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what do u think of the Red River KKK white out story

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  On 2/23/2013 at 11:58 PM, watchmaker49 said:

You are not making sense. Are you saying that the black community is suppose to be all fine with the klan when not much has changed in America. Example all the RWNs clamoring for Obama's impeachment?

Of course I'm not making sense to an academic type that has immersed himself in the ideology of historical ethnic grievances and how those grievances need to be inflicted on the grandchildren and greatgrandchildren of those who inflicted them.

You are advocating continued ethnic grievances and hatred. I am not. I am asking for forgiveness that heals. You have no knowledge of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is foreign to you, which makes me grieve for lack of a spiritual life.

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  On 2/23/2013 at 11:27 PM, SiouxVolley said:

My uncle was brutally handled and murdered in a North Korean prisoner of war camp largely staffed by Chinese . Another relative were brutalized by Japanese. By your academic logic, and lack of generational forgiveness, you are advocating that I should be harboring hatred toward Koreans and Japanese and Chinese.

Have you ever forgiven any one in whole life? Yeah, lets all caste stones on the people that make stupid mistakes, and never forgive them.

are the chinese or north koreans still actively torturing americans, because the KKK still exists, and does anti-black racism.

  On 2/24/2013 at 12:44 AM, SiouxVolley said:

Of course I'm not making sense to an academic type that has immersed himself in the ideology of historical ethnic grievances and how those grievances need to be inflicted on the grandchildren and greatgrandchildren of those who inflicted them.

You are advocating continued ethnic grievances and hatred. I am not. I am asking for forgiveness that heals. You have no knowledge of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is foreign to you, which makes me grieve for lack of a spiritual life.

these grievances aren't historic. Forgiveness should never be confused with acquiescence.

  On 2/24/2013 at 12:49 AM, mg2009 said:

these grievances aren't historic. Forgiveness should never be confused with acquiescence.

Robert Byrd in the Senate was a KKK member for most of his life, but never got into any trouble from the media on it, because the media liked him. These kids are getting more grief than Robert Byrd ever got, and kids are just guilty of stupidity.

So what punishment do these kids deserve? Really like to hear that.

  On 2/24/2013 at 12:46 AM, mg2009 said:

are the chinese or north koreans still actively torturing americans, because the KKK still exists, and does anti-black racism.

Good God. They are torturing millions their own people today, many of them ethnic minorities in their own countries. How ignorant can you be?

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  On 2/24/2013 at 12:55 AM, SiouxVolley said:

Robert Byrd in the Senate was a KKK member for most of his life, but never got into any trouble from the media on it, because the media liked him. These kids are getting more grief than Robert Byrd ever got, and kids are just guilty of stupidity.

So what punishment do these kids deserve? Really like to hear that.

robert byrd was in the kkk for a couple years in the late 40's and it dogged him his entire life. Every conversation about robert byrd i've ever been apart of has gone down the KKK path even if it wasn't relevant, and continues to dog him 3 years after he died. So much for forgiveness.

As for the idiots, 1 day iss and a letter of apology to the student body at both schools should be more than adequate.

  On 2/24/2013 at 12:57 AM, SiouxVolley said:

Good God. They are torturing millions their own people today, many of them ethnic minorities in their own countries. How ignorant can you be?

not a big fan of it. You'll note that we were talking about americans, and those aren't americans. China is a contemptible state, and NK is probably worse.
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Jim I see what u meant about political topics

This story has gone national there are some funny comments if u have a sense of humor

hope it was not done as racism

I think it was stupidity / ignorance - hate to be their parents if their names come out - the phone will be ringing for awhile


Considering the cloud Ralph was under for his Nazi memorabilia collections and some parties that still persists in some quarters to this day, I don't think the behavior of those little assclowns is being blown out of proportion. The last thing REA and UND need is to be further painted by the actions of some morons. Frankly, if I ran REA, I'd bar them for life.

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  On 2/24/2013 at 1:38 AM, ScottM said:

Considering the cloud Ralph was under for his Nazi memorabilia collections and some parties that still persists in some quarters to this day, I don't think the behavior of those little assclowns is being blown out of proportion. The last thing REA and UND need is to be further painted by the actions of some morons. Frankly, if I ran REA, I'd bar them for life.

Very good point. I don't know if I'd go as far as banning them for life. But, some action on the school to reprimand them appropriately is needed. If appropriate action is not taken, then any criticism of the school in general for the actions of these young men is going to be seen as justified.

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These students need to issue an apology as well as Red River high school, and Grand Forks public schools.

This has unfortunately cast a bit of a shadow over the state tournament. They are talking about it on the broadcast now. Just makes you sick.

  On 2/24/2013 at 1:48 AM, Wilbur said:

These students need to issue an apology as well as Red River high school, and Grand Forks public schools.

This has unfortunately cast a bit of a shadow over the state tournament. They are talking about it on the broadcast now. Just makes you sick.

In this information age, where anything you do can instantly be accessed by the world... (Yes, the world) ...anybody at a public event can come under intense public scrutiny. These young men are learning that their actions have consequences.

  On 2/24/2013 at 1:02 AM, mg2009 said:

robert byrd was in the kkk for a couple years in the late 40's and it dogged him his entire life. Every conversation about robert byrd i've ever been apart of has gone down the KKK path even if it wasn't relevant, and continues to dog him 3 years after he died. So much for forgiveness.

LOL...the 'we got a lotta white n****** in West Virginia' comment would have ended Byrd's career had he had an 'R' behind his Senatorial name instead of a 'D'.

  On 2/24/2013 at 2:12 AM, MafiaMan said:

LOL...the 'we got a lotta white n****** in West Virginia' comment would have ended Byrd's career had he had an 'R' behind his Senatorial name instead of a 'D'.

Many Democrats at the time supported the actions of the KKK. Republicans were considered more progressive on racial issues in those days. It shifted during the 1960s. Without the support of many Republicans the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 wouldn't have had a chance. Further shifts in progressive attitudes toward race and other social issues made many conservative "Dixiecrats" switch party affiliation, merging the Republicans with the more conservative approach toward race relations, and other social issues. This continued drastically through the 1970s and 80s. Today, the Democratic Party is seen as the social liberal party as opposed to the Republicans, who are seen as more socially conservative.

These are just historical realities. Anyone who doesn't understands these realities is embarrassing themselves by discussing them in a public forum.

Byrd, however, never switched party affiliations. Rather, he changed his mind and embraced the more liberal social views that the modern Democratic party now has taken on.

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  On 2/24/2013 at 2:37 AM, Hayduke said:

Many Democrats at the time supported the actions of the KKK. Republicans were considered more progressive on racial issues in those days. It shifted during the 1960s. Without the support of many Republicans the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 wouldn't have had a chance. Further shifts in progressive attitudes toward race and other social issues made many conservative "Dixiecrats" switch party affiliation, merging the Republicans with the more conservative approach toward race relations, and other social issues. This continued drastically through the 1970s and 80s. Today, the Democratic Party is seen as the social liberal party as opposed to the Republicans, who are seen as more socially conservative.

These are just historical realities. Anyone who doesn't understands these realities is embarrassing themselves by discussing them in a public forum.

Byrd, however, never switched party affiliations. Rather, he changed his mind and embraced the more liberal social views that the modern Democratic party now has taken on.

AT THE TIME? EMBRACED more liberal social views?

LOL...the infamous quote of Senator Byrd was from 2001, not 1967.

  On 2/24/2013 at 12:44 AM, mg2009 said:

are you trying to argue that tea-partiers (dullest party ever imo) didn't have control over their choice to be 'tea-baggers?' Even I don't look down on them that much.

You libs are too rich. So now a political movement given a sexual-slang nickname by folks on MSNBC, CNN, and other liberal media outlets is somehow IN CONTROL of the choice to be called that? HUH?

I wonder what the reaction of Rachel Maddow and others would be if Sean Hannity referred to Representative Barney Frank as a tea-bagger on tomorrow's show. The left would have a field day with the story. Chris Matthews might even get another tingle up his leg....

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What these kids did was completely unacceptable. I'd say indefinite in-school suspension until they write the letters of apology mentioned earlier. If they or their parents object to those terms then I think the school system should go forward with expulsion. Red River High school needs to have ZERO tolerance for racist garbage like this.


Their poor choice of a white out costume was hurtful to many people in our community. A few seconds or a few hours, it doesn't matter. As freshmen in high school, they should have known better. What they did was wrong, no excuses, it was wrong.. I'm sure the school and their parents will handle this properly.

  On 2/24/2013 at 3:24 PM, MafiaMan said:

You libs are too rich. So now a political movement given a sexual-slang nickname by folks on MSNBC, CNN, and other liberal media outlets is somehow IN CONTROL of the choice to be called that? HUH?

I wonder what the reaction of Rachel Maddow and others would be if Sean Hannity referred to Representative Barney Frank as a tea-bagger on tomorrow's show. The left would have a field day with the story. Chris Matthews might even get another tingle up his leg....

Where were the tea partiers when George Bush was putting two wars on a credit card while giving tax cuts to wealthy people that they didn't need and that we couldn't afford to give?

The tea party was a made-up way to rebrand the Republican party after the disaster of George Bush. It doesn't really matter what those fools called themselves. It wasn't real. It was all smoke and mirrors, LOL.

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  On 2/25/2013 at 1:37 PM, passit_offthegoalie said:

Where were the tea partiers when George Bush was putting two wars on a credit card while giving tax cuts to wealthy people that they didn't need and that we couldn't afford to give?

The tea party was a made-up way to rebrand the Republican party after the disaster of George Bush. It doesn't really matter what those fools called themselves. It wasn't real. It was all smoke and mirrors, LOL.

Well, it's a good thing Obama ended the war in Iraq immediately (oh, wait, he ended it on the exact same timeline of George Bush) and closed Gitmo immediately (as promised in his first election campaign), right? Oh, wait a second, Gitmo's STILL open?

Have you noticed that 2% missing from your paycheck now that the election is over? Boy, the Dems sure villified the Republicans ("Where is your soul?") over not wanting to pass the 'payroll tax holiday,' but then as soon as the election was over, Dems sure didn't rush to keep that in place, did they?

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  On 2/25/2013 at 1:37 PM, passit_offthegoalie said:

...while giving tax cuts to wealthy people that they didn't need and that we couldn't afford to give?

In 2009, it was estimated 46-51% of individuals and/or households filing taxes paid ZERO federal income tax. In 2011 it was reported that 47% filing paid ZERO federal income tax. Regardless of how you want to spin it, we as a nation are becoming a society of people walking around with their hands out looking for "free" stuff expecting someone else to pay for it.

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  On 2/25/2013 at 4:35 AM, Sioux-cia said:

Their poor choice of a white out costume was hurtful to many people in our community. A few seconds or a few hours, it doesn't matter. As freshmen in high school, they should have known better. What they did was wrong, no excuses, it was wrong.. I'm sure the school and their parents will handle this properly.

It was reported that theses 3 kids were freshmen. So that makes them 14-15 years old. I am not making excuses for them at all, but they are definitely ignorant 14-15 year old kids. They may not no better. Now you can blame that on their parents, their teachers, whoever. But they definitely need to get educated on the subject, which they will certainly do now.

The incident was pretty pathetic. But really to label the entire Red River Student body, fans, their alumni, or even the city of Grand Forks as people who would tolerate this kind of activity is taking it to far. These were 3 kids who did something very stupid. they are young ignorant kids who thought they were going to be funny. The fact that fellow students were the ones that forced them to take the hoods off isn't getting enough recognition. Instead of labeling the entire student body of Red River as racists, they should be commended for doing the right thing and forcing their peers who made horrible judgement to take off the hoods.

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  On 2/25/2013 at 1:54 PM, MafiaMan said:

Well, it's a good thing Obama ended the war in Iraq immediately (oh, wait, he ended it on the exact same timeline of George Bush) and closed Gitmo immediately (as promised in his first election campaign), right? Oh, wait a second, Gitmo's STILL open?

A, Good for Obama for ending the war that Bush incorrectly started. B, I think Gitmo should be closed and we should move the prisoners to Maximum security prisons in the US.

  On 2/25/2013 at 1:54 PM, MafiaMan said:

Have you noticed that 2% missing from your paycheck now that the election is over? Boy, the Dems sure villified the Republicans ("Where is your soul?") over not wanting to pass the 'payroll tax holiday,' but then as soon as the election was over, Dems sure didn't rush to keep that in place, did they?

Somebody has to be responsible and pay for the bills. The Republicans will bring us more debt ceiling crises and we will see our nation's credit rating go even lower:

The outlook on the long-term rating is negative. As our downside alternate fiscal scenario illustrates, a higher public debt trajectory than we currently assume could lead us to lower the long-term rating again. On the other hand, as our upside scenario highlights, if the recommendations of the Congressional Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction–independently or coupled with other initiatives, such as the lapsing of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for high earners (my emphasis)–lead to fiscal consolidation measures beyond the minimum mandated, and we believe they are likely to slow the deterioration of the government’s debt dynamics, the long-term rating could stabilize at ‘AA+’.

Compared with previous projections, our revised base case scenario now assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act.



  On 2/25/2013 at 2:27 PM, Oxbow6 said:

In 2009, it was estimated 46-51% of individuals and/or households filing taxes paid ZERO federal income tax. In 2011 it was reported that 47% filing paid ZERO federal income tax. Regardless of how you want to spin it, we as a nation are becoming a society of people walking around with their hands out looking for "free" stuff expecting someone else to pay for it.

Tell that to the Republican senior citizens that need medicaid and the disabled and sick and the Republican oil companies and other companies that get government subsidies and the military industrial complex taking up what 1/3 of every tax dollar you pay.

The Republicans want their free stuff too, they just don't want to pay for it. They would rather pass the blame for all spending to Democrats and just be the good guys that offer tax cuts to the wealthy that we can't afford to give.

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