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NDSU dance drama

The Sicatoka

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I'd just be happy if we'd beat an FBS team once, but never fear, that day is approaching. San Jose is going down next year. New coach, new attitude, new results.

Agree that it would be nice to just beat an FBS team. Not sure why NDSU football had to be brought into yet another non-football thread. No need to even check which poster brought it up...again. No UND fans should be making fun of the NDSU FBS wins...especially when we were owned by Idaho...twice.

Now, back on topic...any NDSU fans willing to defend the actions of Bresciani and Taylor regarding their Dance team???

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They love to bring up the Sagarin ratings, and see where they rank in the Big 10/SEC conferences.

And you act like UND fans wouldn't do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed? Come on! I guarantee the first FBS win that UND has will be celebrated by each and every person on this board, and it doesn't matter if it's and SEC team or a Sunbelt team it will be regarded as a huge win and a great step forward for the team. Why? Because it IS. As for Sagarin specifically, yes, it's fun to see where the computers pick us once there have been more connections made. Do we have this grand idea that somehow we will get a bowl game because of those standings? No. Let me repeat that: NO!

Do I personally think that NDSU could play competitive football with the majority of the teams in the FBS this year? Yes. Do I think they'd win all of them? No. But I don't think they'd consistently get blown out. Prior to the KSU game there were a number of posters on here stating that the KSU game wouldn't even be close, they are the returning Big12 champs, teams like that don't rebuild they reload..... etc.... Then all of the sudden a big come from behind win while grinding nearly 9 minutes off the clock against a traditionally very good FBS school is disregarded as "well, they suck this year" and that may be true, but until your team has done that against even a crappy FBS team I don't think you have much room to talk.

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Do I personally think that NDSU could play competitive football with the majority of the teams in the FBS this year? Yes. Do I think they'd win all of them? No. But I don't think they'd consistently get blown out. Prior to the KSU game there were a number of posters on here stating that the KSU game wouldn't even be close, they are the returning Big12 champs, teams like that don't rebuild they reload..... etc.... Then all of the sudden a big come from behind win while grinding nearly 9 minutes off the clock against a traditionally very good FBS school is disregarded as "well, they suck this year" and that may be true, but until your team has done that against even a crappy FBS team I don't think you have much room to talk.

You guys are completely missing the point. This started because of the preposterous column about them being a Top 25 FBS team all because they beat an average Kansas State team that is 3-4 on the year (go check out their three wins too while your at it). That is an absolutely terrible reason why they are a Top 25 FBS team. Was it a good win - yes, without a doubt. But it sure as hell doesn't make them a Top 25 team in FBS.

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Now, back on topic...any NDSU fans willing to defend the actions of Bresciani and Taylor regarding their Dance team???

As I understand it based on the very little light reading I've done on the matter:

Dance team is a club level deal, and is not part of the cheer team (anymore) by their own choosing. Now, said club is upset that they cannot perform with the cheer team at school events so they continue to petition NDSU to make an exception. President & AD are frustrated and in one email says they are "on the war path again". !@#$ gets blown out of proportion and SS.com gets a boner over an out of context email.

I think that covers it.

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You guys are completely missing the point. This started because of the preposterous column about them being a Top 25 FBS team all because they beat an average Kansas State team that is 3-4 on the year (go check out their three wins too while your at it). That is not an absolutely terrible reason why they are a Top 25 FBS team. Was a good win - yes, without a doubt. But it sure as hell doesn't make them a Top 25 team in FBS.

I'm not the one saying we are top 25 FBS. In fact MOST of the people on BV would not make that statement (the Sportswriter on the other hand did.... and we'll take that compliment all day long). Could we play with the top 25? Yes. I think we could beat a few of them even, especially on a neutral field. Does that mean that I think we're a top 25 team? No. Top 50 probably, but not top 25.

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As I understand it based on the very little light reading I've done on the matter:

Dance team is a club level deal, and is not part of the cheer team (anymore) by their own choosing. Now, said club is upset that they cannot perform with the cheer team at school events so they continue to petition NDSU to make an exception. President & AD are frustrated and in one email says they are "on the war path again". !@#$ gets blown out of proportion and SS.com gets a boner over an out of context email.

I think that covers it.

No. The Fargo Forum thought it is a front page Sunday edition story. We here just chose to talk about what the Forum covered.

Are we enjoying the circus and the documentation of how Dr. Bresciani views and treats his constituents? Indubitably.

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No. The Fargo Forum thought it is a front page Sunday edition story. We here just chose to talk about what the Forum covered.

Are we enjoying the circus and the documentation of how Dr. Bresciani views and treats his constituents? Indubitably.

Nothing else going on in UND country. I choose to use the proper name out of respect.
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Nothing else going on in UND country. I choose to use the proper name out of respect.

And there must not be anything good to talk about for NDSUAAS fans since they keep coming over to SiouxSports.com to defend their school against any perceived slight. I use the proper name, also.
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darrell, all you do is post about NDSU. I'd like to retract the earlier statement about UND having small-man syndrome. I think it's actually just you, hayduke and siouxvolley.

Since my name gets brought up:

The Gold Star Band is part of the music department, not the athletic department. By that reasoning, the Gold Star Band can't play at football games. You'll never hear Taylor suggest that, because its preposterous. He and the women's AD Dorn with Ruly behind can't stand how the dance team escaped their command and they now have a vendetta against them. An award winning dance team can't even perform at school events! Sound like the fights that the Dorn and her agenda routinely get into there.

Nice to know all is well at NDSU. The athletic department has a cancer growing on the women's side.

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It's NDSU.

Actually, per the North Dakota Century Code, Section 15-12-01:

"The North Dakota state university of agriculture and applied science must be located in the city of Fargo in the county of Cass. Wherever the term agricultural college appears in this code, it means the North Dakota state university of agriculture and applied science."

"The North Dakota state university of agriculture and applied science ... "


Reference: http://www.legis.nd.gov/cencode/t15c12.pdf?20131029205548

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It's NDSU.

Actually, according to the North Dakota Century Code the official name of the school is North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, http://www.legis.nd.gov/cencode/t15c12.pdf?20131029210109. The Century Code is a compilation of all laws passed by the North Dakota Legislature, and shows all that have been repealed. NDSU is the shortened version, not the actual full name. This has been discussed before, you really should try to keep up.
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Off topic....but I guess since it went back to NDSU football dominance....

NDSU should move up to the FBS level of college football. Really, what else do they have to prove at the FCS level? I think they'll win their third national championship in a row at the end of this season and then what? I mean a three peat at the college football level? Why not take the next step?

I think it'd be interesting to see them join the MAC. A conference they could win, while playing some non conference games against schools like Florida, Michigan, Michigan State, Baylor, etc, who like to schedule MAC schools to fill their schedule with competitive games.

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this board has small man syndrome so bad sometimes.

what's the excuse going to be in two weeks when kstate is 6-4, and their loses are to ranked texas, oklahoma, and baylor?

That game played out like you would expect an upset bid to play out. Big team comes out and scores. Later big team drops a pass in the endzone, then misses the field goal, then gives up a long TD on blown coverage, than another, then a redzone turnover. But the big team powered back in the third and fourth, just like you would expect, say, Miami to do against wake last week. Only the big team in this case was NDSU, and they looked the part all game and all year.

yeah the difference is that their teammates don't bust them out of the back of said squadcars and then everyone gets a free pass. :whistling:

Hey, folks, Check out this post.

I guess that writer wasn't correct. Alcohol doesn't make them friendly after all... It just make them drunks.

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Off topic....but I guess since it went back to NDSU football dominance....

NDSU should move up to the FBS level of college football. Really, what else do they have to prove at the FCS level? I think they'll win their third national championship in a row at the end of this season and then what? I mean a three peat at the college football level? Why not take the next step?

I think it'd be interesting to see them join the MAC. A conference they could win, while playing some non conference games against schools like Florida, Michigan, Michigan State, Baylor, etc, who like to schedule MAC schools to fill their schedule with competitive games.

The MAC has no interest. They took in UMass, and know they will either cut them loose or double down with Stony Brook and James Madison. Stony Brook has the academic credentials to get in the Big Ten if they had a stadium. Either of those two would have a bucket of interest from the MAC, while Taylor can't get a phone call returned.

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Actually, according to the North Dakota Century Code the official name of the school is North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, http://www.legis.nd....?20131029210109. The Century Code is a compilation of all laws passed by the North Dakota Legislature, and shows all that have been repealed. NDSU is the shortened version, not the actual full name. This has been discussed before, you really should try to keep up.

Well, he obviously didn't even earn a diploma at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science. Because if he did, he would see that it said "North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science".

Right underneath that it would probably say "The College of Home Economics".

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Well, he obviously didn't even earn a diploma at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science. Because if he did, he would see that it said "North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science".

Right underneath that it would probably say "The College of Home Economics".

Isn't it sad that NDSUAAS fans have to come to a UND sports forum to learn the proper name of their school?
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Isn't it sad that NDSUAAS fans have to come to a UND sports forum to learn the proper name of their school?

What does that say about the education system at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science when people that may actually have a diploma from that school can't even read it?

No wonder they lost their regional accreditation. I"m surprised that they actually got it back.

Maybe they should skip the investigation of Dickinson State University and head down the interstate to Fargo? .

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