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Ohh here comes duckies and bunnies Brian...... :p

I'm watching Blais beat Red....in a game that Mafiaman once blew for Deano in Michigan, in Red's building.

Me too-going back and forth between that and DU/WMU. 4-2 DU after two. 3-2, UNO with six minutes to play in 3rd.

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Take always from being at the Ralph last night...

Clark was very very good...minus 20+ seconds.

Rodwell played like he doesn't plan on wearing a suit again this year.

UND gets zero momentum with speed heading into the O zone. Terrible transition from D zone thru neutral zone.

Thought Chyzyk was solid w Rocco and Drake. In Hak's system he works in the corners and along walls well.

Parks wrap around goal was how officiating needs to be...just make sure you get it right.

Panz provides that much needed physicality on the blue line.

Can't get a sweep without winning the series opener...good win.

Channeling my inner Wilbur...Stecher a freshman...really?

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I'll take those words to my grave, Wilbur..."pack up the bus...we're comin' to Boston!"

Some nights, I wake up in a cold sweat to that nightmare.

Have wondered for years who's fault that loss was, and now I've known since last March. We need to keep you at home and out of the Yost arena.

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