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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. < bleep >-in Duncan Keith scores to let Sox tie me for second. Toews! Where was my assist on that one!
  2. Final Standings: 146 - Ray77 <--- Your 2015 Stanley Cup Playoffs Game Cham-peen! 102 - The Sicatoka 102 - UND-RedSox fan 77 - andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! 70 - MafiaMan 60 - jimdahl 56 - fight on Sioux
  3. Let me be clear, they aren't "new Americans" for the reason I gave above. If they want to be "new" something, let's call them what they are: "new immigrants". Of course, that makes the rest of us, including Spirit Lake and Standing Rock, the Chippewa, Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara, and the rest of the tribes, "old immigrants*". *Humanity began on the African continent. We all wandered here, immigrated, at one point in time or another.
  4. They bring "diversity" and that is surely the great panacea. PS - Until you become a citizen, you're just new, not American.
  5. You missed club tennis on your list. How can their prong three surveys (for interest and ability) not find these interests and abilities?
  6. I've been told that Ol' Russ has questioned using icons of certain < cough Native cough > religions as mascots also*. And Ol' Russ was on the committee that chose a new university system chancellor just recently. Amazing where this fellow's political point of view spreads around to. An enrolled member at Spirit Lake who's very PC himself (especially on the topic of nicknames) and has a PhD has to be the PC crew's wet dream. *Notice there are no "eagles" in UND's final 15.
  7. Scotty Bowman would not meet the criteria.
  8. I see the words "new nickname". I'm not willing to overlook those as others may be. Given the ND Attorney General signed that settlement agreement (and addendum) for the State, shouldn't we be able to ask him what he believes he signed?
  9. You're assuming "no nickname = no violation". I'm not willing to do that until I have something more than words from non-NCAA people.
  10. The PC crew? They got Kelley to kowtow and put their man Leander "Russ" MacDonald on the committee. Ol' Russ will "fix" this is my expectation. Someone will have to take the public/media/PR hit when the "no nickname" option is killed off. If Russ does it keeps Kelley's and Karl's hands clean and raises Russ up further in the eyes of the PC crew.
  11. Fight's over. All that's left is settling up accounts. Don't welsh on bets or debts.
  12. Yes there is: Back on the sanctions list.
  13. In other news, early reports say the sun rose in the east this morning.
  14. Do we know Kelley has contacted the NCAA and confirmed it? It wouldn't be the first time an academic misspoke or assumed themselves to be correct. (Suddenly you're believing Kelley, and I'm not; interesting role reversal. ) Do we know the NCAA would inject itself into the process? Or would they rather watch it play out and then execute as they see fit. They like the "final judge (jury, and executioner) role" and don't want to be seen as meddling (any further) as that would contradict their prior statement, "Colleges and universities may adopt any mascot that they wish, as that is an institutional matter*." That comes back around to the settlement agreement, namely: Does the NCAA see "no" nickname as a "new" nickname. And yes, I want to hear it from the NCAA and them only, as they are the final judge (jury, and executioner). *Source: http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/PressArchive/2005/Announcements/NCAA%2BExecutive%2BCommittee%2BIssues%2BGuidelines%2Bfor%2BUse%2Bof%2BNative%2BAmerican%2BMascots%2Bat%2BChampionship%2BEvents.html
  15. Yup. I also worry about a "sophomore slump" from the staff. They put a lot of energy into last season.
  16. Pretty tough to have #UNDproud hashtag from Blais and Oseicki (or anyone) in 1997 when Twitter wasn't founded until 2006.
  17. So who's the big "get" in this class?
  18. Swedes.
  19. We have far more "we don't know" or "we can assume" than we have "we know". Is the NCAA cutting us a break to allow the process to play out without them enforcing the settlement agreement contract? How does the NCAA view the phrase "... to a new nickname and logo ..." with regard to no nickname? What I do know: Choosing a new nickname and logo that is not "no nickname" and that is not "race, ethnicity, or national origin based" closes the issue.
  20. Do you really want to be subject to the continual winds of change in tribal governments? We were chucked under the bus by tribal governments already. Why continue to give them the power.
  21. Again, I wonder how NDSU's "abilities and interests" are so different from their regional neighbors and conference peers.
  22. I believe it's #gopherpride in the case of Dean Blais. And wait, wasn't Blais' guy Oseicki (they got the 1997 'natty' together) a #badgerpride guy? Oh. My.
  23. Yes, and they have been getting more and more of the "stink-eye" from everyone from student groups to the Legislature.
  24. About those surveys in use at NDSU: Something seems to not align when you look at NDSU in comparison to other, nearby NCAA Division I schools, regarding the athletic interests of the women attending NDSU. I looked at UND, NDSU, SDSU, USD, Minnesota, Montana, Montana State, and Northern Iowa. For NDSU, that's the three closest MVFC schools (two of them Summit schools), the three closest Big Sky schools, and Minnesota. Every school on that list, except NDSU, offers womens tennis. Every school on that list, except for NDSU (and the two Montanas, the two furthest on my list), offers womens swimming and diving. I guess I'm wondering how NDSU's surveys don't find interest in tennis and swimming when the comparable nearest DI schools do. But it must be acceptable, because NDSU is the only school I can find that includes this caveat in its reporting to the US Dept of Education in its Title IX numbers: NDSU Offers a wide variety of athletic opportunities for its students at the varsity, club, intramural and recreational levels. NDSU diligently monitors its students’ athletic interests so its athletic offerings can continue to meet its students’ needs. NDSU is the only one with that caveat (disclaimer?) added. I wonder why they felt the need to include that when others didn't.
  25. If you "keep it in the family" sooner or later you become inbred. I wonder how familiar gfhockey is with that concept.
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