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Media Stories on the Sioux Name


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Here's Little Nikki's same tired, old screed. I guess recycled shiat passes for creativity these days. :glare:

Little Nikki's Whine

Seriously, did the Sioux hockey bus run over Nick's dog several years ago after a road-trip to Mariucci? The guy writes a column every week it seems opposing the Sioux nickname.

If Nick is so concerned with social activism in Minneapolis/St Paul, perhaps he can ask casinos why they have no problem picking up the elderly and the poor and giving them bus rides to casinos so they can spend their very last dimes.

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Seriously, did the Sioux hockey bus run over Nick's dog several years ago after a road-trip to Mariucci? The guy writes a column every week it seems opposing the Sioux nickname.

If Nick is so concerned with social activism in Minneapolis/St Paul, perhaps he can ask casinos why they have no problem picking up the elderly and the poor and giving them bus rides to casinos so they can spend their very last dimes.

Well-meaning opponents of the Fighting Sioux nickname are no doubt in agony; pleading with Nick to get off their side.

taz mystified that Coleman has this Strib gig

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Did anyone happen to catch Josh Elliott on ESPN radio yesterday around 4? VERY anti-nicknames. He went on and on about how he had talked to his "three Native American friends" and that after much persuasion, they came up with a consensus that all nicknames should be dropped because it is not the "place for white people to be honoring" Native Americans. He was very insulting to people that had the opinion that was not the same as his. Seemed to be awfully bitter.

Here is the link to ESPN Radio. I think you need to be an InSider to hear archived shows, but it would be worth it to hear yesterday's show.

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Salon is nothing more than a on-line left wing rag. As Hak says, "it is what it is".

That letters section is a real piece of work. I especially laughed at the pompous writer who pronounced that Chief is supported by no more than 70% of the people in Champaign, and "that's not good enough".

How does he know that its 70%??

And what exactly would be a "good enough" level of support? Who appointed him the judge of what's acceptable?

Finally, I'd love for this genius to tell us all what symbol he suggests as a replacement for Chief. Because I'm sure his idea would be supported by at least 30% of the population. :glare:

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Time for UND to drop its nickname

It isn't always easy to do the right thing.

Just ask the University of North Dakota, which risks becoming a national pariah because of its steadfast refusal to drop a nickname that is deeply offensive to the heritage of Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Indians.

Last November, Dartmouth athletic director Josie Harper felt compelled to apologize to her school's students for scheduling a home hockey game against North Dakota, calling the Fighting Sioux symbol "offensive and wrong."

Because of such episodes, UND's national profile is based largely on its adherence to a cartoon-like logo (red-skinned warrior, headdress, eagle feathers) that degrades Native Americans in a state that should know better.

Is there a logo that is cartoon-like that UND is using? Does Stu know who designed the new logo?

"Sioux" is a derogatory term derived from a French word meaning "little snake," and it's made worse when placed in a combative context.

Research and truth are lost with today's media. Instead of taking this common fallacy at face value, do some research and find out that Sioux=snake is not true.

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This article is an example of the ultimate hypocrisy. He mentioned all the bad things about how the word Sioux is offensive. Yet he apparently forgot to mention he lives SIOUX Falls. Maybe he should write an article and start in his own back yard first before he starts pointing fingers. This joker needs to brought to task on this. We should actually thank him for reminded us about the double standards that are taking place in our society.

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As the university seeks a replacement, it knows some candidates will have radically different views on this issue. Kupchella embraced the nickname only after late UND benefactor Ralph Engelstad threatened that changing the name would cost the school its $85 million hockey palace, which is festooned with Fighting Sioux symbols.

What a tool. :lol: This guy can't even get his facts straight, It's a $100 plus million hockey palace.

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The main thrust of his article- that the Sioux name is likely to be a detriment to UND during a D-I move- right or wrong- is correct.

I thought that the main thrust of the article was the UND is being immature in Stu's mind, because the name hasn't been changed yet. Everyone else is changing, why haven't you type of mentality.

He spent very little time discussing the name being detrimental to the move to D-I other than saying UND would lose out on some $$ from the Big 10 schools refusing to play UND in sports other than hockey.

I liked Sica's post. A columnist in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Classic.

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In the interest of perfect accuracy-Chief Illiniwek has always been male.

That's fine, but it's not the point. The current Chief Illiniwek that the University of Illinois abandoned is white and male. My blog addressed what the Chief is now, not what he's been in the past.

And to say that Chief Illiniwek has always been white is at the very least questionable IMHO.

I never said that.

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That's fine, but it's not the point. The current Chief Illiniwek that the University of Illinois abandoned is white and male. My blog addressed what the Chief is now, not what he's been in the past.

Question: if the Chief Illiniwek of 2006-07 had been non-white or non-male, would the decision announced on 2/16/07 to drop the use of the quote/unquote "idea" of the mascot called Chief Illiniwek been any different?? Would the NCAA have been more flexible?

IMHO, no.

You say it wasn't the point. Then why was it included?

I never said that.
Whether I inferred it or you implied it, "a dancing white male mascot" was written. Everyone here is free to read your original blog-and the comments here-and decide what it means to themselves: the current person, or the larger concept of the "mascot" in its entirety.

My interest here is merely historical accuracy.

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Here's my response to Coleman's column.

Trading free expression for empty symbolism

PCM, well said. I did send an email to Little Nikki, which certainly didn't have your eloquence. I did question his credibility, and pointed out that UI has done nothing to show UND anything. At best, they are now on the same basis as UND from a logo/mascot perspective. At least I managed to not use any four letter words and did not question his heritage.

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PCM, well said. I did send an email to Little Nikki, which certainly didn't have your eloquence. I did question his credibility, and pointed out that UI has done nothing to show UND anything. At best, they are now on the same basis as UND from a logo/mascot perspective. At least I managed to not use any four letter words and did not question his heritage.

The Star and Sickle evidently does not publish commentary about Coleman's article. I am sure other people responded, as I did, and did so respectfully, even though his tirade was hardly respectful. I thought that "Der Stuermer" had ended publications 62 years ago.

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