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Fan bus to Cincy


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Why is this all of the sudden a bad fan base if we don't go to cincy in droves? This isn't an Omaha which we knew about 6-8 months in advance. This isn't a huge hub of fan base location like Minneapolis and Denver. The only regionals that I can remember there being thousands of UND fans at were Denver and Minneapolis. Like last weeks conversation of every game being a home game, I believe that where there is a local fan base, there will be a huge draw. If there are 1000 Sioux fans at the game(hopefully games) I would be tickled green. I seem to remember last year expecting quite a bit of fans to be in Grand Rapids. There was what, maybe 200?? Flights to Denver from Bismarck are running around 200 rt right now and were in Feb too. I know quite a few who flew. I myself have my own reasons for not going, money being one of them. This does not make me a bad fan and UND's fans a bad fan base. I'm sorry that the fan bus didn't work out, but hey, maybe next time(as in 2 weeks for the natty).

No one said you or anyone else is a bad fan...easy now

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Nobody reply to this idiot now!

Pretend you seen nothing and just feel sorry for him!

Unbelievable. The NCHC tournament was just a smoke screen to come to Minneapolis, get drunk, and have some fake b00bies rubbed in his face. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he didn't even take in a game...

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I just think a lot of us know this team isn't capable of going all the way

we barely got in

why waste money on more then likely us getting one and done

that is haks fortay anyways

Truly believe that or throwing something at the wall so you can claim you used reverse psychology to get Hak to win the big one?

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With less than a week to prepare and make arrangements, the only way you will see a lot of Sioux fans at a regional is if it is within a reasonable driving distance from Grand Forks or near a large alumni base like Denver or Minneapolis. That's the way it's always been as long as I've been a fan. Nothing has changed with the fan base.

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Denver is easy? I have to find out which route you take?! 14-15 hours through SD, NE, and Eastern Colorado is not my idea of a fun day :lol:

Is one turn too much for you? No one said it was supposed to be a fun trip. But when you can set your cruise and basically fall asleep....any easier and you would be flying there. :)

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Is one turn too much for you? No one said it was supposed to be a fun trip. But when you can set your cruise and basically fall asleep....any easier and you would be flying there. :)

I prefer the scenic route of HWY 85 through the black hills. Lots of turns on that one..... ;)

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Is one turn too much for you? No one said it was supposed to be a fun trip. But when you can set your cruise and basically fall asleep....any easier and you would be flying there. :)

I would rather be winding through some mountains, lakes, trees, signs of life etc. to look at and keep me occuppied if I'm driving that far. The problem with a drive being so easily you can basically fall asleep is just that, you could fall asleep! Seriously though, I hate Nebraska after driving back & forth from school in Colorado Springs multiple times a year. The only semblance of a landmark is that random museum bridge right in the center of the state.

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I would rather be winding through some mountains, lakes, trees, signs of life etc. to look at and keep me occuppied if I'm driving that far. The problem with a drive being so easily you can basically fall asleep is just that, you could fall asleep! Seriously though, I hate Nebraska after driving back & forth from school in Colorado Springs multiple times a year. The only semblance of a landmark is that random museum bridge right in the center of the state.

Ha! That bridge is in Kearney, where I did most of undergrad. North central Nebraska is actually incredibly beautiful, with expansive rolling hills. If you cut across South Dakota part way and then drive south through central Nebraska, it's WAY better (and doesn't add much time). The Platte River Valley, through which I-80 goes, it quite possibly the most boring drive in the US.

But, if you do prefer the 'one-turn' route, sunflower seeds are your best friend. Multiple cross-country road trips have taught me that, even if copious amounts of caffeine can't do the trick, the process of breaking open the seeds is generally enough to stay awake.

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