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Everything posted by The Sicatoka
Roughriders is the best, most befitting North Dakota, name left on the list.
Mike Judge set "Idiocracy" in 2505. I think he could roll that back at least 300 years. Not sure what "Idiocracy" is? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiocracy It's a satirical, yet scary, look at "a dystopian society where advertising, commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism have run rampant and that is devoid of intellectual curiosity, social responsibility, and coherent notions of justice and human rights." And when I see things like "Mark Dice" and "Watter's World" I fear we are nearly there.
Sure, but are they %gobc recognized and approved sources?
I'm going to commit blasphemy here in the eyes of some. That's fine. This needs to be said: Some of you want no nickname because the best, most befitting North Dakota, name remaining on the list, Roughriders, ... just might be one that could be grown into and just maybe, maybe turn out to be just as solid as what we had.
The writer for the Jamestown Sun is pretty transparent. In his mind nothing can replace the old name so that's what it has to be in his mind: nothing. That will allow for the overtly tacit continued usage of the old name. And to say he's a bit hockey-centric may be an understatement.
By citing JAX and their color mess disaster of a logo you have formally DQ'd yourself from ever mentioning logos or colors again.
What's the name of the American Association independent baseball team just south of UND? The Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks No "Hawks" and definitely no < adjective > hawks.
A-a-a-a-and? (I suspect you know the relevence, but do others.)
Today's "Good, Bad, and Ugly": Good: Saad gets 6 years at $6 million per. I think that'll be a good deal before it's over. Bad: Ward goes from WAS to SJS for under $3.5 million per. He's a victim of the cap. Bad for him. Ugly: BUF gives O'Reilly 7 years at $7.5 million per. That's just ugly. I don't believe he's worth that, and it sets a very expensive precedent when they try to sign Eichel again in 3 years.
When Campbell first stepped up my thought was, "Just make a decent showing." And then he hit the first one out ... Hang a "20" in round one. Blast a 479 foot rainmaker. Win the whole thing. Yeah. Decent showing. Congratulations Jeff Campbell, the 2015 College Home Run Derby Champion. You showed North Dakota well tonight.
Somewhere jimdahl smiles.
Agree. Agree, but who else understands why.
Most of my thoughts are based on reading what Doug Fullerton has said publicly to the media. Be sure to read those chronologically from starting at January 2013 through the present. You can see his position transform, ending at ... To do that I think you'd need at least 8 FCS and at least 8 FBS schools (and some rule changes at the NCAA level*). The BSC is 12 for BB, 14 for FCS FB.
Ah ... Fletcher would re-use "the Leopold Strategery."
My plan is to become fabulously independently wealthy by winning the PowerBall. My plan and the PowerBall haven't seen eye to eye yet, and probably never will. When talking about Fullerton's plan and the Dakother 3, the answer to your question is probably very similar to my PowerBall plan (it's someone's plan, but will it happen).
I think my mind's eye just went blind. I do believe Fullerton and the BSC have a long range plan. I won't claim to know what it is. (I do have my beliefs and suspicions.) I believe UND is on-board with the BSC plan.
I'm not sure that would work so well on the north end as all you'd see is the ballroom and the Canad Inn. But on the south end, yes, something like what they did in the HPC would open the place up.
Is that really two-tone turf, or is that just that it hasn't been sanded and brushed in yet.
Technically, that is the correct color. My implementation of it makes it look pixelated so it looks terrible. But yes, I'd like to see what someone with real tools and real art skills can do with it.
... and humble.
Then he blew it bad yesterday: Kessel to PIT Martin to SJS
In the photo UNDBIZ just posted, look at the guy on the scissor lift (in the background) compared to the height of that wall.
Does this count as an "early departure"?
You know, that just might be the right fit for Green and DET.
I'm closing this one. Feel free to carry on in the all new "Fetch's Random Musings" thread.