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UM @ UND (Saturday)


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I've had a bit more time to adjust to Saturday. Here's a more well-rounded perspective.

Goofs clearly came out with their A+++ game, and the Sioux were clearly not ready to handle that. Defensively, they looked like they wanted to take the puck away more than stopping UM with the body. It didn't work.

Offensively, the forwards overplayed the puck all night. It was very frustrating to watch UND get caught with all three forwards hovering around the UM blue line, whilst a Goofer would steal the puck in the neutral zone and move in with odd-man rushes against one or two defensemen. The Sioux never got any momentum offensively because the passing was the worst I've seen in a long time. Passing drills anyone?

Briggs played a very good game Saturday. However, he was not tested much. 23 shots? Not good enough to win in the WCHA.

Sioux need to play physical defense and shore up the passing/neutral zone play. They have the experience and talent to be a very good team, but they looked lost out there last weekend.

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A little historical perspective, for those who are wondering "what's wrong with the Sioux".

... November 1996, at Mariucci, Gophers 10, Sioux 3. 

We know who got the last laugh that year.  I think this year will turn out the same.

Stuff happens.  What's important at this stage of the season is how the coaches and team react to a little adversity.


Agreed. Nothing could be more irrelevant than a #1 ranking in October. I'm looking for improvement from here on out. I think the guys that are saying they didn't know how to react to the new rules are somewhat accurate, but I said earlier that the big problem was a complete lack of intensity which translated to no transition, poor passing and pass selection and too many turnovers.

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I posted this at USCHO. Thought it belonged here too.

Random thoughts after this weekend

1. Sioux forwards look like they've never played defense before. Can someone say backcheck. Heck can someone say forecheck.

2. Sioux defensemen looked like they were afraid to touch anyone on Saturday and continue to have a tough time with the breakout pass.

3. Ryan Potulny is a stud.

4. The young Minnesota defense didn't look like freshman. I kept wondering who this Peltier guy was.

5. Tallackson's tip-in to start the second game was a great deflection.

6. Briggs looked much better than I remember him from last year.

7. Now I know why I have started to dislike Lucia more and more: After this quote in the Star Tribune: "Isn't it funny that whenever there is a fight North Dakota is one of the teams involved?" Lucia said. I think Don should meet Brad Berry in the alley.

8. I hate the scheduling with 10 teams. Heck Duluth only plays North Dakota twice and Minnesota twice. That sucks.

9. Is Wisconsin really this good? Oh that's right. Mercyhurst and Tech. Never Mind.

10. Does all of the pessimistic UND talk end if they were to beat BC and Northeastern this weekend?

11. That was a good old fashion butt kicking on Saturday night. Minnesota kicked North Dakota's ass.

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As to the rules and calling the games, I'd just like consistency: Consistent from night to night (and how about period to period too).

I saw a lot of the new strict enforcement get let go on Saturday. That's not consistent.

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7. Now I know why I have started to dislike Lucia more and more: After this quote in the Star Tribune: "Isn't it funny that whenever there is a fight North Dakota is one of the teams involved?" Lucia said. I think Don should meet Brad Berry in the alley. 


I was thinking the exact same thing!

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7. Now I know why I have started to dislike Lucia more and more: After this quote in the Star Tribune: "Isn't it funny that whenever there is a fight North Dakota is one of the teams involved?" Lucia said. I think Don should meet Brad Berry in the alley. 


I was thinking "The Don" might like to discuss this issue with Cary Eades, myself.

:silly::lol: Anyway, I could care less what Lucia thinks of our program. I'd rather the coaches and players stick to their own knitting, and figure out what they need to to do to get to Columbus in April ... besides checking Hotwire for cheap flights. :D

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"In hindsight I wish Coach would haved started Lammy on Saturday night. Brandt proved my theory that he is not menatally ready to play when he stepped on the ice. The famous puck from around the net goal happened again. I can't till this kid graduates."


I can't see how you blame this loss on Goaltending? What did Brandt do to make the team play the way they did? They were a step behind from the get-go!

My opinion, maybe if he would have gotten the "start" and not the "relief appearance"....maybe that would have inspired the team? I'm not making excuses for him as you need to be ready to go on a whims noticie.......but when we have 3 shots on net the first period? come on!

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I watched both games on TV. I thought the gophers looked pretty good both nights and the Sioux looked really good in the 3rd on Friday.


-To echo others, little Potulny is a stud.

-In addition to generally listless effort and poor passing, did anyone else think their positioning and spacing was horrible?

Please have it figured out by Bucky weekend; especially since it will be the only time I see them in person this year and I really would enjoy giving my friends a tough time (and not have to take it in return) :lol:

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have not actually seen the "incident" in question as of yet...odd MI doesn't carry UM/UND hockey games...but from what I heard it was a typical hockey fight..both sides feel their guy was the more innocent party and the other was being a jerk...both got the boot and hopefully will learn to be nicer in the future...just trying to point out tho, one man's goon is anothers fav....


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I noticed that the passing was also horrible in both games as well as in Mankato. I have a feeling this is more to do with the differences between Hakstol's system (more break-out, fly through the neutral zone) and Blais' system (control the neutral zone). The players are used to short crisp passes, not long outlet passes. This system also leads to a couple things:

1) Less shots on net (for now). As long as players are missing the long passes, there will be more turnovers resulting in less shots.

2) Less defense by the forwards. If they are constantly looking for that long pass, they are way out of position for when the puck is stolen. They have to come back a lot further, than if you just send one through the middle and two along the wings.

3) Defensemen can easily be read. Minnesota picked up on it on Saturday night. When you try for long bombs, there is much more room to step into a lane and pick off the puck. If you do short crisp passes, you cut that lane size in half and decrease the number of turnovers.

4) Many odd-man rushes against teams that have a hard forecheck. When you have 2-3 guys constantly pressuring your defense and get underneath your forwards in the neutral zone, it will usually lead to 3 on 2's, 3 on 1s, and 2 on 1s. This was the case this weekend. It lead to more shots for Minnesota and obviously more goals. However, I think the UND defense did an excellent job of shutting down all but the 3 on 2s...where MN would drop the puck to the 3rd guy in and he'd fire a shot from the slot.

People just need to realize that this isn't the same system that was in place when Blais was around, so its going to take the players time to adjust. Remember, all of the players were recruited for Blais' system. He had them hand-picked specifically to do certain things, and right now they are being asked to do things that they haven't done in their college careers.

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have not actually seen the "incident" in question as of yet...odd MI doesn't carry UM/UND hockey games...but from what I heard it was a typical hockey fight..both sides feel their guy was the more innocent party and the other was being a jerk...both got the boot and hopefully will learn to be nicer in the future...just trying to point out tho, one man's goon is anothers fav....



Yep Rory Pumelled him yard... :lol:

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Yep Rory Pumelled him yard... :lol:


Talk around the U of M hockey parents has Mrs. Vanelli unhappy about the rough play the Fighting Sioux. However, she is looking at the bright side of her boy's broken nose. She says it makes him look MORE Italian. She's got great perspective as a hockey mom. I like this lady.

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If the referee had done his job, "strict enforcement" and all, young Vanelli would have been on his way to the penalty box before the nasal adjustment was performed:

NCAA Rule 6.14b:

A player shall not intentionally place or push with the open hand on the face mask. The inadvertent or accidental placement of an open hand on the face mask shall not be ruled a penalty. PENALTY
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Talk around the U of M hockey parents has Mrs. Vanelli unhappy about the rough play the Fighting Sioux.  However,  she is looking at the bright side of her boy's broken nose.  She says it makes him look MORE Italian.  She's got great perspective as a hockey mom.  I like this lady.

I thought (read) Vanelli skated away without a scratch. Guess not.

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Talk around the U of M hockey parents has Mrs. Vanelli unhappy about the rough play the Fighting Sioux.  However,  she is looking at the bright side of her boy's broken nose.  She says it makes him look MORE Italian.  She's got great perspective as a hockey mom.  I like this lady.

Rough play? Oh no not that....

Chucko got a penalty on Sat for hitting from behind or boarding I forget which. All I know is I saw his hand with the butt end of this stick go into the upper back of the Sioux player he put into the boards. Am I naive enough to think young Chucko really buried the end of that stick in his gloved hand so it didn't dig in to the Sioux player's back.....?


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From Gopher fan...

Talk around the U of M hockey parents has Mrs. Vanelli unhappy about the rough play the Fighting Sioux.  However,  she is looking at the bright side of her boy's broken nose.  She says it makes him look MORE Italian.  She's got great perspective as a hockey mom.  I like this lady.

Funny how the Gopher parents think their kids are choir boys. I guess the cheap face washes are ok, but rough play isn't. I am sick and tired of the Gopher coach Lucy and the rest of the Minnesota rubes that think UND is a cheap team and UofM is so clean. The Gopher players ran their mouth all weekend and Rory Shut it for them. If you put your hand in another players face and give them a face wash you deserved to have your @$$ beat.

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Who's Lucy?


Sister of Sue, I believe.

Biggest regret is that Taffe was able to run and hide after every after the whistle punch to the face he delivered without ever paying for it. He never even had to serve 2 minutes in the PBox for it.

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