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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. His family physician wouldn't or shouldn't be the one clearing him to play. It should be up to a specialist not a family med doc. He isn't the most athletic QB on the roster, that is Studsrud, but before the injury he was certainly faster than Bartels. Mollberg has the best arm and passing ability as long as he isn't throwing INT's.
  2. Maybe he is eating a bunch of nicotine gum?
  3. I like how the offense struggles with a lack of talent at QB and WR and it's all on the OC, but the defensive sucks overall today but it is the fault of the secondary and the DC isn't mentioned as being at fault.
  4. It wasn't close to this bad but it has been an ongoing issue.
  5. I really think most of this has to be the center. This has been happening with any QB that plays since he took over as the starter last season.
  6. My opinion is that we have some idiots making comments on this thread.
  7. It's not even close, the pass defense is terrible. Sometimes the pass rush covers for it but they don't cover.
  8. This isn't really a fair, because you could make that statement of everyone on the roster. The coaches use practice to figure it out, not game day. That being said, Joe might be getting the short end of the stick. It certainly isn't he first time it's happened and it will not be the last either. I kind of have trouble thinking Joe is a 100% though because he had a bad injury and I have never been the same as before I ruptured my Achilles.
  9. This isn't all that uncommon actually. We don't know the coaches thought process and we would be fools to assume we know the whole story. When I was at UND it certainly wasn't always the best player that was on the field. A lot of the situations of players getting overlooked were self induced by the player but in other cases the coaches saw something, preferred one player over another in spite of a talent gap. The point is that we don't really know what is going on behind the scenes and getting one or two opinions doesn't always give an accurate picture. Joe certainly has the best arm talent of the group and I agree he was playing well right before his injury.
  10. When UND has a complete offense with the needed talent I might question play calling more. But I doubt anyone knows how difficult it is to call plays when you have zero passing game.
  11. I think UND has a lot of crappy fans and it is one of the reasons I will take a break from the board from time to time because it gets old. Hell, anyone that calls for a successful coach to be fired is a steaming pile and we have a lot of those at UND.
  12. Lot's of reasons to stop the run first, but if you can't think of any I really don't have a lot of hope in your understanding of football in general. Tough loss and I will agree the mental mistakes are a huge problem but this team is still leaps and bounds ahead of what it was 3 years ago.
  13. No, thanks for the updates.
  14. I think they are just passing the buck.
  15. Actually got this email back from eversport. Hi, Thank you for the email. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. There are technical issues at the venue and they are not able to provide us with a stream. Kind regardsNikola
  16. Couldn't find a phone number but I left a message on the website and another on facebook but it isn't getting fixed anytime soon.
  17. Eversport blow goats, I have proof!
  18. yeah it's gone completely for me now as well. BS
  19. I had to search UND and it comes up but is listed as over.
  20. NDSU had a couple big games leading up to this one and watching it they didn't play well. Congrats to USD but it was certainly a game that NDSU didn't bring the best play on the field.
  21. eversports is currently saying the event (game) is over. Man, I hope it actually works today.
  22. Maybe, but when you lose a big chunk of the one on one battles in a football game you usually don't win. Our secondary got owned by a couple good WR's and we got zero pass rush and that isn't on the coaches, it's on the players not making plays. You could see they tried to free guys up with some stunts but it didn't work either. Even with the injuries I think the defense overall was probably the most disappointing thing to me yesterday and that has largely to do with expectations.
  23. It was horrible for me yesterday, but the week before out of Portland it was great.
  24. Wow, this is an unbelievably stupid comment. You don't win four college football games with luck!
  25. Webcast was brutal today! Very disappointing defense in the second half. The refs sucked the entire game but that isn't why UND lost.
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