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The Sicatoka

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    A hidden bunker deep under Ralph Engelstad Arena

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  1. There's a reason one group picked the Minnesota side.
  2. Every school's situtation is different. I don't know the best path for UND on this one; so many scenarios and moving parts.
  3. "With anticipated declines in funding due to decreased enrollment, we are carefully navigating how to balance our resources while positioning NDSU for future growth." - excerpted from email from Dr Cook to the NDSU campus last week Opting out means no roster caps and thus not cutting 65 walk ons (per Fargo Forum) who are paying full tuition and could just disenroll and go elsewhere compounding the existing situation Cook references.
  4. Someone saw this and said I was wrong, so, - 5x5 zone entry is two-man force on the right wing side - PP zone entry is two-man iso on left wing side Been like that since Gino. Biggest innovation in years is the PP 'puck drop' attack ... leading to two-man iso on left wing side. Watch closely and I'm right 80+% of time.
  5. The game has changed. UND's systems have not.
  6. Tonight, CAR@BUF 3rd period BUF: 0 shots on goal BUF: 1 goal scored A goal on 0 SOG! McLeod had empty net and Burns chopped his stick in two. Referee awarded goal. The awarded goal completed McLeod's first career hat trick.
  7. https://www.google.com/search?q=michigan+vs+washington+national+championship&sca_esv=7eb926410e39e903&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS929US929&ei=rb2HZ7ehDK6Dm9cPytW8-AY&oq=washington+v+michigan&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFXdhc2hpbmd0b24gdiBtaWNoaWdhbioCCAIyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyDRAAGIAEGLADGEMYigVI1h5QAFgAcAN4AZABAJgBAKABAKoBALgBAcgBAJgCA6ACCpgDAIgGAZAGCJIHATOgBwA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  8. He looks like the mascot.
  9. One can not destroy that which does not first exist.
  10. You're killin' me ...
  11. Borrowed from elsewhere: FBS->FCS transfers (sorted by destination school): https://herosports.com/2025-fbs-to-fcs-transfers-bzbz/ FCS->FCS transfers (sorted by destination school): https://herosports.com/2025-fcs-to-fcs-transfers-bzbz/ FCS->FBS transfers (sorted by original school): https://herosports.com/2025-fcs-to-fbs-transfers-bzbz/
  12. The most important question: Why are Schmidt's kids all named after US Presidents?
  13. You can't be serious: https://us.thefirstyears.com/
  14. Darnold cost himself $30-40M in just two weeks. Vikes gonna Vikes.
  15. Given that is 75% what remains, don't pull a hammy making a stretch prediction like that.
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