any higher than your skate size. Why would trying to make someone else feel badly make you feel better? Even if you have a better hcokey team that doesn't make you better. The athletes and coaches with class don't do that, and you don't seem to fit that description. As a former Mn HS coach of the year told his team after winning a state tournament, "Remember, this doesn't mean you are better than anyone else". You obviously have always been on the outside looking in and thus your attitude. Now quit ripping on others and go ring the salvation Army Bell. You will feel a lot better about your miserable self. Before you think I am getting bent out of shape, I want you to know that due to the Christmas season I am being kind as I feel you may need some kindness this Christmas season. Happy Holidays.
  15. Living in Mn. I see mostly Mn. hockey. Should one care to remove their blinders they will see there are many Mn teams who would have trouble competing with the best ND teams year in and year out. Red River beat EGF this year and they have been mentioned in the Mn. polls and just tied Warroad last week. Fargo South tied Moorhead as mentioned by a previous poster. The Gophers wouldn't beat Mankato this year withuot the two N.Dak. defectors on their team. Before I would be dumb enough to make that comment, I would at least wait until after the Christmas tourneys when there is a lot of interstate play. Mn. has more teams and certainly more kids playing so overall, odds are, you will have more good teams in Mn that N.Dak. I think overall N.Dak. may be down a bit this year, esp in the west, but you don't know hockey if you think good N.Dak. hockey isn't on par with Mn. Over the years history will tell us otherwise.
  16. There should probably be a section 8 thread but I agree. TRF and Warroad, the preseason favorites, are beatable. TRF doesn't seem to have consistent goaltending and other than Forney none of the other kids have really stepped up. EGF started tough but got beat by Park Rapids. Detroit lakes beat Park Rapids 8-2 and was 6-0 then lost to Little Falls 5-4. Crookston might be cabable of beating anyone but I don't think could sustain that level of play throughout section playoffs.
  17. Was he the only kid they lost? I still think they had a very good summer team and beat some pretty good teams. They beat TRF who beat Warroad last night and Detroit Lakes who is decent. I thought they would dominate the West and play the East teams tough. Thanks for the update.
  18. Minot had a very good select team this summer. I saw them play in tRF and in Alexandria. How many of those kids are playing juniors? Some time back someone on this thread said there were at least two of their best kids including a coaches kid who were going to play juniors. That is too bad because they were pretty good when they were together.
  19. I would say TJ fits the bill. Great team player also plays both ends of the ice. Congrats. Anyone go to the Warroad Thief River Falls game? TRF 3-2. Its going to be interesting in Section 8 this year. Warroad is not the same without TJ and last years seniors.
  20. I know this is a N.Dak HS site but I was too lazy to start a Section 8 site. Forgive me if you aren't interested, but, Thief River Falls beat Warroad tonight 3-2. I don't know the details. Big win for the Prowlers.
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