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Everything posted by iramurphy

  1. You have a good post and good points. I agree, but am not sure if Potts has issues with Chapman that could lead to him being fired, that he can share that with the public unless Chapman gives him permission. Maybe some of our legal experts can shed light. Either way it shouldn't be something that is aired in public. I am afraid that if there are those on the board who do not feel Chapman, Kupcella etc. answer to Potts.
  2. I believe you have heard from Potts. He will not, nor can he, outline in detail what his issues are with one of his subordinates. It might violate the data privacy act and could place the state and the board in jeopardy for a legal recourse if Chapman so chooses. If he has a problem with an employee, the employee must give permission for that information to be made public. If Chapman has a problem with his boss, there should be a process by which he can appeal to the board. That should be the entire board not just a select few. That is something the board should keep confident and I believe is one of the exceptions to the requirement for the open meeting law. They can go into closed session for that protion of the meeting. If Potts has a problem with Chapman he needs to deal with him with the authority he has. Unfortunately, if a board member or members undermines Potts' authority to control his subordinates, then it renders Potts powerless to bring his subordinates in line. If I were the Governor, I would have a talk with John Q. Paulsen and let him know how unhappy I am at the embarrassment this issue is to me as Governor and to our state. I would give him a short period of time to make a public statement of support for Potts, make sure Chapman makes amends to Potts and then through the appropriate employee program ensure that Chapman has no resonable issues with Potts. If he doesn't, I would give him a couple of days to decide if he wishes to continue working for the state of N. Dak. and working for his boss. I would also determine whether or not Potts is part of the problem. I would want to get input from the other University presidents and if they feel Potts is doing a good job I would keep him. If they don't support him I would accept his offer to resign. I would also let Mr. Paulsen know that if this ongoing fuss continues I would expect him to resign from the Board of Higher education and replace him with a more objective Board member. As Board Chair, he needs to set the tone and the example for the rest of the Board. I noticed no support for my thought that when the two bigger school presidents act like professionals and remember they must act for what is in the best interests of the state of N. Dak. and not just "their" University. Both schools can still prosper. I mentioned the professionalism and relationship that Clifford and Loftsgard had. Both schools seemed to prosper under their leadership.
  3. I returned from the East Coast and found that there is controversy in our state institutions of higher education. I believe Potts has tried to work with Chapman. Chapman does not work with Potts or any other University officials in the system. Paulsen was supposed to have "controled" Chapman but obviously hasn't done a great job of it. This was before he became Board Chair. I do not believe he ever intended to control him. I think now that Paulsen is the chair, he and Chapman are making their play. I predict Potts will end up resigning. I worked for Paulsen at one time and he is the prototypical sports fan whose program and those involved can do no wrong. I strongly believe he will do anything in his power to help NDSU but also to hurt UND. Whatever happens to the other schools is irrelevant. I believe that there are few people who will be willing to spend the time and emotional energy to take on Chapman/Paulsen and their supporters. Any politician including the Governor will not do so unless it is absolutely necessary. There will be repercussions similar to what we have recently seen from these two in their move to have Potts fired. The other University presidents, other than Kupchella, will be very reluctant to publically speak out against Chapman and Paulsen. Kupchella will not do so either unless it will help improve the present situation which I think has been allowed to go to far. Whether or not Chapman has been a jerk, he has done a hell of a job for his school overall. Sometimes it has been for the state and sometimes it has not been best. When his people lobby in Washington against federal dollars for other schools in the state system, then Potts not only has the right but an obligation to "bring him into the fold". Chapman's job is in fact to do the best he can for his school. He works for Potts however and should be smart enough to stay out of trouble. Unfortunately he is a proverbial "lone ranger" in that he could care less about the other institutions of higher ed in N. Dak. He does work for Potts and the people of N.Dak. I was on a flight coming back from Arizona and he happened to be sitting in first class and was easily the most arrogant person there. It reminded me of the movie "Mr. Deeds" when Deeds lectured to the stockholders who were going to break up his uncles company for personal profit. He reminded them of when they were kids, what they thought was important and if they ever would have been people like that when they were kids they would have kicked their own asses. Examples include his attendence or lack of attendence at some of the meetings of the University Presidents. At one of the meetings in Bottineau, he flew in on Friday and rather than stay overnight, he flew back to Fargo Friday night then flew back in Saturday for the rest of the meeting. The other University Presidents stayed and did networking. Maybe that meant they drank wine and ate cheese, but most business professionals would take advantage of those situations to network. I do not beleive Chapman is liked by any of the other University Presidents because of his attitude. I certainly have never seen him described as a team player. That is too bad because he does some things very well. It would be too much to ask of Potts and Paulsen to try and establish an environment similar to the one that existed when Clifford and Loftsgard were the respective presidents of the two schools. I also agree with NanoBison guy that most Boards of Higher education are in fact ineffective thus it is easy for an individual president like Chapman or Kupchella to cause this kind of trouble. If we had an effective board there would not have been the question of legal meetings to try and fire Potts and ther would not be public comments to the press about needing to bring Chapman back in line. This is what happens when th Board Chair stops working for the people of the state of North Dakota and functions as a fan of one of our two largest schools. Had Paulsen done his job Chapman would not be in trouble and neither would Potts.
  4. There were, but although I believe the decision has been made, I do not believe the timing issue was decided upon. You are right about recruiting. In some cases it might help, in others it will hurt because of the playoff issue.
  5. I believe Chuck will announce soon that UND will go D1. He has not said if it the transition year will be this year or next, but I believe the D1 issue has been decided. I am not sure how that corresponds with Bunings statements but I believe they are on the same sheet of music. For those of us who have been pushing for this, we need to get out the checkbooks. The bigger donors can make a big difference, but it won't happen without the $50, $100, $1000 etc. that is also very important to supporting college athletics. Seems with this decision and with the letter to the NCAA he has taken on a new persona which I like.
  6. Good scoop. I would have bet a lot on the gentleman who spends his summers south of Detroit Lakes. I am glad no one took me up on the bet. The good thing is that I will still bet a lot that that gift is still coming. I don't have that kind of money so I ahve no idea how long it will take to process that. I also believe there is a third potential donor who plans a gift that might be similar to this ladies gift. Good deal for UND. Maybe I should have spent more time at the Chester Fritz and less time at Frenchies! I will be sending them $100. I don't think that will make the news.
  7. And your check to the AC will be for how much?? There are those who sit on their enlarging butts and watch the world go by and take glee in criticizing. When they do nothing else worthwhile in this world, it can give that person some joy in trying to find fault with others. Maybe a little bit of identity when you punch the clock at work or after you check in with your foreman to tell her why you are 20min late again, you can then tell the other hod carriers you gave those snooty SOB's on the Siouxsports the what for. I notice, although you wish to hide behind your computer, that you don't wish your favorite school, the AC, to play UND again. I can bet you have never participated in a UND - NDSU contest. Most of us who have participated, on both sides of the nickel, would like the rivalry to continue so the athletes and fans can enjoy the rivalry. I doubt folks like you would understand. Heck, you might even want to put down your remote and get back to campus to enjoy a game. Keep posting. On a bad day, it will make everyone else glad they are who they are, rather than someone else.
  8. I did, but that was 35 years ago. My guess is John Barry for those of you still up. We will see in the morning I guess. Sleep well.
  9. I think it would be banking, Sun Country Airlines. Previously: Fargo Shanley then UND then Concordia, then UND. Very large "Cabin" on Lake Pelican south of Detroit Lakes. Homes in Arizona and Colorado. Likes to hunt and fish. Graduated UND around 1964.
  10. It isn't me and it isn't Graham Kracker. Remember I think I know, but I haven't talked to the guy lately and haven't talked to anyone in the Alumni office lately. Kuppy doesn't have me on speed dial (but then I don't think Graham Kracker did either and I heard from him). I am willing to take odds but I won't bet any of my kids. Rick had the best clue early when he mentioned Pelican. Think the lake south of Detroit Lakes not the bird.
  11. He went to UND for a year, then to Concordia for a year, then back to UND for his degree. He should have graduated about 1964. He is a very bright guy and has been very generous to Concordia as well. If I am correct this gift will far exceed anything he has done for Concordia.
  12. You should also be able to guess the donor.
  13. The money will go to the College of Business which I have been told, will be named after this gentleman. This guy has also contributed generously to Concordia and the reported $30-40 million is well within his means If I am correct.
  14. Lives on Pelican Lake in the summer. $14,000,000 "cabin". He also gave $250,000 to the Dru Sjodin scolarship.
  15. Doc, It was Kenny Hyslop. I think it was around $7,000,000.
  16. Was a Banker. At one time lived in Detroit Lakes. Owned an Airline.
  17. My guess, $30-$40 million. College of Business is the likely recipient. There are some good hints later on this thread. Lets see if you can guess. Not Englestad and not Phil Jackson. One of the smarter Business minds. Attended UND mid 1960's. Sigma Chi pledge. There were 4 Sigma Chi's from that era now worth well over a combined Billion dollars. For those of you who don't think there is money for the D1 move, this should relieve some of your concerns. There are others who do have more of an interest in athletics talking about large donations as well. My second guess if that is wrong would be a very generous car dealer, but if I am wrong on my first guess that one is still coming.
  18. Last time I talked to Pete Stewart was at the Final Four in New Orleans in 1993. Bright guy good resume. He would be a great candidate and along with Craig Smith should have been given every consideration. The priority needs to be to get the best candidate for the job. the person needs to be able to recruit, to coach and to be a member of the athletic department team. It is Buning's call but if this doesn't work he has left himself open to criticism. It is his first big hire and if he blows it he may not survive. Bringing in guys who have been recently let go or are a HS coach creates a poor public image of where the program is going. It may take time for anyone to recoup the losses if this backfires. Hopefully Buning knows what he is doing.
  19. I agree with 92,96. This guy has done a remarkable job. The five year rule can be a guideline, but if the committee is not simply going to find the best candidate then they need to get a new committee. If that happens to be someone with 3 years experience rather than five who cares? Smith needs to be considered long and hard. If that is done and there are others who are found to be better candidates fine. If they don't look at him because of the 5 year experience deal, then I am starting to understand some of the problems we ahve at UND. Can they recruit? If they can't the 5 years means nothing. Can they communicate? If they can't, don't bother. Can they coach and have they shown the ability to succeed? Are they willing to remain a D2 coach if UND stays D2 and are they willing to bring the program to the D1 level if UND gets over their inferiority complex and makes the right move? I would hope Bunning didn't make the offer to Herbst then retract it. That would indicate a real lack of class. I had heard teh same story and I ahd also heard Buning had a guy from out east he wants to offer the job to but I would keep that in the rumor category. (you rumor police don't get bent out of shape).
  20. I disagree. It would be great for those schools. They would have the conference they wanted all along. They will have a two or three year headstart on UND. Does anyone think the AD's and coaches give a rip who got where and who got there first? Bison Mav is correct. There would be some fans who would gloat, but last time I checked, the fans get to do things like discuss it on these blogs and websites and the Big Sky will make the call. This would be great for all three schools. It would also force our hand to go D1 now. Unless someone can get us into a D1A conference, this would be the ideal conference. We would have renewed rivalries with the Montana schools, and renewal of rivalries with our pals from the south! If we were to pass on this opportunity I am afraid we may not get another opportunity like this in the near future. Lets get on with this and get it done.
  21. Star2city has a good point. Increased fees need a vote by the students. Not a given in these days of tuition hikes, but certainly can get done. Sicatoka points out the keys once the decision is made. Certainly cost is formost. I think the group I listened to last night convinced me there are a combo of things that can take care of the extra cost. $2-3 million per year. Remeber the shared hockey revenue and 2 D1 fb games are worth $600,000 to 800,000 if we schedule a couple of money FB games like the D1AA teams do. That doesn't take into consideration money games in WBB or MBB. Regardless, this group of supporters is willing to do their share which is substantial. Rob Bollinger who has been such an asset to UND athletics for years and the key person in starting and driving the Fighting Sioux club has had discussions with key people at USD and St. Cloud State and he believes it would be their intent to move up to D1AA if UND does. UNO likely to follow and that would create conference opportunites. That obviously is not a given but it should be clear that the other NCC schools that want to play at a high level of competion are concerned about the D2 future. Whether or not that happens, UND, SDSU and NDSU are pretty attractive additions to any D1AA FB or D1A midlevel conferences looking to expand. During expansion time, the powers that be are not going to poll those who are hurt because NDSU moved without us or those mad because UND didn't make the move at the same time. They will make decisions based on which shools will improve their conferences. This group has had informal meetings for many years and in fact long before our neighbors to the south made the move. The group has been very deliberate and patient but it is time to make the move (maybe past time) in order to maintain the quality of athletics UND students and fans deserve. There has also been talk of making the move to D1A for FB but I think it will need to go D1AA first. Tom Bunning won't make this move without the finanacial commitment in place and I think that will happen. We need to convince Kupchella that this is the move UND needs to make as part of his plan to improve the programs and facilites at UND. Chapman always thought it would improve their opportunities for grant dollars and I don't know if we could determine how that has affected them for awhile yet, but it certainly is not going to hurt.
  22. I had the opportunity to listen to Tom Bunning explain what needs to happen to make the D1 move. Not counting the REA numbers, our annual athletic budget is around $10,000,000. The Ralph numbers put that up to about $16,000,000 but for planning purposes he left that out. That places UND at about the median budget for NCAA D1AA schools. We need about $2-3 million more per year, or a gift of about $8,000,000 to make this go. Funding sources could include an increase in student fees. He thought about $100 per year. (the AC student fees will go up this year to help pay for the D1AA move). Funding sources would include a 10% increase in Fighting Sioux club memberships. Certainly feasible. Also creation of a national Fighting Sioux club for non-ticket holders. Tuition waivers for in-state athletes. Would be a good PR move and would help with funding. There would be a transition year, then the four year waiting period. The transition year would still be D2 and then the same crap shoot our pals from the AC and SDSU are experiencing. Lastly, the Alumni. There are those out there who are capable of funding UND's endowment to pay for athletic scholarships. Additional funding can be obtained once we are throught he transition period and have at least 57 FB scholarships by playing the real D1 schools. The revenues similar to the $300,000 the AC and SDSU are guaranteed from the Gophers. Two games a year could bring in $500,000. Add the missed hockey revenue sharing UND, CC, UMD etc. miss out on (about $325,000) this year and the money part of all of this is not a reach. The games against the AC also bring in additional $$. (assuming they will play us again). Someone mentioned why would we want to get kicked by the Gophers? We played them when I played. In 1973 they kicked us pretty good, but they had to play hard to do it. In 1974, UND was ahead well into the 4th quarter and the Gophers scored with 2 or 3 minutes left to win by less than a TD. (If you are a HS FB player wanting to play FB and UND offers you a half scholarship so you can play Winona, UMD, Makato, UNO and St. Cloud that is a good deal. The next weekend, the AC offers you a full ride and you play Montana, Montana State, Cal Davis and the Gophers guess where you are going? One of the reasons I and some of my teamates came to UND, was because we had the Gophers and UNLV on the schedule. Don't sell our minor sports short. We can be decent if we believe we can and we work at it. I am not kidding myself and frankly until recently I thought we should stay D2 because it would hurt VB, BB Swimming, etc. Just look at the AC's non FB sports. The trend that I am seeing and what worries me is the number of our HS grads no longer going to UND and the increase in kids going to the AC. About 10 years ago, 25 kids from our HS went to UND, 6 years ago 22 kids and four years ago 26 kids (>10%) of our graduating seniors went to UND. Last year there were 9 and this year there will be 6. We are only 40 miles from the AC. (you can smell it from here). The AC is marketing themselves as a better school and are doing a better job of marketing. We have kids who are going to go there for business of all things. Our business school is bigger and better. Our Engineering is as good. (read the other threads and see how many UND people are under the mistaken impression our Engineering isn't as good as theirs). We have Aviation, Education, Medicine Law, Nursing and Liberal Arts. When I was recruitied to UND, someone said go to a school where you will be with other professionals because you make some of your greatest friends and businesss contacts while going to college. That has turned out to be true. I went to the Frozen Four with my daughter and a UND alumnus who offered her the opportunity to take a 2 month credit class his banks offer similar to a paid internship. He offered to have her come to his business and go through their marketing Dept. These offers are due to the UND connection. The UND grads I drank beer with at Frenchie's and Judie's are MD's teachers, lawyers, CEO's, bankers, judges and business owners. The quality of graduates are much better than the average D1 school. And yes, alot of that has to do with the famous midwest work ethic. So why the heck would we want to take a step back with our athletics and entertainment?? We need people to convince the student body and especially Kupchella to get on board. We can raise the money. The survey Kepchella sent out wasn't sent to letterwinners and questions seemed to be a bit skewed to favor remaining D2. Therefore, if we are to get back to the level of our peers, (Montana, Montana State, Norhern Iowa, Northern Colorado etc. we need to convince Kupchella to make the move. It certainly won't hurt hockey and if anything can bolster the prestige of our athletic teams overall.
  23. I believe between $400,00 to $500,000 per year we are in the Frozen Four. I know this isn't the D1 thread but add a FB game against a D1 school for the $300,000 to $400,000 guarantee and we are leaving a lot of money on the table. UND gets some expense $$ from the NCAA but we lose money to go because we aren't D1 in anything else. With regards to womens hockey, is the group who pushed so hard to get womens hockey still involved and are they making $$ donations every year?
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