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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. I guess I don't get why people feel the need to contradict what he is saying just because he is an NDSU guy. When you look at Ratelles HS film I thought he would be a 4 year starter because he looked very impressive. Colleges look at measurable traits a lot and height is a big deal a lot of the time when looking at recruits. Will clearly didn't have enough offers in relation to his ability and something scared off recruiters from the bigger schools. Like the NFL now, it was very likely his height that caused this. UND was lucky to have him, but if he was 6 feet tall or taller he likely would have had more offers and maybe UND gets him but maybe they don't. Just because the person making the comment is an NDSU supporter and they are wrong most of the time, it doesn't make them wrong all of the time.
  2. I would think a ND kids would have no trouble farting in cold weather. I hope it doesn't hurt his draft stock to much.
  3. No, this is huge deal for NDSU, Carson Wentz, and North Dakota in general but I started this with a question just wanting testing results. You could probably find a story about what Carson ate for dinner at this point because if he farts it ends up published somewhere. I was just trying to find out if Will participated and what how his numbers compared to the Minnesota pro day. That being said I would really like to see all the participants numbers out of interest. Why does everything, even a little joke turn into a pissing contest?
  4. I figured most media would be all over Wentz but I was hoping to get testing numbers if he worked out. Really it would be nice to see testing results for all the guys that worked out.
  5. Did Will Ratelle work out at NDSU today?
  6. In the loss to Weber State Hooker was clearly the only player doing much for UND and I was upset with the fact that the other guys couldn't even hit any free throws down the stretch. Tonight a lot of guys stepped up and played well which makes me think the future is bright for UND basketball.
  7. He uses his hands really well for a HS kid!
  8. I like that they can score in a lot of different ways which makes them more difficult to defend. They can put a lot of talent on the field.
  9. and NDSU lost to USD, !@#$ happens in football. If you choose to judge on one game UND is terrible because the NDSU game was the worst game I have seen UND play in a long time. That isn't saying NDSU isn't good but NDSU got UND at a low point for the season and if you choose to judge by that one performance then you would think UND sucks. But I watched WIU last week, today, and caught part of game earlier this year and UND is better than that team IMO.
  10. Well I think UND is a better team than SUU but it doesn't mean a lot because they will not play. My opinion is that UND is better on paper than a handful of the teams that played today but you never know how a game will turn out until it's played. If two team play twice in a season the same team will not always win both games, football has a lot of variables.
  11. Montana better play more consistent on offense or they have no shot next week, and they had a bunch of stupid penalties today as well. Overall watching the games today I thought a lot of the teams played sloppy football. I have watched SDSU a lot this year and they really aren't great. They have a good defense but the offense isn't very good unless they get a bunch of big plays in the passing game which didn't happen the second half of the season.
  12. The game snowballed pretty quickly with bad field position and no ability to sustain any offense.
  13. I didn't say UND was competitive in the game because it was a terrible game for UND but NDSU still didn't hang 59 points on us.
  14. So an FBS win doesn't count as a good win?
  15. I thought our NDSU loss was bad but it was nothing compared to how NDSU dominated WIU.
  16. WIU shouldn't be a playoff team! Not a bad team but squeeking out a win at Northern Iowa means little as they seem to choke a few games every year. I view Northern Iowa as a highly talented but inconsistent team and it seems to be a yearly deal. WIU has two quality wins and beating a crap team that shouldn't be in the playoffs. How is that better than the wins at Portland State and Wyoming with a better overall record?
  17. So I should flip a coin then?
  18. The problem is that I don't like either name enough to vote for it. So I should decide which I dislike the least and vote for it? If I clearly didn't want one of the names and found it worse than the other I would vote. If I liked one better than the other I would vote. I don't find myself in either situation right now. I really wanted something unique and that was pushed aside a long time ago.
  19. I have made the choice to abstain not because I am clinging to Fighting Sioux, but because I would just be voting for something I don't really care about at this point. The process has been a joke and I am extremely disappointed in each of the final 5 names but that doesn't change the fact that I will accept whatever is selected and support it.
  20. I don't think UND even attempted 10 passes today.
  21. I made the choice to not vote for any of the names because they all suck and at this point I will not be happy with anything that get selected. I will support whatever name is picked but the process has been a joke and I just can't bring myself to pick the least crappy option. Why the hell bother with adding fighting to the name hawks?
  22. That's BS, he is very good and getting better but has had a bunch bad plays and screw ups as well (fumbles). Garmin wasn't a good back at UND until the very end of his career, I think the OC should get a little credit for that. I get that a lot on this board don't like PR but you have to be somewhat objective when looking at the situation. You don't get to cast all the blame at him and then give him zero credit for the good things that have happened. I certainly question some things, but I really think he has done OK with the offensive talent UND has right now.
  23. BigGame

    2015 stats

    The offense is a lot better running the ball this year but you can't turn the ball over and let teams pass all over you and expect to win games.
  24. I watched he play for several years and you are right he may be "more athletic" but he certainly didn't use it when he was the starting QB at UND. You need to calm down about your boy, I think he should get a shot as well but I doubt he is a 100% right now. Being cleared to play and being close to your best ability are very different things. I really didn't expect you to get defensive over what I posted but yeah zero attempts equals zero chance of throwing a pick. I really do my best to try and let the coaches do the job they are hired to do even when things like the QB situation right now seem a little or a lot strange. The fumbling of the RB's and center QB exchange has been a huge problem and that is something you put on the coaches but even so Bubba has stated it is something they have been working on yet the players still aren't getting it done. If you read my comment I do think Joe should get a shot based upon how he played right before the injury last season, but I have serious doubts that he is 100% because clearly he isn't proving he is ready in practice. I know coaches have some guys they like over others for a lot of different reasons but I do think they want to win and put the guys on the field they think give them the best chance to win. Do I always agree, certainly not, but the coaches have a lot more information than I do.
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