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SIOUX @ DU - Round 1


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we didnt go DOWN, we went UP to tie for 11th, we were at 12, thats with the .003 bonus, so we gained a bit losing, dont ask me how, just dont...


Yes and no. We are tied for 11th and win the tiebreaker on RPI with BC. But we are now winning 13 comparisions vs. 14 prior to tonight. Means we are getting closer to 13th. Need to stay in the top 12 as that should pretty much get us in the NCAA tourney.

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We were outshot in this game nearly 2 to 1 (42-23). It'd be interesting to know how many scoring chances the Pioneers had compared to the Sioux. I'll bet it was close to 2 to 1 as well. With all the odd-man rushes we gave up, it's borderline amazing we were even in it.

The Sioux better play much better Saturday night, or it might get ugly.

Now we are preaching to the Choir, I agree with you. It was a bad effort tonight all around except for the D.O.T. line.

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we didnt go DOWN, we went UP to tie for 11th, we were at 12, thats with the .003 bonus, so we gained a bit losing, dont ask me how, just dont...


Yeah, the 12 slot included the bonus points. The 11t does not. We're probably further down the list when all the bonus points are added up. Doesn't matter either way if they just win tomorrow night and then go from there. You're right...this season is far from over.

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We were outshot in this game nearly 2 to 1 (42-23). It'd be interesting to know how many scoring chances the Pioneers had compared to the Sioux. I'll bet it was close to 2 to 1 as well. With all the odd-man rushes we gave up, it's borderline amazing we were even in it.

The Sioux better play much better Saturday night, or it might get ugly.

UND's shot total has become a pretty telling statistic in their past four games - starting with the third period of the Saturday Mankato game. If we could get our shot totals up we just might play with the puck in the opposition's end for a little longer and consequently lower our shots against. The best defense is sustained offensive pressure, and we've had trouble generating and sustaining offensive pressure with 3 out of 4 of our forward lines.

It also seems like we're flubbing up plays in our own zone way too often, giving the opposition second opportunities to sustain pressure in our zone and generate scoring chances.

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Yeah, the 12 slot included the bonus points. The 11t does not. We're probably further down the list when all the bonus points are added up. Doesn't matter either way if they just win tomorrow night and then go from there. You're right...this season is far from over.

.003 bonus we are tied for 11th


whatever, just win saturday...

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UND's shot total has become a pretty telling statistic in their past four games - starting with the third period of the Saturday Mankato game. If we could get our shot totals up we just might play with the puck in the opposition's end for a little longer and consequently lower our shots against. The best defense is sustained offensive pressure, and we've had trouble generating and sustaining offensive pressure with 3 out of 4 of our forward lines.

It also seems like we're flubbing up plays in our own zone way too often, giving the opposition second opportunities to sustain pressure in our zone and generate scoring chances.

Someone mentioned earlier that we've been getting too pretty with the puck and with our shot selection. That's only going to work with the skill of the DOT line. Even there the pretty play can be way over used. Lines 2-4 just need to get the puck on net and look for second and third chances.

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There's not a fat lady in the corner yet. one thing very troubling tonight was the inability of the 3 other lines to generate any offense. i think we all saw 3 of the prettiest goals you'll see at this level but still lost the game. one line and a bunch of muckers limits your margin of error as you get into playoff games. the last two years it's been the sucess of the 3rd and 4th lines that lead to FF teams. tonight we didn't have 2 lines. get 'em tomorrow!

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no frowns, no upside down frowns....no whatever. Im basically showing now feeling at this point in the season. Lammy played great, for the most part( Their first backhanded goal was nice, but lammy probably thought no way in hell this guy would get a shot off so he played it soft). Lee blew a play or two, so did jones, letting the player sneak in from the outside. BUT WHATEVER..

Its been a rollercoaster year, and im almost exhausted :lol:

Its time for nature to run its course. As much as I pray for one more home series(playoffs), I guess I at least hope for a sioux team to go deeper into the post season more than anything. Best of luck tomorrow boys! Play solid. FOR 60 MIN! :D

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Ouch, that loss stung. Denver gets that puck luck against the Sioux again. I would like to see some demons exercised tonight and get a win against the Pio. And, as the youngsters say these days, that move by Oshie was sick!

Don't stew, Sioux. It's not over yet. Tied for 11 in PWR, and playing well. A convincing win tonight and all will be right in the world.


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Ouch, that loss stung. Denver gets that puck luck against the Sioux again. I would like to see some demons exercised tonight and get a win against the Pio. And, as the youngsters say these days, that move by Oshie was sick!

Don't stew, Sioux. It's not over yet. Tied for 11 in PWR, and playing well. A convincing win tonight and all will be right in the world.


tied for 11th with the bonuses? That's amazing to me.

With the bonuses, I figured we'd be either 13, 14, or 15th in PWR.

I'm taking it that the MSUM and UMD wins helped us. The MTU win helped us standings wise but not TUC wise? I'm probably mixed up so wrong as usual.

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I didn't see the game last night because of another commitment (Make-A-Wish Kaeroke)...however, I'm not surprised at the loss. My buddy who was at the game called me and told me that with the exception of the DOT line, they looked at bit slow, etc.

The Sioux have not had an answer to Denver's center-ice trap since the loss in the West Regions a few years ago. To beat the trap, it is essential that the Sioux have players (namely defenseman) that can carry the puck through center ice or make crisp, tape-to-tape passes once they are past the red line. I can only think of two such defenseman... Denver is simply stepping up defensive pressure in the neutral zone and forcing a pass that is picked-off at center ice. The shot totals from last night bear this out. You don't get many shots on net when you don't possess the puck in the offensive zone. On the other hand, Denver gets lots of shots and odd-man rushes because the Sioux forwards are always behind the play when the pass is picked-off at center-ice . Again, I didn't see the game but if it went like those of the recent past, it probably looked like the above.

To win tonight, the Sioux will need to be more aggressive and take a few more risks at center ice. Heck, a turnover is a turnover. I'd rather see something different than a picked-off 80 foot cross-ice pass. Of course, if they are going to cross the red line and dump it in, they better damn well win the race to the puck.

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I didn't see the game last night because of another commitment (Make-A-Wish Kaeroke)...however, I'm not surprised at the loss. My buddy who was at the game called me and told me that with the exception of the DOT line, they looked at bit slow, etc.

The Sioux have not had an answer to Denver's center-ice trap since the loss in the West Regions a few years ago. To beat the trap, it is essential that the Sioux have players (namely defenseman) that can carry the puck through center ice or make crisp, tape-to-tape passes once they are past the red line. I can only think of two such defenseman... Denver is simply stepping up defensive pressure in the neutral zone and forcing a pass that is picked-off at center ice. The shot totals from last night bear this out. You don't get many shots on net when you don't possess the puck in the offensive zone. On the other hand, Denver gets lots of shots and odd-man rushes because the Sioux forwards are always behind the play when the pass is picked-off at center-ice . Again, I didn't see the game but if it went like those of the recent past, it probably looked like the above.

To win tonight, the Sioux will need to be more aggressive and take a few more risks at center ice. Heck, a turnover is a turnover. I'd rather see something different than a picked-off 80 foot cross-ice pass. Of course, if they are going to cross the red line and dump it in, they better damn well win the race to the puck.

I agree with you. Some things TH mentioned is that UND seemed to slow down at the DU blueline and that made things easier for DU.

Defensively last night, we didn't play too terribly. We got burned 3 times on risks when players fell down but they only converted on one of them. Lee is capable of making those crisp outlet passes and I believe Chorney is too. Chorney also showed he can keep control of the puck when he isn't falling down. Lee nearly sprung Oshie (I believe) on a crisp pass but it was just out of reach of Oshie. Since I listened to the radio, I couldn't tell if Oshie slowed down or the aim was off or it got tipped slightly.

We whiffed A LOT during the second and third periods, sometimes when we were on one of our few odd man rushes.

And our OT performance last night was just plain abysmal. To be honest, I don't think our OT performances this year have been all that good. Only DU has been able to capitalize on it though.

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Need To Stay The Course & Once Again Keep The Faith

I will be the first to admit that the OT goal last night hurt. But, we can't forget the run these kids have made since Christmas break.

Too many people on this board are too concerned with what happened in the first half of the season. Do any of the posters on here coach hockey or any other sport?

I doesn't make any difference what you to at the start of a season. Just ask Lucia and the Goph's last year and it's looking alot like the same this year for Gopherville. Teams, organizations are built on climbing the pyramid throughout a season or fiscal year. The Sioux did lose some tough games early on but they've learned from those lessons and move forward. People on this board must move forward.

Reasons for last nights luckluster at times effort:

Denver is called the "Mile High City". Why? Because it's exactly one mile high above sea level. People here in the Midwest have no clue what elevation does to the human body. I coached and played in the Pacific NW and can tell you it takes your body more then one day to adjust to the effects of elevation. I realize the Sioux leave early on Wednesday mornings when they play in Alaska and they should do the same for series in Colorado.

The air is thinner which thins your blood. The recovery time after a shift is alot longer then playing at 1,000 feet in GF. Some players don't adjust well to this and maybe that is why the boys looked like they had tired legs.

Yet, no excuses.

We played good enough to win the game and simply let DU score on a goals where we simply broke down in our zone. Third goal by Punko was a breakdown back checking by Kaip. First goal was a lack of stopping a player at the "coffin corner" (5-10 feet inside the Sioux blueline on half boards) as Jones allowed the DU's Helgson to fight off the check at the coffin corner, get the puck to Dingle who shelfed one backhanded for the late goal in the first.

On the GWG in OT, you simply have to win all face-offs late in the hockey game. But credit DU for the extra effort.

We just didn't get the bounces late in the game as Oshie's blast between the legs of a DU defender jumped straight out rather then slicing in the net deep in the third.

But back to the original theme.

Posters all season long have simply been too critical on these kids. The losing streak during the first half of the season, the incident at Judy's and the such.

It's time to get behind these kids and unconditionally give them the support and spirit during this stretch run. They did it in 2005, 2006 and it's looking like the same in 2007. All the fans need to get on the "wagon" and give them the push they need.

A poster stated earlier in the year "to keep the faith." It's time that we precisely do just that.

No one feels the loss as much as these kids.

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Maybe I should head over to GPL and rile them up a bit, but the Gophers were looking like a desprate team. Even in the first period, they spent half of it in the penalty box. Then in the third period Vannelli and some others were starting fights. They just didn't look like the same team that I have seen earlier this year.

I also thought it was going to be a much rougher game in Denver by the way they were playing in the first period. Hak must have told them to play it cool. That OT loss really hurts but maybe its better our "winning streak" gets broken now so that we aren't walking on egg shells every game. Anybody hear anything more about Watkins? It looked like he took a hard hit to his leg/thigh-maybe knee. He went to the bench but a little later left with the trainer.

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We played good enough to win the game and simply let DU score on a goals where we simply broke down in our zone. Third goal by Punko was a breakdown back checking by Kaip. First goal was a lack of stopping a player at the "coffin corner" (5-10 feet inside the Sioux blueline on half boards) as Jones allowed the DU's Helgson to fight off the check at the coffin corner, get the puck to Dingle who shelfed one backhanded for the late goal in the first.

On the GWG in OT, you simply have to win all face-offs late in the hockey game. But credit DU for the extra effort.

We just didn't get the bounces late in the game as Oshie's blast between the legs of a DU defender jumped straight out rather then slicing in the net deep in the third.

I disagree. You actually contradict yourself by saying they played well enough, but "let" DU score on a couple breakdowns in our own zone. In fact, there were more than a couple breakdowns and from what I saw it could have been uglier. Most of these breakdowns were because the team wasn't moving it's feet and was standing around watching most of the game. At least they had a good view - the camera guys for FSN were making me sick with all the zoom-in shots :lol: . I also don't think getting outshot 40-something to 20-something is a good indicator of playing well enough to win.

Not to get critical of a single play, but in a game like this it's easy to do. On the GWG it looked like Fabian was in position to block the shot, but he instead elected to cheat toward the D-2-D pass, allowing the shot to get on net. It's a little thing, but it was a pretty aggressive, low-percentage play in a tight OT game.

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Maybe I should head over to GPL and rile them up a bit, but the Gophers were looking like a desprate team. Even in the first period, they spent half of it in the penalty box. Then in the third period Vannelli and some others were starting fights. They just didn't look like the same team that I have seen earlier this year.

I also thought it was going to be a much rougher game in Denver by the way they were playing in the first period. Hak must have told them to play it cool. That OT loss really hurts but maybe its better our "winning streak" gets broken now so that we aren't walking on egg shells every game. Anybody hear anything more about Watkins? It looked like he took a hard hit to his leg/thigh-maybe knee. He went to the bench but a little later left with the trainer.

who gives a ratz azz about the gophers, SIOUX WIN TONIGHT................

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Need To Stay The Course & Once Again Keep The Faith

I will be the first to admit that the OT goal last night hurt. But, we can't forget the run these kids have made since Christmas break.

Too many people on this board are too concerned with what happened in the first half of the season. Do any of the posters on here coach hockey or any other sport?

I doesn't make any difference what you to at the start of a season. Just ask Lucia and the Goph's last year and it's looking alot like the same this year for Gopherville. Teams, organizations are built on climbing the pyramid throughout a season or fiscal year. The Sioux did lose some tough games early on but they've learned from those lessons and move forward. People on this board must move forward.

Reasons for last nights luckluster at times effort:

Denver is called the "Mile High City". Why? Because it's exactly one mile high above sea level. People here in the Midwest have no clue what elevation does to the human body. I coached and played in the Pacific NW and can tell you it takes your body more then one day to adjust to the effects of elevation. I realize the Sioux leave early on Wednesday mornings when they play in Alaska and they should do the same for series in Colorado.

The air is thinner which thins your blood. The recovery time after a shift is alot longer then playing at 1,000 feet in GF. Some players don't adjust well to this and maybe that is why the boys looked like they had tired legs.

Yet, no excuses.

We played good enough to win the game and simply let DU score on a goals where we simply broke down in our zone. Third goal by Punko was a breakdown back checking by Kaip. First goal was a lack of stopping a player at the "coffin corner" (5-10 feet inside the Sioux blueline on half boards) as Jones allowed the DU's Helgson to fight off the check at the coffin corner, get the puck to Dingle who shelfed one backhanded for the late goal in the first.

On the GWG in OT, you simply have to win all face-offs late in the hockey game. But credit DU for the extra effort.

We just didn't get the bounces late in the game as Oshie's blast between the legs of a DU defender jumped straight out rather then slicing in the net deep in the third.

But back to the original theme.

Posters all season long have simply been too critical on these kids. The losing streak during the first half of the season, the incident at Judy's and the such.

It's time to get behind these kids and unconditionally give them the support and spirit during this stretch run. They did it in 2005, 2006 and it's looking like the same in 2007. All the fans need to get on the "wagon" and give them the push they need.

A poster stated earlier in the year "to keep the faith." It's time that we precisely do just that.

No one feels the loss as much as these kids.

Hockeydude please don't ever use the phrase "stay the course" when talking about Sioux hockey it sent shivers through me :D

Proudsioux you have to switch from that keystone beer :lol:

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