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Fighting Sioux vs. Minnesota Game Thread


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If you are looking for enlightenment, I would clearly state, as I did previously, that the Gopher game plan was a perfect way to shut down the top Sioux line and we were unable to mount any kind of successful attack with lines 2-4.

Precisely. Minnie's game plan, and it was telegraphed in the media, was to shut down DOT and go from there. Unfortunately, the rest of the Sioux lines didn't step into the gap like they have recently. If Michigan follows the same game plan, and the boys don't respond, it's going to be short trip to Denver and they can shine their clubs up, and plan Toews and Oshie's alcohol-free going away party.

As for the whining about Minnesota "fans", I've seen the same stupid conduct by Sioux fans too. Including this one at some points in his undergrad career. Get over it.

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Welcome to the board Sioux Addict. I hope you stay around but you're gonna need some thick skin.

I have similar beliefs/feelings as you and from time to time have tryed to express those but have never had anyone back me and have only been shot down as not a real Sioux fan. Understand something - - it is group think here - you must hate anything to do with the Gophers; fans, players, ex-players, coaches, announcers - - you must be convinced there is a conspiracy against our Sioux by the NCAA, the WCHA, the referees, and others. I know there are a lot of us out there who don't believe this, but very few who voice this opinion on this site.

In my opinion, we are on the cusp of acting just like SCSU or Duluth who are infatuated with the Gophers and their whole season revolves around the goings on with them.

My God - - I thought it was a great game last night and remember thinking at the end of the third period that it would be sad that anyone had to lose this game. I wasn't happy we lost, but I didn't think we played as badly as most want to say. I thought the effort was there. Is it possible Minnesota just outplayed us last night ? NO, it was because of bad calls, luck, etc. Damn - we sure look stupid sometimes with what is said on this site and we think the Gopher fans are arrogant and lacking hockey knowledge.

I thought it was a fantastic game (except for the winning goal - wish Wheeler played in green!), and a good time to meet the Gophers at the top of their game, since we're likely gonna play them next Saturday, in region finals!

I just don't have time to "hate the Gophers," I'd much rather spend time here ENJOYING everything Sioux! Leave the Gopher-bashing to NCAA wannabees, like SCSU and UMD! The ONLY thing I want from MN is to keep developing hockey stars, like Oshie and the Parises, that choose the tradition of Sioux hockey en route to NHL!

Does anyone have a link to TV coverage of regions? I doubt that Columbus, OH cable will cover UND/UM/MI/AF regions..... Any live internet feeds??


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Agree on the booing deal with SiouxAddict, it was not mean-spirited. I don't think the game had the flow that the SCSU game had on Friday, but you do speak the truth as far as it being a good game.

I think it was frustrating that the Gophers were talented enough to not let our boys play our game. I think MN clearly wanted that game and came out and gave it their all. I don't think our guys lacked in effort, i think that the Gophers just had the right game plan and frustrated us, and they clearly have some top-end talent and were able to win in the end.

There was a post about Hakstol talking to some parents, any word? What is described sounds like an injury that would require medical attention. Not good at this time of year if we lost someone.

GroupThink, eh? I didn't know that I was being judged on my posts. I thought it was sort of fun to talk about wins and wallow in self-pity with others following losses. Hating the Gophers is fun for me, It doesn't occupy my life. It is fun to rip on them. As stated before, being in their city, this is the only forum for me to find any other anti-Gophers. I have posted a lot today, because my girlfriend is out of town and I am hung over. Killing time and having fun.

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I haven't seen the Gophers willing to hit in so long I'll take what I can get. They have all the 6+ footers and rarely choose to bump anyone.

They don't do a lot of the big flashy open-ice hits, but along the boards they do a nice job of leaning, bumping, pressuring D. Created a lot of turnovers this weekend that way.

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I think MN did alter its PP early in the game. MN needs its d-men to run the PP and UND did a nice job of pressuring the points and forcing the puck low where MN is not nearly as comfortable. To counter MN snuck a guy into the high slot which forced UND to sag back some from the MN points. Didn't result in any goals but did allow MN to control the puck more while on the PP. That's what I think I saw. :blush:

Hey, we saw the same PP adjustment. What I was surprised MN didn't do was to take advantage of the 3x2 down low. We were getting drawn quite high on the PK...

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I have similar beliefs/feelings as you and from time to time have tryed to express those but have never had anyone back me and have only been shot down as not a real Sioux fan. Understand something - - it is group think here - you must hate anything to do with the Gophers; fans, players, ex-players, coaches, announcers - - you must be convinced there is a conspiracy against our Sioux by the NCAA, the WCHA, the referees, and others. I know there are a lot of us out there who don't believe this, but very few who voice this opinion on this site.

In my opinion, we are on the cusp of acting just like SCSU or Duluth who are infatuated with the Gophers and their whole season revolves around the goings on with them.

Plenty of us don't hate Gopher fans, don't think the refs have it in for us, or any of that nonsense. Since we don't have much to say in those conversations, we don't post in them. By posting and complaining about other people's posts, you're actually keeping that discussion going! The last 10 pages of crap in this thread is the back-and-forth between you guys and those people. If you'd just let it go, it would go away quicker. Posting in it bumps it to the top.

If you want to have discussion about Porter, Finley, recruits, how Michigan looks, etc..., join one of the dozens of other threads that has received traffic today or start your own on any topic of interest. Complaining that threads about a Gopher vs. UND championship game contained some anti-Gopher smack after a loss demonstrates unrealistic expectations.

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Well, I WAS at the X, for all 5 games! And yes, I saw alot of sloppy drunks, and more wearing maroon/gold than green, but there were plenty of abusive loud-mouths on EACH side of the cheering aisle. And WTF was with the Sioux fans wearing the Holy Cross jerseys? What're they, nine years old? I was actually only embarassed that the same people, holding up letter cards ended up spelling "H-O-L-Y-C-O-R-S-S." If you're gonna dis the opponents, at least make sure you're not too drunk to SPELL! (Inside, I did enjoy the joke, tho!)

You seriously think "the Sioux players dogged it all game?" "MTU and Wisconsin?" What color is the sky in your world? The Sioux played a damned fine game, and except for some dumb penalties, made VERY few mistakes! This was a hard-hitting, fast paced game, between 2 legendary rivals, with 2 VERY good teams!

Admittedly, the Gophs had to play their best (except for the 0-for-8 PP, that is!) to beat the Sioux, but DO NOT compare this weekend's Gopher team to the one playing when we swept them at Mariuchi - during the couple of months after Christmas, EVERY team was able to beat them, but they seem to have found the grit they had during the early season, and I think they can play with anyone right now. And the Sioux have gotten guys back from injury, and gotten someone besides the DOT line to play hard and score. The finals at Denver should be a VERY good game, between, arguably, the 2 best teams in college hockey!


I seriously don't think the Sioux played that well and if they would have gotten some shots on goal it would have been a different game I don't think Frazee was all that sharp. I think the UND's Goaltending was really good this weekend. Redwing_77 is having a cardiac arrest as we speak. I think even the sure handed Bina and Chorney played poorly on Saturday night. I don't think UND has to live in Fear of Michigan or Minnesota they just need to shut their mouths and play hockey. Way too much smack talk on the ice last night.

Edited by Goon
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Without reading the whole thread...

The hand pass in the UMtc zone by Erik J. resulted in a penalty. Had to have a friendly discussion with the Gopher fan sitting next to me (very nice guys, got along with them well the entire series) about that. They were POSITIVE that you can do that in your own zone. Still argued the point after the penalty. Geeze, that hand pass was equivilent to a throw from center field!

Who was right, the refs (and me ;) ) or my neighbors.

I only ask, because of the questionable calls there have been all year from our fine, upstanding WCHA officials. :blush:

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Without reading the whole thread...

The hand pass in the UMtc zone by Erik J. resulted in a penalty. Had to have a friendly discussion with the Gopher fan sitting next to me (very nice guys, got along with them well the entire series) about that. They were POSITIVE that you can do that in your own zone. Still argued the point after the penalty. Geeze, that hand pass was equivilent to a throw from center field!

Who was right, the refs (and me ;) ) or my neighbors.

I only ask, because of the questionable calls there have been all year from our fine, upstanding WCHA officials. :blush:

I would like to say I met some great Minnesota fans, and a couple idiots. The great Minnesota fans tell me they met some great UND fans and a couple of idiots... :blush:

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Without reading the whole thread...

The hand pass in the UMtc zone by Erik J. resulted in a penalty. Had to have a friendly discussion with the Gopher fan sitting next to me (very nice guys, got along with them well the entire series) about that. They were POSITIVE that you can do that in your own zone. Still argued the point after the penalty. Geeze, that hand pass was equivilent to a throw from center field!

Who was right, the refs (and me ;) ) or my neighbors.

I only ask, because of the questionable calls there have been all year from our fine, upstanding WCHA officials. :blush:


One can "hand pass" in your defensive zone but one cannot grasp the puck and carry it or throw it. Right call was made and he could have gotten two more for thowing like my mom. ;)

Man I hope my mom doesn't read this board.....:blush:

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Without reading the whole thread...

The hand pass in the UMtc zone by Erik J. resulted in a penalty. Had to have a friendly discussion with the Gopher fan sitting next to me (very nice guys, got along with them well the entire series) about that. They were POSITIVE that you can do that in your own zone. Still argued the point after the penalty. Geeze, that hand pass was equivilent to a throw from center field!

Who was right, the refs (and me ;) ) or my neighbors.

I only ask, because of the questionable calls there have been all year from our fine, upstanding WCHA officials. :blush:

I believe that the rules state that you can swing at the puck, in your defensive zone, with your hand. You CAN'T grab the puck with a closed hand and throw it like a baseball, like Erik Johnson did. That was a dumb penalty at ANY level of hockey! For a #1 NHL pick, the St. Louis Blues have to have shuddered when they saw "their guy" pull a bone-headed move like that, in a game of that importance! And from what I've read, he'll leave MN for the Blues after NCAA finals. What a doofus!

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One can "hand pass" in your defensive zone but one cannot grasp the puck and carry it or throw it. Right call was made.

So wouldn't that make her wrong if you can hand pass, which you can, and that was what she was arguing? Penalty was called due to the grasp, which was obvious how he picked it up and than threw it. :blush: I still can't believe the look he gave the ref afterwards, like he didn't know that. :blush:

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One can "hand pass" in your defensive zone but one cannot grasp the puck and carry it or throw it. Right call was made and he could have gotten two more for thowing like my mom. ;)

Man I hope my mom doesn't read this board.....:blush:

LOL - yep, for a guy his size, he sure can't throw! My guess is that MBL passed him over in THEIR draft!

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So wouldn't that make her wrong if you can hand pass, which you can, and that was what she was arguing? Penalty was called due to the grasp, which was obvious how he picked it up and than threw it. :blush: I still can't believe the look he gave the ref afterwards, like he didn't know that. :blush:

Yes, she was wrong - the penalty was "delay of game," NOT "hand pass."

And Johnson was a moron for not knowing that - makes you wonder if the guy is really ready for NHL duty, doesn't it?

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I believe that the rules state that you can swing at the puck, in your defensive zone, with your hand. You CAN'T grab the puck with a closed hand and throw it like a baseball, like Erik Johnson did. That was a dumb penalty at ANY level of hockey! For a #1 NHL pick, the St. Louis Blues have to have shuddered when they saw "their guy" pull a bone-headed move like that, in a game of that importance! And from what I've read, he'll leave MN for the Blues after NCAA finals. What a doofus!

Didn't the NCAA modify the rule after the ME-DU championship? I seem to remember a DU player throwing the puck out of his zone in the waning seconds of the game. Then again....I can barely remember how many Black-n-tans I had last night. :blush:

EDIT: I know about the delay of game call.....he should have gotten an addtional two for thowing like my mom. ;)

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I had a great time at the F5. It was wonderful meeting so many SS.com members in person. It felt like I was meeting old friends again. As you may have guessed, I can handle myself pretty well around fans 'from the other side'. Some of them are probably complaining about that obnoxious woman in the Holy Cross jersey who danced with the Gopher band all around the concourse. Oh well, I didn't get food thrown at me this year, that's a good thing. ;)

After the lose (it still hurts), many Gopher fans going up the stairs (our seats are the first 8 on the aisle) stopped and shook our hands and said, 'Good game'. I was impressed.

There were four idiots across the aisle from us that scared my daughter in law. They kept yelling stuff at her. She said she was amazed at the hate just because she was a Sioux fan. She had the aisle seat. Phats traded places with her and those Goof fans calmed down.... somewhat.

Thanks to our boys for a great week-end. IMHO, Philppe should have been MVP of the tournament.

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Obviously to pick up the puck that way you'd have to close your hand and that's a penalty.

Johnson also threw his stick in the world juniors game against Canada. Toews scored on the resulting penalty shot.

How did they say it in Bull Durham? Million dollar arm and five cent head?

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Anybody find out what happened with the fans in the two sections by where the Zamboni came out. There was a HUGE comotion there for a while, a few fans got kicked out and then a few minutes later some other guys got kicked out. There was a big group of Sioux fans right above the Zamboni ramp, a couple of them got kicked out. It looked like they were having a damn good time the whole weekend though.

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I haven't been following this thread but here are my thoughts.

Phil big saves, but weaker goals.

Lee: Played physical at times (good), got burned a few times (bad).

Overall team effort: Solid

When did Lee get beat? If your referring to the last goal, there was nothing that he could do.

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Yes, she was wrong - the penalty was "delay of game," NOT "hand pass."

And Johnson was a moron for not knowing that - makes you wonder if the guy is really ready for NHL duty, doesn't it?

So I should have said he cant 'pick it up and throw it.' The other guys was the one that yelled at the ref and said he could hand pass it in his own zone. I dont know that I called it a hand pass, but I did say I didnt think he could do that. Either way, it just was a dumb move.

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