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Taking the statement above as the truth and combining that with the claim that this is a high school kid, I would like to know how a supposed high school student can have "several years of experience scouting amateur hockey?" How does he find the time to attend 100 games and still maintain any semblence of a normal high school experience?

To me there is a lot of good information that he has presented, I just have a hard time believing this is from a high school kid.

I saw over 100 hockey games live last year and im 20 years. I dont see it very far fetched that he did too. (Considering he is a scout for a hockey scouting service) It pisses me off sometimes that people consider someones age too heavily when they create an opinion. If you didnt know the kid was in high school you (not specificly you five hole) would have thought it was awesome...at least I know I did. (With the exception of buckysieve who doesnt like it because it has negative thoughts about Kessel...oh my :))

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Maybe this kid just has a passion for hockey and this will be his career,high schools are pretty flexible as far as schedules go now days. like I said in a earlier post maybe he wants to be a sportscaster or hockey scout after high school. Buckyseive we can have good discussions but you have to remember which board your on also. I could go over to GPL and join in the bashing thread of Ralph Engelstad but I wouldn't last very long. Boy they sure have some hatred over there(and we are the ones obsessed) :)

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'buckysieve' It's a valid question but we better not continue or Goon will call us trolls for having a normal civilized discussion.
RaynMan03 said I'am just sick of all the posts from some of the other Gopher fans on this site

I feel the same way. I know the minute someone gets out of line on GPL and they happen to be a fan from another the administrator pulls the plug on them. I wasn't responding to your last post per se, I was responding to a pattern that you have displayed in the past. I should have been more specific.

Here is some of Bucky Sieve's Work:

Example One:

Actions speak louder than words and the fact that Sioux fans, more than just a few by the way, are spending this amount of money on a Holy Cross jersey just to annoy their rival fans speaks volumes. It's really one of the strangest and most petty things I've seen from a fanbase of a proud program. Face it, Sioux fans are obsessed with the Gopher hockey program and buying these jerseys is concrete proof of that.
Example two:

You're the one who needs to get a life. TMK was privy to some information that he or she thought most Sioux fans would be interested in so he/she posted it. Instead of getting mad because you're too juvenile too accept information that you don't really want to hear, you should thank that poster for trying to give fellow Sioux fans some important info. Siouxnami, prpichrocks_19, and RMS, the same goes for you. Why get mad at someone for posting something they heard from a pretty reliable source? Accept it or not, but don't get mad at the poster who is simply trying to give you information about your favorite team....

Example Three: I guess Sioux fans can't enjoy the HC win eh?

Kinda sucks when you show your inferiority complex with your obsession with the Gopher hockey program. DaveK is exactly right. You people need help. ALL you talk about, and I mean ALL you talk about is your hatred towards Minnesota. I've never seen a more obsessed fan base in my life. Normally this type of inferiority complex is reserved for fans of SCSU or UMD, not UND. Here's a thought. Make an effort to enjoy your own team winning more than you enjoy seeing your rival losing. It might be a tough adjustment at first, but if you stick with it you might actually start to enjoy it. I know it stings a little that the Sioux aren't even worthy of being the Gophers #1 rival but you have to get over it and move on.
Example Four:

can't believe I just read THETRIOUXPER claiming he refrains from blasting players. That was a good one.

Example Five.

You're right. Nobody would've been surprised. They would've been shocked. UND had unarguably a top notch roster this year. Talent wise, it stacks up with the best. To say it wouldn't have been surprising to see the Sioux miss the top five of the WCHA is laughable. Quit sandbagging to make it look like the season went better than it did.

In conclusion maybe troll is a little harsh but, I think my question had a little merit to it.

Edited by Goon
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In conclusion maybe troll is a little harsh but, I think my question had a little merit to it.

It would have had the post you responded to been worthy of being labeled trolling. People should spend more time responding to what was actually written than the source, lest we all have every poor choice of words from our past continually held against us. That this is a site geared for UND fans is irrelevent given it's a public forum, as long as a post is respectful, thoughtful and falls within the forum rules.

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It would have had the post you responded to been worthy of being labeled trolling. People should spend more time responding to what was actually written than the source, lest we all have every poor choice of words from our past continually held against us. That this is a site geared for UND fans is irrelevent given it's a public forum, as long as a post is respectful, thoughtful and falls within the forum rules.

Well said. Thank you.

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Settle down people. It's always nice to have people from different teams with different opinions on things. Just because they're a Gopher fan with a different opinion doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to post here or are trying to troll. I hate how now everyone is labeled a troll. I'll probably be labeled a troll by someone for this post. I know some of them are trying to troll, but I think Slapshot, WPoS, Buckysieve, and a few others aren't trying to troll. It would be very boring if everyone on here agreed with everything that was said....

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Settle down people. It's always nice to have people from different teams with different opinions on things. Just because they're a Gopher fan with a different opinion doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to post here or are trying to troll. I hate how now everyone is labeled a troll. I'll probably be labeled a troll by someone for this post. I know some of them are trying to troll, but I think Slapshot, WPoS, Buckysieve, and a few others aren't trying to troll. It would be very boring if everyone on here agreed with everything that was said....

I have to admit that last week I finally had a look at their GPL site and now I understand why the poor wretches come here. About only one third of the topics/threads have anything to do with college hockey let alone their own team. Most of the topics are also negative and hate filled. So cut them some slack because where else can they go to find knowledgeable fans that will provide them with credible and accurate WCHA info.

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THis is quickly becoming a gopher board. Could just as well read USCHO. Not worth the time here any longer with these gopher flamers. I've had enough

I am going to have to agree with Sprig.

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I agree with both Goon and Sprig this is still Sioux Sports.Com last time I checked. Try goe over to Goopher puke live and get on the UND appeal denied and try to post a different view. As far as there are concerned we have a arena built by a Nazi we have no class or morals. I don't have problems with different views just don't come on here holier than anyone and try to tell us were petty,jealous or not your biggest rival. Who cares what kind of jerseys we buy or who else we root for.

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I agree with both Goon and Sprig this is still Sioux Sports.Com last time I checked. Try goe over to Goopher puke live and get on the UND appeal denied and try to post a different view. As far as there are concerned we have a arena built by a Nazi we have no class or morals. I don't have problems with different views just don't come on here holier than anyone and try to tell us were petty,jealous or not your biggest rival. Who cares what kind of jerseys we buy or who else we root for.

I just came from that thread and nothing could be further from the truth. There are a few unecessary Nazi references in that thread, but there are plenty of posters like chitown_Gopher that seem very open to the idea that UND should not have to change their name. Even at uscho most Gopher fans agree that UND is in the right and the NCAA is not.

Although I think the hockey rival-ry has been much better between UM-UND of late, the simple truth is most Gopher fans agree the UM-UW rivalry is more heated because there's simply more to it than hockey when UM and UW square off. You'll just have to get in line with all the other Gopher haters. ;):)

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It would have had the post you responded to been worthy of being labeled trolling. People should spend more time responding to what was actually written than the source, lest we all have every poor choice of words from our past continually held against us. That this is a site geared for UND fans is irrelevent given it's a public forum, as long as a post is respectful, thoughtful and falls within the forum rules.

If that's the case, then why didn't goon cite the buckysieve gem that called all Sioux fans "cousin loving hicks" or something of that sort?

Sorry, I think both sides are wrong in this assessment. I think Gopher fans are just as guilty of name calling and pettiness as Sioux fans on this site. When Sioux fans, not just the antagonistic ones, cite time and time again that the Gopher poster is wrong, the Gopher poster still gets upset and start saying demeaning and hurtful things. When that happens time and time again, what's to make those antagonistic ones (and the rest of us alike) believe that the others are anywhere close to being anything different?

You enjoy the Gophers. Great. Don't you even suggest that you don't find even a MORSEL of enjoyment every time the Sioux lose. And should the Sioux lose to a team the caliber of Holy Cross, I'm POSITIVE you'd have whole threads on GPL and USCHO dedicated towards laughing at us. And you know what? We'd PROBABLY deserve the ribbing too. buckysieve thinks we are backwards hicks who sleep with our cousins/sisters/relatives. HOW is that not conducive towards labelling whatever the rest of what he has to say from then on as irrlevent? And this is especially after I specifically asked him to rescind that statement and apologize to the rest of us who didn't antagonize him?

Yeah, I've agreed with my fair share of Gopher posters here. I've even gone far enough to hold some of them in very high esteem. However, when they say something we don't like it's one thing, but when they say something that we don't like because it is worded in a defamatory manner towards the Sioux players, UND as a school, or its fans, then why in the HELL are you Gopher fans so offended when some of the more confrontational Sioux fans strike back?

buckysieve has yet to rescind that statement, and I doubt he ever will. He now calls all of us "backwards." I personally resent being called backwards or a cousin-loving hick. I HATE being lumped into a pile and labelled. And, if that's the only thing Gopher fans are capable of doing on this site, then I hope Jim seriously considers making this a private forum and kicking ALL of the Gopher fans off of this site. Not because all of you are bad people, but moreover, to keep the bad eggs from your side of the river from poluting the waters. Then, when Jim is asked about it, or if other Sioux fans are asked about it, we can use broad generalizations to classify all Gopher fans too.

These arguments are like 5 year olds searching to take advantage of each other by telling on each perspective's parents. The Sioux fans going on talking about whatever and prodding the Gopher fans (usually by talking about Kessel or laughing about certain aspects of the Gopher program) and the Gopher posters either outright responding to such prodding or sifting through the masses and making assumptions about this and that and generally searching for stuff they can find offense with (the whole Holy Cross thing). Get over yourselves. Both sides.

I'll remind you all again:

Sioux fans: We are hosts here, though that entitles us to a broader breadth of what we can say, it doesn't mean we can be altogether rude.

Gopher (and other teams') fans: You are guests on this site. What is said may be inflammatory, petty, or utterly disagreeable to you. Live with it or don't come here. As guests you are expected to act with respect to the Sioux posters and the site admin for the only reason that you are guests here. You don't have to like everyone here. You just have to respect us at least in the barest of definitions.

Jim runs this place well and I'd hate to see this site become another Gopher and Sioux bashing place.

END of lecture.

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If that's the case, then why didn't goon cite the buckysieve gem that called all Sioux fans "cousin loving hicks" or something of that sort?

I think you missed my point. All I said was the post Goon replied to wasn't a troll post and that every error each of us has made in our past needn't be thrown back in our face every single time we post something with which someone else disagrees. I'm not sure how that incited such a long-winded retort. I would have to hope your post wasn't directed at me. I'll assume it doesn't because I imagine Jim would have booted me by now had I been guilty of the named transgressions. ;)

If anyone of us - myself included - posts something deserving of ridicule than by all means, let me/us have it. But simply offering an opinion that is not inflammatory, deragatory, disrespectful, rude, vulgar or whatever adjective you want to apply, there's no reason to accuse the person of trolling simply for not being a Sioux fan and for posting something we don't want to hear.

And since you mentioned Jim, he himself defended buckysieve in this particular instance, so I'm not sure where you're coming from. If bucksieve posted something that was unnecessary I have no problem seeing him called out, but is there any point bringing it up if the more recent post in question was so completely unrelated?

I imagine cooler heads will prevail here - I don't see any reason to elevate the tone here or anywhere. :)

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buckysieve has yet to rescind that statement, and I doubt he ever will. He now calls all of us "backwards." I personally resent being called backwards or a cousin-loving hick. I HATE being lumped into a pile and labelled.

I always laugh when I hear people from the Twin Cities say that about people that live in North Dakota. Funny there seem to be a lot of Minnesota plates in our state come hunting season. I actually think the Literacy rate is higher in Iowa and the Dakotas than it is in Minnesota. But that is another point.

Personally I came from Minnesota and the only relatives I have in North Dakota are the ones that I inherited at marriage, most of them are smarter than the idiots that level these charges.

That being said I guess we have beaten this topic to death. Anyone want to talk about something else now?

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Aaaaahhhhhh. ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Any news on the NHL draft here of late?

Slappy. What about Jack Johnson? If he goes high in the draft, do you think that his handlers will want

him in Lucia's system, or will they give Donny a thanks, but no thanks kiss, and send Jack to different, and maybe greener, pastures?

BTW I'll take North Dakota brains over Minnesota brains any day. After all, we do grow sugar beets, and Gophers are largely corn farmers. Of course, what with the energy crisis, maybe the corn farmers are due for an upswing of fortune. That will, likely if we are lucky, raise their level of class and taste as well.

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Slappy. What about Jack Johnson. If he goes high in the draft, do you think that his handlers will want

him in Lucia's system, or will they give Donny a thanks, but no thanks kiss, and send Jack to different, and maybe greener, pastures?

Jack Johnson plays for Red Berenson. ;)Erik Johnson on the other hand, I can

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Erik. That's right. Me bad. Not knocking Da Donny's success, but like all coaches, he can maybe ruin guys as well as he can maybe make guys. They all come in with boatloads of ability. Where they take it from there is as much coaching as it is desire. And, a good coach can, and will, instill desire. Some kids have it. Some don't. Why risk an injury or a shot, if the shot presents itself? Being a big bruising defenseman is a bit different than being an upfront skills player. College hockey suits one a lot better than the other.

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I always laugh when I hear people from the Twin Cities say that about people that live in North Dakota. Funny there seem to be a lot of Minnesota plates in our state come hunting season. I actually think the Literacy rate is higher in Iowa and the Dakotas than it is in Minnesota. But that is another point.

I think you

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i think we can all tell it is the off season with no hockey to spout about. this site is great and all sorts of fans make this site great and interesting as long as they do REALIZE that this is siouxsports and not gophers or whatever other teams fans represent. jim does do a hell of a job with this site so lets all do our part and not come within 1 million miles of USCHO because that site is horse sh%$ and is pure garbage. there are 2 things good from that site and that is the score update page for results and DIRTY (DIGGLER) getting suspended every once in a while for great smack talkin;)

the personal bashing is a bit much and i have done some myself so i will refrain unless prevoked of course then it's on like donkey kong and we can settle it another way ;)

to all gopher fans who post insightful stuff here, you know who you are: you guys are our biggest rival and there is no disputing that. just save us the garbage bull sh%$ that sioux fans are obsessed with your program and so forth, if you are 1 that thinks this then please just get over yourselves 1st and step down from the KING THRONE as you guys put your pants on just like the rest of the peole in the world. and also save me and many others the crap the you guys are better because you live in the cities, does that make me better since i live in just as big of a city, fkn stupid azz comments and total busch league and whoever does say stuff like that deserves a azz kickin. also both teams fans are always interested in eachothers team no matter what anyone says. hell i check out GPL for gopher news but DO NOT post because just like here, most of the GOPHER fans will flame you right off the board even if you make a normal post talking about hockey or anything else so deal with it if fans dont look through your maroon and gold glasses. there is always a few bad apples of course so they seem to ruin it for others just like the old saying goes with dumb and insensitive comments but what can you do :)


back on topic a little

1. e johnson (goes pro, physically ready, thats why he goes and toews stays depending on the team that takes him)

2. toews (playmaker)

3. staal (big time talent like toews and kessel)

4. kessel (cant be on the board any longer than this with his skill)

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Honestly after the first pick(basically 95% sure it will be E. Johnson.), the next 4 picks could go in any order of Toews, Kessel, Jordan Staal(Peterborough of the OHL), and Nicklas Backstrom(Swedish Elite League). Any of those players can go anywhere from 2-5 IMO. I do think however that Pittsburgh will draft either Kessel or Toews with the 2nd overall pick. They already have 2 centers who are very elite at their positions in Crosby and Malkin. And most people agree that either Kessel or Toews will have the easiest transition to winger.

Here's how I think it will go come draft day:

1. St. Louis Blues-Erik Johnson(USNTDP)

2. Pittsburgh Penguins-Phil Kessel(Minnesota)

3. Chicago Blackhawks-Jonathan Toews(North Dakota)

4. Washington-Jordan Staal(Peterborough-OHL)

5. Boston Bruins-Nicklas Backstrom(Brynas-SEL)

That is just my opinion, and it could definetely change, in fact I'm guessing it won't turn out that way. But It was just a guess.

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To me the Kessel thing is a pure ?. I think he is hands down the most raw talented player, BUT what a gamble. The EJ commentary surprises me a little. Like some scouts have said, "Toews is a safe pick."

This is not me trying to be a homer BUT...

1) Toews - Why, because I am a homer. Actually, because St. Louis undoubtedly has alot of respect for how UND develops players for good reason. AND, because they need offense more than defense. AND, because Toews made more progress in the last 6 months than anyone else.

2) EJ - The Pens have a ton of offesnive talent. EJ fits in where they need help. Plays at UMTC next year.

3) Stahl - Kessel would be the better pick, but Stahl has the successful brother factor. If there is any way to screw up this pick Chicago will find it. They can't make a good pick 2 years in a row, can they?

4) Kessel - A steal at this spot. If he reaches his potential, he is the best player in the draft hands down.

5) Frolic (sp) - I'm loving that European vibe.

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To me the Kessel thing is a pure ?. I think he is hands down the most raw talented player, BUT what a gamble. The EJ commentary surprises me a little. Like some scouts have said, "Toews is a safe pick."

This is not me trying to be a homer BUT...

1) Toews - Why, because I am a homer. Actually, because St. Louis undoubtedly has alot of respect for how UND develops players for good reason. AND, because they need offense more than defense. AND, because Toews made more progress in the last 6 months than anyone else.

2) EJ - The Pens have a ton of offesnive talent. EJ fits in where they need help. Plays at UMTC next year.

3) Stahl - Kessel would be the better pick, but Stahl has the successful brother factor. If there is any way to screw up this pick Chicago will find it. They can't make a good pick 2 years in a row, can they?

4) Kessel - A steal at this spot. If he reaches his potential, he is the best player in the draft hands down.

5) Frolic (sp) - I'm loving that European vibe.

Sorry but I completely disagree with most of this. First of all, no way will Toews be picked first. Teams with the first overall pick will pick someone who has the most potential, which is Erik Johnson or Phil Kessel. If Toews would be first I would be very surprised. And IMO absolutely no way will Frolik be a top 5. He only had like 2 goals this season in his league and was outperformed by Tlusty who plays on the same team and is draft eligible also. I think Frolik will slip out of the top 10 actually. I think Backstrom will round out the top 5.

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As for Lucia's system working, I disagree with Vanek. A lot of Sabres fans say he's lazy and has no heart. They also say his defensive game has shown absolutely no improvement since college. They're worried about him. He has been a healthy scratch many times this postseason. I guess we'll see how he turns out in the years to come.

Earlier this year it was speculated around here that Vanek had in fact improved defensively. Primarily due to his getting away from subpar coaching at the "U".

Vanek has plenty of heart as do most players at the NHL level. What Vanek doesn't have is that all around game. If he isn't scoring there are plenty of other guys who can "not score" and play much better defense. The lack of scoring is why he is sitting, not any of the "heart" or defensive problems.

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