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The Sicatoka

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    A hidden bunker deep under Ralph Engelstad Arena

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  1. https://x.com/darrendreger/status/1899496973113147802?s=46&t=w6SNtLC6_RTUAb-VeXN0CQ
  2. https://x.com/darrendreger/status/1899496973113147802?s=46&t=w6SNtLC6_RTUAb-VeXN0CQ
  3. Ain't free agency great.
  4. Pitch six figures (or more?) at me and get out your Crayolas and color me Deep Gone.
  5. Don't tease me with such elusive dreams..
  6. I proudly advocate for Minto North hockey but only if they coop with Ardoch and Pisek.
  7. Does Kunz show up to play or to just shove around little 22 and 26. Will Perron maintain possession and not be a turnover machine. Someone please hypnotize Swanson to believe this is stilll the USHL so he returns to that level of play. We're "offensively challenged"; more 9 and less 8 even if it makes 35 more nervous.
  8. I still say the staff is due for a radical generational shift*. That used to be KG, but he's already mid-40s. It ain't Dane. Simmer still needs time and was a weak attempt at the move. Even 40-ish Smaby may not be the reset needed, but I'd listen. It may be time to look to some of the 2016 alumni who've built resume (St Clair, Chyzyk). Before you say it, yeah, Chyz is more front office guy; but, that's very needed in today's college sports (portal, NIL) landscape. *see coaches at DU, Augie, et al
  9. Blais and Hak got out after about a decade. Gino should have. Is Brad listening?
  10. Brad Berry is a pocket passer, 3-4 D, coach, in a dual threat QB, 4-2-5 edge rusher world.
  11. Girl. FIENDS? Known a couple ...
  12. The 20 game is without pay.
  13. EWU is and was a mess outside of Chaves, not because, according to relatives in that region. He got out when he could.
  14. I hear it and I hear ...
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