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  dakotadan said:

University of North Dakota Fighting Frito Banditos?!?!


Drop the Frito, put bullets in his ammo belts and there you go!! The North Dakota Banditos although as an off spring of the Martinez clan, I would prefer, the Fighting Martinez'. All six of my uncles had big bushy mustaches and were a rowdy, bunch of guys who loved to mix it up at every opportunity. They worked hard and played even harder! I have great memories of those big burly guys who loved all of us to pieces and made us feel as if we were the most important people in the world. I never heard them complain or whine about injustices to the the Mexican American's in this country. They went out and actually worked their butts off to improve their lives and the lives of their off spring. Lables, names, mascots, cartoons, bigots did not govern our lives.

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Once again, GK rears his ugly "separate is equal" theory when it comes to society today. Like it or not, you're part of the United States of America, GK.

However, I'm hoping you can lobby to defect from the union since you appear to support your own independent government. I think it's a great idea. Then the United States can hammer out some trade agreements with your new country. And since you're no longer part of the union, the University of North Dakota could keep its nickname and you could protest diplomatically thru your country's embassy in Washington DC. It's a win-win situation for all of us.

It sure seems like you wish to separate your culture from the rest of the United States and leave evil whitey behind forever. What a novel idea. Purify the race! Now that I think about it, all people of brown color can unite like you wish and you could kick all the Jews, Catholics, and homosexuals to the curb. Wait a second...kinda sounds a little like Hitler, doesn't it?

Reverse racism is still racism, GK.

  MafiaMan said:
Once again, GK rears his ugly "separate is equal" theory when it comes to society today.  Like it or not, you're part of the United States of America, GK. 

However, I'm hoping you can lobby to defect from the union since you appear to support your own independent government.  I think it's a great idea.  Then the United States can hammer out some trade agreements with your new country.  And since you're no longer part of the union, the University of North Dakota could keep its nickname and you could protest diplomatically thru your country's embassy in Washington DC.  It's a win-win situation for all of us. 

It sure seems like you wish to separate your culture from the rest of the United States and leave evil whitey behind forever.  What a novel idea.  Purify the race!  Now that I think about it, all people of brown color can unite like you wish and you could kick all the Jews, Catholics, and homosexuals to the curb.  Wait a second...kinda sounds a little like Hitler, doesn't it?     

Reverse racism is still racism, GK.


MafiaMan, wait, wait, I'm brown, I'm Catholic, I buy my liquor from a Jew and I'm sure homosexuals live in my neighborhood! Please, don't make me go away, I promise to be good.


It was always my understanding that schools named their teams after something that was significant to their culture, something they were proud of. Why is that being considered a racist? No, I am not Native American, I am very Norwegian. I have never once thought about trying to force the Minnesota Vikings to change their name because it was racist against Scandinavians. I remember watching the news when there was a protest at UND regarding the name several years ago and only a handful of Native Americans showed up. I know when Native Americans feel strongly about someone or something they show up in full force. My sister works in a hospital and when one member is in the hospital the entire family is there. I

  norwitch said:
It was always my understanding that schools named their teams after something that was significant to their culture, something they were proud of.  Why is that being considered a racist?  No, I am not Native American, I am very Norwegian.

I think maybe UND should go to the Norsk or Vikings of all the scandinavians that live in the state of ND. It seems appropriate. I know we do have a good number of Norweign students that study at our university.

??? wow...I don't even know where to begin...there are so many threads that I have comments on, but unfortunately...some of this is getting ugly. I say if changing to "Proud Sioux" or "Mighty Sioux" isn't good enough...providing we are still trying to work it out with the Tribes...then get on with it. Go to court and what ever happens, happens. The 15 minutes of fame...and you know who you are..will be over...and what will have changed for the people we are supposedly exploiting? Maybe we should check with the ACLU, NOW, NAACP, NRA, DNR, PETA, NGP, Rainbow Coalition, PBS, UNICEF, NATO, and any other organization that will complain for some reason...we could become the "Neutral Non-Offensive People"...hard to put on a jersey and not very intimidating! I just wish that little old white me...who may be ignorant about Tribal customs and culture...(and which nobody except for one poster tried to use this to educate me on why this would be so difficult for NA's to accept.. the other obviously NA poster has been the most racist poster)...had someone to blame every hardship in my life on...oh yeah...that's right...I'm "blonde and blue eyed" (and mostly German for that matter) what would I know...I have no problems! :blush::blush:
  GrahamKracker said:

That last quote is highly offensive, so I kindly as Mr. GK to edit this post and remove that last statement. If not possible could the mods please do it for GK.


I reread it. You're right cheppi.

But he is a liberal. When liberals start losing the battle, or when ever everyone gangs up on them, they do start name calling.

In all fairness, it isn't just GK who does it. Look at Washington.

I find it very sad that he is calling people deadbeat dads or bastards. I may disagree with GK in most of what he says, but I don't believe he's what he name-calls us.

  SiouxMeNow said:
its exactly because of individuals like you that i'm willing to throw my Sioux jersey on the fire..but I suspect you'd LIKE THAT!!  SO I won't....just to piss you off...


I double dog dare you.....lol. But that's what its come down to. This entire university has your attitude towards the name. "Just because you want the change, I don't want to change because you will win. So I'll fight you to the end." But in the long run, this University is the entity that will have to pay for that attitude. Not you, not me, this University. Not even Kupcake because he blames the SBHE, and just tonite the SBHE was quoted on the news saying that this University is in control of its own destiny w/ the logo, so who really is in control? Ralph from the GRAVE? lol (what sucks is I'm probably right about that)


You seem to think so, GK.

You seem to think that the only thing that is holding the Sioux tribes down is our nickname.

But hey, I'm not going to name call. So I deleted the post.

  redwing77 said:
You seem to think so, GK.

You seem to think that the only thing that is holding the Sioux tribes down is our nickname.

But hey, I'm not going to name call.  So I deleted the post.


Yeah, I deleted the fatherless kids post...uncalled for, lets stick to the facts.

Who's holding us down? We are coming along just fine, with or without your whopping $20 bucks you throw down in the casinos....lol

Why, when your an Indian, you have to represent the entire Indian population? But if your Caucasian, you only have to represent yourself?

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