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Maybe the rest of the group can reign him in.

I'd be careful, remember lakesbison sent him an email from a fake account saying "you'll feel the wraith" and ol' Al sic'ed the ND state police on him.

Granted, he sent the email right after Giffords was gunned down...that probably had something to do with it.

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so your just a bunch a contrarian people with bad attitudes ?

No. We are able to see that Al Carlson and several others are using the controversy over changing the UND nickname to accomplish a totally different agenda. And they are willing to allow damage to be done to UND in order to accomplish that agenda. We have made a significant investment of time and/or money in the University, and have a deep attachment to the University. Therefore we want to limit the damage as much as possible, and we want to allow the University to move forward as quickly as possible.

You and several others seem to have based your whole being on a sports team nickname and logo. Not even on the success or failure of the team, just on the nickname and logo.

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No. We are able to see that Al Carlson and several others are using the controversy over changing the UND nickname to accomplish a totally different agenda. And they are willing to allow damage to be done to UND in order to accomplish that agenda. We have made a significant investment of time and/or money in the University, and have a deep attachment to the University. Therefore we want to limit the damage as much as possible, and we want to allow the University to move forward as quickly as possible.

You and several others seem to have based your whole being on a sports team nickname and logo. Not even on the success or failure of the team, just on the nickname and logo.

This is what I said along time ago while the rest of you were supporting him. Well at least until you found out what he was doing would hurt UND.
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This is what I said along time ago while the rest of you were supporting him. Well at least until you found out what he was doing would hurt UND.

I don't think very many people around here supported Clueless Al since we all knew the shiat storm that would result.

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This is what I said along time ago while the rest of you were supporting him. Well at least until you found out what he was doing would hurt UND.

Don't lump all of us together. I fought the law during the session last year, including sending emails to legislators before they voted and talking to local legislators on a 1 to 1 basis while they were back for a couple of forums. And several others on this forum also were against the law from the beginning.
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You snooze, ...

They should be prepared to go before the NDSC already. Weren't they there (and lost) a couple months back?

PS - I don't think the court is tipping it's hand. It's just playing from the ace down the hand full of trump it holds. ;)

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You snooze, ...

They should be prepared to go before the NDSC already. Weren't they there (and lost) a couple months back?

PS - I don't think the court is tipping it's hand. It's just playing from the ace down the hand full of trump it holds. ;)

The other message is that we're not going to waste any time. Everyone should have known this is coming so let's get it done.
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House Republican majority leader Al Carlson says the lawsuit also challenges the Legislature's power to regulate North Dakota's higher education system. He says the Legislature needs to defend its own authority in the case.

So the ND SBoHE suing to keep the Legislature's own last action in tact is somehow challenging the Legislature's power?

Is uproarious laughter allowed in the NDSC chamber if the justices are the ones laughing?

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So the ND SBoHE suing to keep the Legislature's own last action in tact is somehow challenging the Legislature's power?

Is uproarious laughter allowed in the NDSC chamber if the justices are the ones laughing?

He has also said that questioning the constitutionality of a law is wrong if it is the will of the people, and by that he meant that 16,000+ people had signed a petition.
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And I'm sure the Court isn't happy to see the SL C.U.R. group back there ... again ... after having been sent packing last time.

And they had a much better lawyer representing them too. It doesn't take that long to put together a brief, especially since the state has already mapped out their case.

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He has also said that questioning the constitutionality of a law is wrong if it is the will of the people, and by that he meant that 16,000+ people had signed a petition.

Apparently "will of the people" gets short shrift in his concept of representative democracy which put Clueless Al into office in the first place, and was in full force over the summer/fall.

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So the ND SBoHE suing to keep the Legislature's own last action in tact is somehow challenging the Legislature's power?

Is uproarious laughter allowed in the NDSC chamber if the justices are the ones laughing?

I think you've made the point that if this law is ruled unconstitutional then so is the repeal law. I think you've read the briefs, or at least know of the SBHE's argument, which is that control of the nickname belongs to the State Board rather than the legislature. Whether you like Al or not, he is absolutely correct in this position---a ruling in favor of the SBHE constricts the legislature's power over North Dakota's universities. It ain't just about the nickname legislation; it's about how the precedent of this case will affect the constitutionality of future legislature. That is why the legislature has an interest in this case, whether or not they voted to repeal the nickname law.

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