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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. I am not sure exactly why but his running style reminds me a little of Zach Zenner.
  2. http://www.buckys5thquarter.com/2015/7/23/9029801/jordan-stevenson-denied-admission-wisconsin-football-recruiting Maybe UND should recruit this guy!
  3. I wish this entire cluster F could get a "do over" because the process has been screwed up from the start. We do need to select something other than just North Dakota and move on but I don't like how it got to this point. I also don't like Kelly having any say or power in the selection process because I feel he is a big reason we are no longer the Fighting Sioux and I don't want him involved at all in selecting a new name. It's pretty clear he has been against popular opinion for the entire process.
  4. I agree the consequences for using and endangering others need to be harsh. I met a guy a few month back who now has 9 DUI or DWI's and he was still driving a car after the 8th. He needs prison time and a permanent loss of his drivers license.
  5. Alcohol isn't worse than heroin and it's not even close but I will agree that for most people it is worse than weed. The government just needs to legalize pot, tax the crap out of it and move on.
  6. That's a lot of pancakes!
  7. I am likely wrong but I don't think Teddy Roosevelt not being native to ND is the issue. First I think Roughriders is the best option left but I am extremely frustrated that IMO after the process we are essentially left with all poor options. When we have this huge list with certain criteria and it appears several of these main criteria were not considered or met by some of the remaining options I feel let down. I actually don't personally feel the name needs to directly relate to ND but it was part of the criteria. It was also supposed to be original which it isn't so that criteria was not required either. If people like the idea of a name associated to TR why not have something like Ranchers because that is what he did while in ND? Sure I don't really care for Roughriders but I am more irritated that it has made it through the process considering the stated criteria. I was likely being idealistic but I really thought looking at the original list we would have had 3 good options to vote on and would be happy with it. Wow, was I wrong but I did see the red flags as soon as they cut the list down the first time.
  8. Sure, the people in the know that kept Blackhawks on the list for several selection rounds.
  9. I actually watched a part of the game online and Montana had a really nice looking QB and a really fast WR that hurt team ND badly. The problem with Tristan Hartness will be a lack of speed but he looks like he will catch anything thrown near him.
  10. OK, then go with the Roosevelt or Teddy's! At least then it would be unique and have a direct connection to the him because he clearly has some history in the state. Rough Riders isn't original and he wasn't even the first commander of the Rough Riders. The entire pissing contest here is stupid because the name didn't even meet one of the main criteria for selection. Sadly, Roughriders is the best of what remains but that certainly doesn't make it a good option. I really wish this whole thing could be tabled for about 5 more years. I didn't feel that way before the selection process started but the entire thing has been a huge joke. Hell, the committee eliminated all kinds of possible names from the start but kept several on the list for a while that couldn't even be a viable option such as Blackhawks.
  11. I mostly just don't like roughriders because it isn't in any way original and I think we could do a lot better. As far as the History, I grew up only thinking of ND as the peace garden state or flickertail state and had never heard Roughrider State but I certainly didn't look into it. Can someone enlighten me as to how the Rough Riders have anything to do with ND? I know that Roosevelt commanded them but not in or near ND and from my understanding the soldiers in the Rough Riders all came from the southwest part of the US. So did we become the roughrider state just because Teddy Roosevelt spent a little time in ND?
  12. Nope, like most people he thought the entire list was bad.
  13. My wife and I got a comment from a family friend that lives in TX. He said "Roughriders sounds, well, gay!" Interesting comment coming from someone who happens to be gay.
  14. Maybe for what is left to choose from but I would rather we didn't end up with a turd for a name even if it happened to be the best of the available turds.
  15. People who love being here will assimilate, which doesn't seem to happen with a lot of the "new immigrants".
  16. I guess unique to me doesn't mean just unique to the hated NCAA and ripping off the local high school is always a bonus. I was all for moving on but I wouldn't vote for any new nicknames on the list at this point. So in my eyes the entire process was a failure but it is just my opinion.
  17. I hate roughriders for a lot of reasons but it doesn't at all fit the criteria of being unique. So it is likely what we will end up with and I will be a miserable SOB about it for a while.
  18. UND92,96, I guess my perspective on him opening up the job is a little different than yours. You have really completing a search and opening the job up or saying it's open but your boy essentially already has the job if he wants it.
  19. He certainly plays more like a LB than a safety. If he can add the size I think he would be interesting at ILB.
  20. He will be eligible right away unless some sort of issue comes up.
  21. It might work if you just simplified it to Warhammers.
  22. And don't forget, mostly white!
  23. Yes it would be very small time of UND to steal the a local high schools nickname, and besides it is in no way unique. My long shot names are rapers and/or pillagers
  24. That's a very apples to oranges comparison, and again I think unique is part of the criteria and Roughriders certainly isn't unique.
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