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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. https://instagram.com/p/4kM_LstcGU/
  2. Is this list up to date as far as recruits that have announced/been announced? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoPLTHefMmmTdDdqMmtsYU5lMlEtVFlwRU5XRTNqcFE&usp=sharing#gid=1
  3. Trying to bring this out of the "math with numbers is hard!" weeds, let's go back to: Does that roster (we are not going in the math weeds again) look right given what we know right now?
  4. Uh ... two firsts, and Miller, and Kuraly. To the the nay-sayers out there on trading Lucic: Tell me again how Sweeney messed that up. I don't see it. I believe the bigger mistake is trading away Hamilton. He's a top four defense guy.
  5. 10/26 is 0.384615384615384615384615384615... (with the 384615 repeating). To two digits, that's 38%. Trust Brad Berry.
  6. Great ... another "majority" versus "plurality" discussion. And are you going to tell Brad Berry he's wrong? Let me know how that works out for you.
  7. I figured BOS getting Jones from LAK (for Lucic) was trade bait. It was supposed to be for the #3 pick from ARI. When that didn't work, I wondered if Rask wasn't being shopped (if BOS is really transitioning/rebuilding).
  8. Since the "Guess the Roster" game is closed since Zane left, I'll put my final guess as to what the roster will look like here: Out (3 defensemen): Mattson, Panzarella, J Schmaltz In (3 defensemen): Chartrand, Wolanin, Shaw Out (1 goalie): MacIntyre In (1 goalie): Tomek Out (6 forwards): Pattyn, Gaarder, Parks, MacMillian, O'Donnell, Murphy In (6 forwards): Gornall, Janatuinen, Gardner, Gersich, Wilkie, Boeser That would make 10 freshmen on a 26 man roster and that matches what Brad Berry said when he said recently in an interview that "38% of the team will be freshmen" as 10/26 is 38.46%.
  9. They pulled a body out of the river in Grand Forks yesterday. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/3776002-update-police-recover-body-red-river-after-daylong-search
  10. Apparently Sunday's headline (Fargo above the national average in violent crime) and last night's "car theft/kidnapping/Amber Alert failed" story is old news already. http://www.valleynewslive.com/home/headlines/Neighborhood-Evacuated-for-Standoff-in-North-Fargo-310737831.html
  11. OK, so where's the UND green ("pantone 347" is the official shade) version of that flag with the bottom words being "University of North Dakota".
  12. Fargo tried to use the Amber Alert system last night; it didn't work. They had to resort to using the CodeRED system they use during floods. Why? Stolen car with a three-year old in it. http://www.inforum.com/news/3776063-fargo-police-looking-failure-amber-alert-system-case-van-stolen-child-inside http://kfgo.com/news/articles/2015/jun/29/breaking-news-fargo-police-searching-for-3-year-old-taken-when-van-was-stolen/ The KFGO story says they're not going to press charges against the guy who stole the van. Are you kidding me? Wait ... reading again kidnapping charges; he should be charged with vehicle theft.
  13. So basically, just so everyone understands, a state with "no affiliation" with TR's Roughriders has been flying a replica of the Roughrider battle flag as the State flag for over 100 years. I guess bringing North Dakota Roughriders teams onto the playing surface led by the State flag ... would make complete historic sense.
  14. "I am an expert witness, because I say I am." -- the man who appeared from a cloud of smoke (aka Lucifer) Reference: "Garden of Allah" by Don Henley
  15. I went and looked at the DOJ source for the Fargo Forum graphic. It seems said "thugs" have gone west (Bismarck and Minot) moreso than north. Their violent crime rates are climbing fasters than Grand Forks', which isn't to say Grand Forks hasn't seen an increase also, but at a slower rate. (West Fargo's is climbing rapidly also, but that's probably a proximity effect from Fargo.)
  16. The article Cratter borrowed the graphic from pointed out that FPD has a low "cops per 1k of population" relative to similarly sized midwestern cities. Fargo wanted growth, growth, growth, ... and they got it. And everything that comes with it. That graphic says it all.
  17. We had a coach that was happy to compete and go toe-to-toe. We canned him.
  18. Do we decide on "winners and losers" now, after the draft, or do we wait until Wednesday night and the completion of the first day of the free agent signing period?
  19. Roughrider mascots "for the children" are already built in: And then there's the "Captain Obvious" answer: wire-rimmed glasses and Stetson hat wearing ... TEDDY bears.
  20. The expression is "blood, sweat, and tears". If you are sweating bloody tears please seek medical assistance. Blood should not come out of your tear ducts or sweat glands.
  21. I just went to NDCC 54-02-02. http://history.nd.gov/state-flag.html
  22. After dealing Lucic and Hamilton, suddenly BOS has the 13th, 14th, and 15th picks in the first round, and Marty Jones. Think that's enough to get the 2nd overall pick away from BUF so they can go "Mauer" and keep the hometown boy (Eichel) in BOS? I'm not sure why else BOS loaded up like that. Or has BOS gotten that old and this is their trigger to youth for the future.
  23. The Big XII added West Virginia. Now they need folks to go with them. Cincinnati and Memphis would make sense to fill in the gap to WVU (the Big XII outlier).
  24. More < color > Hawks
  25. Is FPD still in disarray as a department, even after (former) Chief Turnes' dismissal? Is FPD overmatched by what is coming into the city (as Dan says, violent element)?
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