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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. NDSU has the 8th worst ratio in all of Division (347 schools). Two of the seven worse than NDSU? Virginia Military Institute (VMI) and The Citadel. Both were all male schools not that long ago. I guess I just don't understand how NDSU's surveys don't find interest in womens tennis and womens hockey. NDSU's club teams do fairly well in those. I guess I also don't understand why a public land grant would want (be proud of?) a ratio that looks more like 1975 than 2015.
  2. So, where is (as Paul Harvey used to say) "the rest of the story" on this one? We have detail after detail about the South Carolina killer of nine. How is it we don't have more information about a US Government employee, a USAF airman, who commits double homocide?
  3. There's a lot of feel-good showmanship in pulling down those flags. I won't be surprised in what gets run over in the process. But what'll they blame the next time a nutbag goes off?
  4. Oh no, Dan. No. Anything but positive press about Fargo makes NDSU1980 so, so mad that he feels abliged to "neg rep" me (at another site) for anything that ever happens in Fargo and is reported in the media and then noted here. So, no, Dan, just no. No ink. Everything in Fargo is duckies and bunnies, rainbows and unicorns. < play Kumbahya here >
  5. Masterfully played.
  6. One trick pony knows one trick.
  7. You mean the soft, four-eyed, "from money", straight out of the lap of luxury, wimpy kid from NY? North Dakota toughened him up.
  8. Some don't like "Roughriders" because Teddy wasn't native to North Dakota; he was adopted. Well, were there wolverines in Michigan when U of Michigan took that name, based on a state nickname? The answer is somewhere between "nope" and maybe a few that went extinct 200 years ago. http://geo.msu.edu/extra/geogmich/wolves.html We know at least two Roughriders lived in North Dakota, including the most famous.
  9. Dress not for the job you have, but for the job you want. The major public university in many midwestern states uses the state nickname as the athletics nickname. Jayhawks, Hoosiers, Gophers, Hawkeyes, Cornhuskers, Badgers. You have to act like the bigs to be thought of like the bigs. They all have nicknames (whether or not they use them much or not); they have nicknames ... based on a state nickname. Thank goodness for some, any, association with a Congressional Medal of Honor winning, Nobel Peace Prize winning, former US President who said he would have never been President without his time in North Dakota. Otherwise, we'd be staring "Peace Gardeners" in the face (because we've already used "Sioux" state and "Flickertail" state).
  10. I thought the NCAA had an "on ice" limit of one "C" and three "A". If so, they'll have to rotate. Also, I see this as a sign that LaDue and Stetcher are gone after this season.
  11. To believe that UND's nickname status is not used against it by opponents (everywhere from the recruiting trail to the playing surface) is naivety writ epic. Admit it: If the tables were turned, you'd use it.
  12. "As was noted in the licensing application to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, two individuals will be considered the lead operators of the new nuclear reactor facility. The application lists a Mr. Thomas Chong and a Mr. Cheech Marin, both with California addresses, as the principle and lead operators of the 2000 MW, multireactor facility."
  13. "Your pilot on today's flight is Capt. Jeff Spicoli ... "
  14. Eunice and her crew just saw Kupchella's 2006 letter to the NCAA? And I thought some of the folks here were behind the information curve. I remember that letter when it first was released ... in 2006. I remember it because of that second paragraph where Kupchella calls them out for what they are.
  15. Agree. The way it looks we'll be getting a new name and new leadership. And this war has been fought in small skirmishes for a long time, since the 1960s. The 2000 arena episode with Ralph and the SBoHE should have been definitive. I guess it was; it got the NCAA (I suspect Dr. Saigo, president at SCSU, behind some of it) to get involved in 2005. Once this no longer was an "in house" battle (just North Dakota entities) the war was lost. If all you know is from the 2012 settlement agreement on, you're way behind.
  16. Because the consultant had no idea what they are, or what a Nokota is, because they couldn't be found on Urban Dictionary.
  17. Allow Mister Montgomery and Mister Gentry to explain the status of the old nickname:
  18. That comment wasn't to you as much as the author of the letter to the editor you cited (and for clarification in general).
  19. Oh my ... I just agreed with the ACLU. And the ACLU seems in stark disagreement with tactics applied too often on campuses. I think I've just entered "bizarro-world". More importantly: Where was the ACLU during the NCAA's assault? Or is it because it's a public school district (and the NCAA is private)? Shouldn't the ACLU have been all over the NCAA for effectively* dictating to public schools? *The NCAA effectively put a gun to the head of select members.
  20. TR died in 1919. If when UND dumped "Flickertails" (in the 1930s) and put in "Roughriders" (to remember TR and his time in ND) would it be an issue? < Beware, blasphemy to follow > Could the folks, in that 1930s vote, have made a mistake by selecting what they did (for us to have to deal with 80 years later)?
  21. That "poll" wasn't a poll. A poll is a survey under controlled, scientific means. That GF Herald thing was an internet survey where you could vote as many times as your mouse button could click.
  22. Imagine when USC plays Oregon State ...
  23. Let's make this easy: TR loved ND. TR called his followers "Rough Riders". We love ND too. We'll follow TR's lead (love and promotion of ND) and use the name he gave to his followers.
  24. In a word: No. Today's SF Argus-Leader explains precisely why. The GF Herald has shown it also. I don't want to be "Sundogs" as defined by someone else. I don't forever want to be the "Green and White" either. As I've said time and again, "Control what is yours to control." Pick a name or someone will pick something for you that is less than flattering. They'll fill in the void you left. The Argus-Leader made my case for me today. I have $20 right now that say unless UND picks a name, the SF A-L will refer to UND as "Sundogs". North Dakota -- The Roughrider State
  25. If we're going to steal a name from an aircraft, let it be the A-10. Official name: Thunderbolt II Common nickname: The Warthog!
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