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Would Grand Forks like a "free" privately funded new hospita


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All they ask for is a tax abadement like they give many new businesses like the Canad Inn.

Tax money that wouldn't be there otherwise and will generate millions of dollars in the future for the city in tax money along with more (higher) paying jobs.


Betcha this vote passes easily in Fargo....yet some people wonder.


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Can you say M-O-N-O-P-O-L-Y??

The number of quality doctors who have left Altru in the past few years is in the upper double digits. Ever wonder why they left?

I would say that climate in Grand Forks might be one of the issues.

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That vote made no sense to me.

Would the city rather have the land sit empty and generate zero tax revenue?

Doesn't the city already have an empty piece of land that they were going to build a ware house for Amazon on?

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It seems to me that in a town with a university that produces health care professionals, giving more of the graduates a reason to stay in North Dakota would be a good thing.

Why must you always use logic? It's more fun for Grand Forks to shoot down things like this and then wonder why young people don't stay after graduation.

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will they build it anyway ?

Does altru's Emergency room need competition ? yes but they already have that

will I go there ? (probably not as Altru is where our coverage says we have to go)

"Build it and they will come".

I think Altru does need the competition, and yes I would go there. I have already followed my Dr., that used to be at Altru, to the Aurora.

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I would say that climate in Grand Forks might be one of the issues.

That may be true for some of the defectors but many have left the Altru system to become independent (which is damn hard when you're not getting referrals) and have stayed in the community or have moved to other communities within driving distance of GF or have joined the Aurora group or the EGF group.

I know this group is aware of this but there are still some altruistic (sic) folks out there who believe medicine is a 'calling' like the ministry. Sorry to disillusion anyone, but it's become an 'anything for a buck' enterprise.


Altru doesn't want anyone cutting into their profits!!!

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I was just in Altru ER this past week. Just needed to go to urgent care, but they just brought me back to ER. I inquired about urgent care, but all I was told was that someone has to bring you back to urgent care. That wasn't an option when I went in there.....and it wasn't anything serious that needed to be in the ER, but I couldn't make it into the DR during the day, as I am out of town. I know for next time I will definately be going to Aurora urgent care.

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I was just in Altru ER this past week. Just needed to go to urgent care, but they just brought me back to ER. I inquired about urgent care, but all I was told was that someone has to bring you back to urgent care. That wasn't an option when I went in there.....and it wasn't anything serious that needed to be in the ER, but I couldn't make it into the DR during the day, as I am out of town. I know for next time I will definately be going to Aurora urgent care.

I'm not impressed with Altru's ER. My son was a patient there a couple months ago, and after partially treating his injury, they forgot about him. He finally disconnected himself from the blood pressure machine and went out to the desk, where the nurse was on the phone. He asked if they were done with him, and without breaking stride, or conversation, she waved him off, and nodded her head.

It's a good thing I know how to change a dressing, because they gave him no instructions on how to do it.

Good news is...the end of his finger is still attached.

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The highly respected Tu-Uyen Tran of the Grand Forks Herald writes his own blog The City Beat where he expresses his opinions.

The City Beat still can't believe the council would vote "no" on the tax break like that when there's been such a howl among voters for more "choice."

First, Altru will have to figure out why it's pissing so many people off. At first, I thought that the complainers were just a few dozen cranks. But then more complaints rolled in and, as I talked to my friends about the issue, I found that many didn't care for Altru either.

Me especially don't like Eliot Glassheim.

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They will build despite the tie vote. There has been WAAAAAYYYYYY too much planning already done on this project to let it hinge on a tax abatement vote. If they were planning on breaking ground next month, I would gather all they need is some signed contracts from the (already on board) construction team.

They have the support of the community... they'll build it.

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They will build despite the tie vote. There has been WAAAAAYYYYYY too much planning already done on this project to let it hinge on a tax abatement vote. If they were planning on breaking ground next month, I would gather all they need is some signed contracts from the (already on board) construction team.

They have the support of the community... they'll build it.

If you're right and they build they did get one thing from the city commission vote:

They owe the city commission nothin'.

They can do their thing their way.

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  • 3 months later...


According to a source, the Aurora Hospital will soon be built in the burgeoning Aurora Medical Park on Grand Forks' south side. Forget about the fact that the Grand Forks City Council declined to grant them a tax break a few months back. Apparently, the Aurora group decided that their inability to secure a tax break from the city wasn't a good reason to scrap their plans.
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